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About notthatdreamy

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    Everything I do, I do for you
  • Birthday June 5

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  1. This woman has retired, pack it up y'all, let her enjoy her pension in peace
  2. LOVELY production, wish she would let someone/more someones help out with the lyricism. A bit disappointed if the lalala-part is gonna take up a lot of the song but otherwise happy and she looks so. fucking. gorgeous. in the lipsync video, my GOD this woman reminds me why I'm gay
  3. Fan meets Lana. Lana agrees to take a picture. Fan posts picture. Lana makes unnecessary, rude, passive-aggressive comment. World keeps on spinning. This random instance of bad manners does not warrant pages upon pages of discourse.
  4. This is so heartbreaking to hear, I truly hope this was just in the moment and not how she's been feeling in general. After everything she's been through, I can't blame her for feeling like this, though. I wonder if the poor quality of the new music is related to her poor mental health, these kinds of depressed and hopeless feelings can really zap your creativity
  5. That is a certainly a song that exists and I have now heard, with lyrics, melody and other components that typically make up a piece of music.
  6. Handmade Heaven was actually the song that made me a Marina fan because I saw people in Lana's Insta comments dragging it to hell for some reason, gave it a listen out of curiosity and fell in love with her stuff
  7. I have nothing nice to say about MargarineInsect so instead I will say that my girl Buy The Stars will always be famous, played her in the car for my dad and got that heavy metal man into Marina immediately, her impact cannot be overstated
  8. No thoughts head empty just Suzie Toot I've looped her three songs on Spotify for eight hours a day without breaks for five days straight and will not stop, best queen to come out of this franchise since, well, ever
  9. notthatdreamy

    Melanie Martinez

    I do agree that cohesiveness was a problem for this album, so two seperate projects would have been a good idea
  10. I've always gotten the feeling his influence is why the album is so toxic positivity and all the more honest/concerning songs were scrapped, I would not put it past him to try and control the public narrative by making her scrap the songs people could start connecting the dots from. There are still some songs on L+F that tipped me off to the fact that something was wrong but all the more concerning stuff was scrapped (Demons and Angels, Absent Love, Doubt Your Love, If It's Worth It, What I Wanna Do, Holiday to name a few)
  11. She very heavily alluded if not outright confirmed that Jack (Jack Patterson from Clean Bandit, they got together sometime after FROOT) was very emotionally/verbally abusive. (Allegedly of course in case this pathetic man is looking to sue random LB users lmao) Many outtakes from L+F and some of the songs from the album too allude to this and she made social media posts and gave interviews after breaking up with him and moving to LA where she talked about it. I'll post links if I still have them saved but if you scroll her Instagram/Twitter from the time of her LA move or read some interviews from the ADIAML promotion era, you'll probably find what I'm talking about.
  12. Literally the entirety of Salamander plays in my head in the exact way Lana reads it in the audiobook on a daily basis, especially "I love you but you don't understand me, I'm a real poet!" and "yet everywhere I go it seems there you are and there I am" "No one ever touched me without wanting to kill me" is not personally relatable to me but the way she says it stuck with me and will replay in my mind randomly but persistently, what a WAY to start off a poem. The accusatory, chilling way she ends the poem off with "He made no sense." holds so much personal meaning to me and it will loop in my head for days sometimes I have all of her poetry more or less memorized so I'll just say the entirety of Violet, she is SUCH a powerhouse of a poet and was so clearly born for it "God has humbled me down to the ground" and "Stay safe, or fucking don't" have stuck with me as concert quotes, random as they may seem to some Also very random but the whole starting speech and the ending of that recording of "Ben". Every single time I write something about/for someone I'm not pleased with at the moment, the little Lizzy constantly living in my head automatically goes "Ben's song, another try. Not that you deserve it right now, Ben, no faculties to care and all..." Just that stubborn insistence on doing all these things for the people we love and doing them well and putting your whole soul and all your effort into it even when the other person has done nothing to deserve the love and care you pour into them... It just gets me emotional
  13. My goodness some people need to lay off this woman, much as I agree with the points about her losing herself to the bubble of rich LA celebrities. She's been horribly ill for a long time and to our best public understanding, was in an abusive relationship for years and years. I don't enjoy all the directions her newer music takes and some of her art lacks soul, yes, but I really don't think we need to be this harsh on someone who has struggled this much for this long. And as much as L+F was mostly a flop, it is very clear to me that record was born out of a desperation to hide the abuse and illness she was going through and it breaks my heart that instead of seeing that album for the cry for help that it was, people just took to mocking the superficiality and subpar lyricism of it. I don't know how someone could listen to that record without getting chills from how obviously it is coming from a victim of abuse. I'm not saying anyone has to like the music but have a little grace for a suffering woman, goddamn.
  14. Henry I am fucking begging you There's pills for it if coming's hard for you
  15. notthatdreamy

    Melanie Martinez

    Actually y'all are kinda mean I gave Portals another chance and apart from a couple of duds this shit is actually so good Obviously some of the lyricism is.... yeah and the visuals are a joke but the production here is fucking magical and there's so much emotion here even if the messages are sometimes far from perfectly presented Spider Web, The Contortionist and Leeches are pure magic, Faerie Soree makes me feel so much nostalgia and Evil, Battle of the Larynx, Nymphology and Void are FUN + not a single one of the deluxe songs missed Are there far better demos and scrapped songs for this era? For sure. But the finished product is not half bad either. Or maybe I'm just easier to please. Either way, I firmly believe she's still got it, she just needs refinement.
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