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Everything posted by CHATEAU MARMONT

  1. lol i just watched it today i really liked it. its fun! i feel like the people who disliked it just didnt get the irony or just chose not to see it ill say that when i read that the movie was about 'barbie goes to the real world' i could see where it would go but it was more than that!! i got a bit emocional with the scenes of barbie thinking about the real world. this feeling was really good but it faded so quick that im thinking of watching it again so im paying attention enough to soak it and understand it idk i was so into it i wasnt expecting to end with that scene at all. i want more it was so fast for a 2hrs movie😭 thats what i want when i go to the movies not to care ab the time -even though the seat wasnt that good but i payed $8 also margot is a diva. ryan is so hot lol
  2. absolutely in love with this look its already my 2nd fav from this tour its giving honeymoon era festival tour hoping more stadium shows 🙏🏽
  3. do we have actual musicians here? i would like to know if they ever tried to replicate the chords to lana songs, especially on guitar i started guitar introduction classes Last semester and learned a few chords and other things and im trying to create a repertoire of songs i could learn, really easy songs for beginners. I thought about learning the whole sirens album cuz it feels simple but the chords i found on a website sounds diferent(?) and it doesnt tell me the playing style. can anyone help me?
  4. theres only one ... you know? jk
  5. yet ill be listening
  6. i think it could have one nomination aaaand that's it. -we know how it will end
  7. have you noticed her albums on spotify are all red?? i was listening to a song and thought wtf?? crazy promo imo
  8. https://youtu.be/vPK9UOu8hQA
  9. pretty when you cry is just so cruel like he was her world, the stars shines for him she really liked him but he only thought she was pretty when she was sad so he made her sad thats fucked up
  10. well for the first time ever theyre broadcasting on tv but only the brazil matches. its super early bc of time zones but im supporting the girlies for sure
  11. omg i just logged and found this </3 rip
  12. it would be interesting. i actually hate deluxe versions cuz why release only 3 or few songs on an already released Project? Why not just release it already?
  13. K i signed up again for the 2nd time using the link in the thread cuz im waiting for a confirmation email that it has not came yet
  14. i think thats my goodbye for twitter hope He never puts his hands on other social medias
  15. wow nice work with the thread im still surprised that she considered brazil to kick off this tour i know shes coming back soon
  16. like what os.fan stand for?? never heard this
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