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Everything posted by CHATEAU MARMONT

  1. obsessed with these
  3. was waiting for download links as well but its a huge timeline good work!!!
  4. we should move past the need for another soccial media... but they at least should come up with something """"new""" im not leaving almost 10 years of twitter -as fucked up as it is- for a new terrain of virtual relationship thats attached to my intagram life
  5. hope its livestreamed i wanna see peppers' first performance it will be iconic
  6. when she sings paris, texas for the first time in paris, france
  7. just listened to the feat. lana... lost at sea > hollywood bowl ill save a day to listen to the whole album later


    better than serpentina
  9. the fact that lana's team could have used oceanblvd for this announcement and the fact that this show came out of the blue
  10. the lack of information and mystery about this period of lana's career its so interesting to me - to see her attemps on becoming the great artist she is today is sooo inspiring
  11. she didnt get the chance to finish the shows properly bittersweet anthem must be the last mnologue 😭😭😭
  12. was it because the summertime sadness video maybe...
  13. stop correcting me about the times lana delayed its getting worse
  14. cutting off the mic was rude but shes delayed for the second festival in a row ??? just get on stage or start getting ready earlier idk its tiring
  15. I only watched a little part of the show in rio. the mic was fucked up definitely but i agree that mita was a tragedy as a whole from what ive heard from people who attended
  16. aka yellow btd red/white/blue paradise gold uv b&w honeymoon pink lust for life umm i think some sort for green-blue blue-green color cant explain nfr ocean blue cocc a fade color bb light orange ocean blvd none yet
  17. I feel personally attacked by this - but thats so true i was in a bus going to college earlier this morning singing this song while being on the verge of a breakdown (once again) i mean... 'what you doing with your life? do you comtemplate were we came from? lately weve been making out alot not talking bout the stuff thats at the heart of things...' im sick to break down and relate to this too much
  18. i think i like every song she released from btd to blue banisters.... some more than others ofc coachella is awful sorry - i like to think this one dont exist but margareth is unbearable to me
  19. this honeymoon cover is so gorgeous on a vynil i could k1ll somente for that
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