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Everything posted by Embach

  1. Seems like the only album anniversary she cares about is NFR's
  2. Her hairstylist Anna Cofone posted an Instagram story 10 hours ago where she's driving to New Orleans. It's in Louisiana, right? Lana lives there, right? Maybe The Right Person Will Stay is alive and breathing after all!
  3. Embach

    Song vs. Song

    California vs Ride
  4. This song is too powerful, I'm still not over it
  5. i know i'm exaggerating and i'm really tired as well so apologies if i sound too crazy but those 18 seconds beeping alien bubble noises at the beginning of art deco is perhaps the best scientific achievement of the 21st century, the best thing that happened to music because why the hell are they so addictive and mesmerizing to listen to. the sound is like a hypnotizing weapon, a drug, it literally scoops you to another dimension, another universe. you literally forget everything what's around you - it's like you're forgetting you're existing on earth. i have listened to this part for like over fifty times this week and i have no idea how many times i have listened to it overall. i went crazy when i heard it for the first time years back. it doesn't sound like music at all, it's so strange, it's so unearthly, but yet so beautiful and amazing, i have never listened to something like that in music before.
  6. Embach

    Song vs. Song

    Cola vs Art Deco
  7. Embach

    Song vs. Song

    American vs Cola
  8. Embach

    Lady Gaga

    How Mayhem would be in your Gaga album rankings and is it a Grammy worthy album? Like AOTY or Best Pop Vocal
  9. Lykke Li in Rick Nowels' studio earlier today (+ Rick liked the post and commented):
  10. Embach

    Song vs. Song

    Million Dollar Man vs Honeymoon
  11. The real question is if May 21st is a satire or a serious date
  12. This is your best one yet! Very gorgeous, beautifully simple but authentic! Reminds me of Honeymoon a bit!
  13. I want at least one of the songs on The Right Person Will Stay to have some unearthly sounds. Something like the first 18 seconds of Art Deco, those bubbly space synths which reminds me of Skype ringtone. Art Deco is one of her most unique songs in terms of production, when I heard this song for the first time I was flabbergasted. I need one of these moments for TRPWS.
  14. Embach

    Line vs. Line

    And there's no remedy for memory Your face is like a melody It won't leave my head Your soul is haunting me And telling me that everything is fine But I wish I was dead Dead like you Vs. We both know the history of violence that surrounds you But I'm not scared There's nothing to lose now that I've found you We could cruise to the news Pico Boulevard in your used little bullet car If we choose, Mr. Born To Lose...
  15. Embach

    Song vs. Song

    Wild At Heart vs Art Deco
  16. Well, in retrospect Ocean Blvd's short post-lead single and pre-album era was short, concrete and clear but let's not pretend that in 2022 those pre-pre-release threads after the W Magazine in May 2022 and Candy Necklace snippet in August 2022 were fillled with posts like "pls Lana do something we're bored"
  17. it so funny how almost each page of the 300 pages has had the same conversation all over again lol
  18. am i only one who doesn't really like season 3? like it's not bad but it feels boring, too slow in a way how they seem to endlessly drag the scenes (like episode 2). like nothing special is happening. only the storylines of walton goggins and jason isaacs characters seems interesting because i love lalisa's character though! also the greg part is kinda intruiging as well but like...we know who is actually is also i absolutely loved season 1 and season 2. when i started watching season 2 i thought that it's not going to top season 1 but i was wrong. it was even better and it was already fantastic from the first episode. i loved the intertwinedness of it and the fucked up characters. season 1 was funnier but season 2 was like funny-serious in a good way. it's like more twisted and dramatic. that being said, i think that i'll finish the third season when all the episodes are out. i read that 4th season will come out as well, filming starts in 2026!
  19. Embach

    Song vs. Song

    Summertime Sadness vs Swan Song
  20. Embach

    Song vs. Song

    The Blackest Day vs 24
  21. Embach

    Song vs. Song

    Wildflower Wildfire vs The Blackest Day
  22. every time i see this thread i start yawning lol. not a single bit of this has been exciting. to be honest for me an era actually starts when the single drops (maybe cotcc for me started with question for the culture). so this era has yet to begin. brightsun has dropped information stuff about other artists that later became true. i remember as a lurker when they revealed lykke li's new single name and release date in 2022.
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