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About shay

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    september virgo
  • Birthday September 2

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  1. it fully gives preschool playground fight. i dont know how they write the dumb shit they do and not cringe
  2. shay

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    sure but if she didnt promote the single or album at all and just released them people would be calling her forgettable and lazy like they have everything shes done for the past couple of years. its creative, on theme, and served its purpose. it let people know marina is releasing soon, and thats all that really matters. it is just a marketing tool. and like other people have mentioned, the caterpillars are optional to take.
  3. shay

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    cuz we kill spiders and step on ants every day her handing out caterpillars is not as bad as people are claiming it to be
  4. cactus if you were a lamp what would you be
  5. shay

    Song vs. Song

    The Blackest Day v Get Free
  6. shay

    Song vs. Song

    brooklyn baby v fuck it i love you
  7. banned for compiling and sharing your collection of interviews so we dont have to spend hours scrolling for them on youtube
  8. shay

    Fiona Apple

    i really need to spend more time with fiona's music. i went through this really rough time which was when i started getting into fiona and that period really just feels like a blur looking back and honestly i don't remember any of tidal, wtp and em except from the first and maybe second tracks on each. i do remember idler wheel and bolt cutters (which i recently bought the aubergine vinyl of) and i love those two albums so much. i wanna get back into her earlier stuff again but just haven't found the time
  9. the robotic sounding "I" in the line before the first chorus in your girl mix 11
  10. i understand a lot of them though because tiktok for larger creators is also a job, and it's just been abruptly taken away from them. small businesses are in the same boat, because i feel like the past few years small businesses in general have gained so much popularity and appreciation for their work via tiktok. those two type of creators are probably the ones this ban is affecting the most. i can't say i feel as bad for the simple influencers because the job was always temporary anyways, but im just imagining all the small businesses thatll have to stop work entirely, which for a lot of them is their passion and art, too. tiktok has definitely been more impactful than people give it credit for. past all the brainrot, it's given so many different people platforms to speak or to earn money from as a job. and this ban also affects everyone in every country too, especially since america's one of the countries with the most users worldwide. business is gonna be a lot slower for small businesses outside of the US now. everyone's gonna struggle
  11. I think it's just either one depending on the song. on our way's og leak for example is much better quality than the previously leaked file, as the og one is lossless; uncompressed. but the kill kill ep og leaks are more of a just fun collector thing i think. and also what @Beauty King mentioned about metadata. and also it's rare but sometimes the leaker will slightly edit a song or create a new version of it with the song's stems. so og file leaks of songs in that context will be the unedited, original versions. example being zodiac
  12. shay

    Melanie Martinez

    theres one linked in this sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10VvB9Eam5huLmhXNqh6dBU63RZ28hND7mwZ0sEM5o7k/edit?gid=267268643#gid=267268643
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