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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. juat Allergic (to Thoughts of Mother Earth) - Placebo
  2. It's shit but I've gotten used to it and kinda forced myself to assign attributes to it. Something weird that occurs in my mind depending on which "Yayo" I'm listening to: I imagine her hair. Old "Yayo" is cuter and blonder and short-haired, and when I imagine her singing new "Yayo" I think of her in a studio in the middle of the night, looking kinda shaky with the super long hair on the cover all untidy and basically kinda looking drug-addled. Not even sure why. I think she should have used the smoky Summertime Sadness stuff if she was taking anything from a music video.
  3. frankee you're good for more than whipping around in front of a mirror Thank you. Such a good interview
  4. So now this song is about having no one to sex and singing to an empty room. And I thought I couldn't relate to Lana
  5. I need the interview where she discusses meeting a small-time celebrity in rehab bad. I'm sure rehab isn't the right word for what she was in, too, but that's all the more reason I need it I've read it before, it exists
  6. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

    Oh very doubtful. Although it seems strange that the announcement didn't come from her first. Wonder if she's even had the surgery yet.
  7. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

    Can't even lie, I saw some picture with those lyrics about her bones hurting superimposed over her image and cried a bit. I am crazy.
  8. I think Trash Magic made it: Gorge
  9. Why is Sky there? I love the picture and it still encapsulates the album to me. I like that it's a companion to the real album cover. Something about matching the final cover and the demo cover feels organized and pretty to me, I do the same with AKA. I take issue with the Sirens cover everyone uses tbh Too washed out. I found one with more blue that's gorgeous.
  10. I'm cheesing so hard, this was great. That's exactly how I dance to Burning Desire
  11. My impact Nah that's cool to hear! Writing is like my main past-time when school isn't involved and that can really interfere with the analysis stuff sometimes I come up with such overwrought crazy theories that it's kinda like..."Well that can't possibly be, but I can twist this shit for myself."
  12. I think she means the Sunset Strip, in LA.
  13. Sitar

    Book Thread!

    I'm not the only one I got Lolita and The Great Gatsby recently. I was, ah, inspired Actually read The Great Gatsby before but I wanted to brush up on it. Haven't started either because I have a ton of shitty Shakespeare to read for school. I just really dislike Shakespeare but this goddamn English major, man.
  14. I am not above asking her for a kiss How would one approach the topic?
  15. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Oh I meant the rumor that's she quitting music entirely. I'm over here with my US date
  16. Sitar


    Hey, if Liz can be rich and dream of trash then I can be the opposite.
  17. Sitar


    She's so crazy fucking superior when she wants to be BRANCH OUT, K$
  18. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    That quitting shit better be fake. I will have a one-on-one with her at my show and just gently whisper in her ear, "Are you satisfied with the average life?"
  19. Awesome, I love both I don't suppose there's a synopsis up yet?
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