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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar


    I'm going to that lel
  2. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

    I am so used to giving and now I get to receive dot gif
  3. I wanna participate but I've never done anything like this
  4. Bitch me too, the fuck I got the shirt bundle too~ Reppin my boy 2 schul
  5. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Send MØ song please, I keep getting an error message when I try to download it
  6. Sitar


    It's so good thanks god https://vid.me/AeRl
  7. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    You can sun if you want to fun if you want to stay all day in the shade if you kunt too
  8. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    Hypothetically you should buy Broke With Expensive Taste on iTunes
  9. I think it'll be with an unexpected collaborator a la Dan Auerbach that influences a lot of its sound
  10. She was really onto something with Ultraviolence, one of my favorite albums period
  11. Best: Black Beauty West Coast Brooklyn Baby Burning Desire Terrence Loves You maybe Worst: Lucky Ones Guns and Roses Lolita DLMBM Money Power Glory
  12. Sitar


    Just wanna point out that Putting Them 2gethr has "Flesh Without Blood" next to it which I never noticed before. And "Scream" has "Dothraki vocal." And the second line kinda looks like World Princess Part 2?
  13. I feel like The Blackest Day, God Knows I Tried, and Music to Watch Boys To were written for the UV re-release but then it turned into a full album. TBD especially has a very Ultraviolence juxtaposition between verses and chorus
  14. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood is so disappointing. It just evokes nothing and isn't even vocally impressive like The Other Woman I really love Art Deco, The Blackest Day, and Terrence Loves You
  15. Sitar

    Empress Of

    Hit 3 pages on LanaBoards so I had to listen. Loved the album!
  16. Bounce is Back, Prom King, the revamped Fall Harder ALL ruined me
  17. Let's trade one shit ass recording for another shit ass recording
  18. Sitar


    Their usage is so Lizzy Grant though Like I'm just a lil American girl in this Italian worl
  19. Skylegend is streaming his album I'm only on the intro ahhhh https://soundcloud.com/carparkrecords/sets/skylar-spence-prom-king
  20. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p032lwbw She will also be recording a Maida Vale session next Tuesday!
  21. "Wherefore" meant "why" in Shakespearean times, not where sry
  22. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Confirmed: She is my prettiest fave
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