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Everything posted by May

  1. *farts on you for a third time then runs away^ also that Nectar snippet sounds blatantly fake or just bad
  2. where did y’all get ‘new version of Thunder leaked’ from this thread gets given 1 piece of info and makes up 50 other pieces
  3. Wait 3 snippets of dealer ? Did 2 more just leak or what cos I’ve only heard one
  4. i can highkey see the album leaking by the end of this week the amount of ppl that seem to have heard it and the snippets ..
  5. Is the dealer snippet the one of her singing if so it sounds AMAZING
  6. *farts on you then runs away* Being told that dealer is rough and sewersidal makes me even more excited for it
  7. please hogwarts legacy and gta v expanded and enhanced. i know it’s a push but maybe even the GTA remastered trilogy
  8. so that insider is now confirmed as reliable. Didn’t he say album in October? And pre-order/video up on Wednesday? lets gooooo!
  9. May


    The new songs are amazing they really pulled it off
  10. https://youtube.com/shorts/q1dKMk5sSmw?feature=share teas
  11. the dog in that album cover would be dead by now
  12. May

    Instagram Updates

    seriously how does she have so many birthdays happening around her every day? i wish like 2 ppl a happy birthday per year ..
  13. i could be misremembering but, back before we knew the name, didn’t BoZ say that the next word she sings after the IG snippet ends is the title of the track ? if im remembering that right then this is fake
  14. not go to the fuck hell lanaboards out of context threadworthy
  15. 2021 and y’all are still getting trolled by user lustforlife
  16. May

    Instagram Updates

    why are her insta comments filled with ‘nah she tweakin’ over and over did i miss summin
  17. i know i googled ‘anthony fantano sexy’ to get it
  18. To be clear he’s recreated the album cover 3 times as an adult, he has ‘nevermind’ tattooed across his entire chest, he’s done ten’s of interviews in the past calling it ‘iconic’ and saying it’s been a huge advantage for him in life, and the only reason he suddenly hates it and Nirvana is because they didn’t get back to him about participating in his art show: In the past you’ve said it was cool. When did that change? Just a few months ago, when
 I was reaching out to Nirvana to see if they wanted to be part of my art show. I was getting referred to their managers and their lawyers. Why am I still on their cover if
I’m not that big of a deal? Why’d you reach out to them? I was trying to do an art show with the photographer who took the picture. I was asking if they wanted to put a piece of art in the ****ing thing.
  19. May

    Instagram Updates

    that lipstick caught me off guard
  20. I still listen to this it’s such a good song
  21. May

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Are u kidding me just leak the fucking song oh my goddddddd
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