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Everything posted by May

  1. Say im right or the chicken gets it
  2. I know witches who will make your life hell with just the whisper of a rumour so i suggest you stay away from me and the earth shall remain soiled with innocence and purity rather than your speech infecting us with negative energies and the impurity you hold deep to your heart the ground and the soul may remain natural until you come for Little Miss May . and leave me alone , U Evil Spirit or triple-cast banishment (or hemorrhoids) spell will be coming your way . And BYE
  3. For any other artist this would be a fair point but Lana is truly an outlier when it comes to record label discourse, she’s proven her label wrong many times during her career (see the whole Ultraviolence mess) . at this point im certain that they just let her do whatever the fuck she wants . This is also justified by looking at literally any interview w Ben where he talks about her process . In recent memory i think the only time the label stepped in and said ‘no’ to her vision was the original NFR artwork , but now they let her release those MESSES of single artworks for this era .. but mostly what im tryna say is if Lana wants something to come out at a certain time or a certain way i rly think it all comes from her mind . Because her label 1. Doesn’t care enough to step in bc she costs them zero budget in promo anyway so if it fails it’s barely a loss bc they know she has a huge fan base, and 2. She’s just too fuckin stubborn to let them change her plans
  4. you taste like the fourth of july all that’s real to me is Marilyn and Jesus
  5. wish shed cover this I could 100% see her on it
  6. May

    Sufjan Stevens

    Two new songs i prefer Back to Oz out of the two
  7. me doing my daily check of blue banisters pre-pre-release thread, seeing that there’s no news and just the usual gif spam, then leaving for another 24 hours
  8. the way ive not listened to wildflower wildfire or blue banisters since they came out Text Book really ate those two up huh
  9. my final thoughts on the whole mod moving posts drama is that: if it were blatant new user trolls then obviously delete or move the posts, but literally all of the ‘off-topic/spam’ posts going on in this thread that end up being moved are being initially posted by consistently active and prominent users of this board. at a certain point i think it’s fair to just go with what is popular? and in this case most ppl want this thread to be a cumulation of news AND memes/funny posts/jokes. also not being funny but only weirdos actually routinely check out the Random Lana Discussion/Instagram Updates threads let our girls get traffic on their funny off-topic posts!
  10. Blue Banisters - Pre-Release (Baddies Only) vs Blue Banisters - Pre-Release (No Fun Allowed) id like to see it!
  11. May


    Mistress Violet is cute for what it is
  12. I get the thought process behind it but it doesn’t work bc instead of having 1 topic with some mindless offtopic posts now we have 2 or 3 topics that are straight up confusing and jump from one subject to another bc half the posts have been passed around like a fraternityX twink
  13. May


    Set yourself on fire is a messy bop idc
  14. May


    these leaks are great wtf i hope more come soon!
  15. May

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    it literally just got changed back, but for a while tonight it was renamed to Oh No! (I Feel Like I’m The Worst So I Always Act Like I’m The Best) edit; nvm it changed back again
  16. May


    i like lorde
  17. i just realised that the banisters in my house are grey
  18. May

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I just want pink convertible tbh
  19. May

    Twitter Updates

    yeah im not gonna talk bad about him unless it turns out he did something bad, id discourage other ppl too. she seemed really happy w him while they were together and we should acknowledge that rather than just jumping to drags. (not that anyone has been particularly dragging him in here yet)
  20. May

    Britney Spears

    Things are finally fucking MOVING!!! Praise heavens and praise Britney Jean Spears
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