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Everything posted by May

  1. May

    Sky Ferreira

    Y’all remember when this song leaked and ppl were trying to pass it off as sky? it’s such a fucking bop, I wonder what happened to her .
  2. y’all were so wild on here in 2012
  3. they actually give out warning points here ? how’ve i never gotten one
  4. May

    Britney Spears

    slave /sleɪv/ noun a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them. madonna is right
  5. May

    Sufjan Stevens

    NEW ALBUM - A Beginner’s Mind September 24th collab with Angelo De Augustine All songs based on films, sounds very classic Sufjan so far 1. Reach Out 3:43 2. Lady Macbeth In Chains 3:42 3. Back To Oz 4:25 4. The Pillar Of Souls 4:04 5. You Give Death A Bad Name 5:11 6. Beginner’s Mind 2:36 7. Olympus 3:07 8. Murder And Crime 3:43 9. (This Is) The Thing 3:13 10. It’s Your Own Body And Mind 2:27 11. Lost In The World 3:20 12. Fictional California 3:03 13. Cimmerian Shade 5:01 14. Lacrimae 2:05 @takeitdoen thots?
  6. I don’t think I’m /in love/ with the cover but it’s 10x better than what we first thought was the cover. so at this point I will f**king take it.
  7. Why do her feet look like that ? i wanna take a lick
  8. I saw someone mention on atrl that metacritic has the album on upcoming releases under Blue Banisters July 4th, that’s not reliable right? just checking https://www.metacritic.com/browse/albums/release-date/coming-soon/date
  9. May

    Britney Spears

    the request wasn’t denied y’all, the media is reporting false info https://mobile.twitter.com/BuzzingPop/status/1410422805326336002?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1410422805326336002|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fatrl.net%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcoremodule%3Dsystemcontroller%3Dembedurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FBuzzingPop%2Fstatus%2F1410422805326336002%3Fs%3D20
  10. u know what, u are HALF right, I don’t know where I got the first 7 from .I think I saw ‘7’ in the post I was quoting and put a ‘7’ first as a result.also i failed maths. so i will give u that . but at the same time there is still no discernible pattern!! it’s COMING July 4th whether you like it or not
  11. ok but it’s not 5-6-7 it’s 7-5-6-7 . and this record hasn’t been delayed yet so it’s actually 7-5-6 bc we can’t predict the future so like … where is the pattern in those three numbers?
  12. if the title is literally just ‘AKA’ and she has a variety of songs sounding like her past eras… some sound like Sirens, some LG, some old-style LDR, then modern LDR… so the album sonically goes through each of her eras to create one cumulative record looking back at her whole career. id actually be slayed getting critical acclaim on this album would be the biggest ‘fuck you’ she’s been hinting at, because the critics who disregarded her under different names, now have to pay attention bc they have no choice but to review her shit of course this will never happen im just being imaginative
  13. imagine the collapse if the title is Lizzy Grant AKA Lana Del Rey
  14. 7-5-6-7 what exactly is the pattern here, sis?
  15. May

    Melanie Martinez

    Yes im also having an issue w Apple Music where it only plays the first like 5 seconds of a song then goes silent and won’t play the rest i think aliens r infiltrating our sound waves
  16. May

    Britney Spears

    Swimming in the stars (2014 version) also leaked, but just fyi the newer version we got is much better
  17. the way I see it is if u have the confidence to go up to a celeb who doesn’t know u and ask for a selfie, u have the confidence to ask about an upcoming album.
  18. May

    Britney Spears

    the judge dragged the people who were recording and posting it on twitter and said they were breaking the law, then told the court to turn the stream off
  19. May

    Britney Spears

    20 minute recess requested by Jamie’s lawyer so they can consult theyre scared, sisters!
  20. May

    Britney Spears

    Posted on atrl: https://streams.radiomast.io/station/4321c729-d6ed-460b-977f-7d1f0fd5c9f3/player/widget?s=69ed889e-17fb-47c1-a21b-d99967042988&token=05c934d9-1d89-48f9-86a6-ae3e8ac17c72
  21. May

    Britney Spears

    She says she wants to sue her entire family.. omg
  22. May

    Britney Spears

    She’s dragging so hard oh my god i didnt expect her to be this ruthless but I’m so glad she is
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