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Everything posted by May

  1. recently watched For All Mankind, absolutely phenomenal show which has unfortunately flew under the radar bc it’s an AppleTV exclusive . I’d recommend everyone watch it , it’s renewed for season 3 too . Just finished midnight mass too , it was good but nothing groundbreaking .
  2. since breaking up slowly* but yes ur right the ppl dragging u need some hydrogen peroxide for their ears
  3. none it’s this thread being given an inch and running a mile …..again
  4. May

    Sufjan Stevens

    New album is out now im listening now edit: ok , as a little side-project collab album it’s cute . If it was a proper solo sufjan album I’d be disappointed in it as a whole . I wish there was more unpredictability to it , more change-ups during the songs . but as i said it’s just a lil side-project , and for what it is there’s still a few songs on it i liked enough to add to playlists , like Lost in the World and It’s Your Own Body and Mind . Murder and Crime and Cimmerion Shade are also nice
  5. https://twitter.com/robgrantdotcom/status/456819596134055936?s=20
  6. something tells me Lana isn’t worried about taking it ‘too far’
  7. Tex and Mex are in the bay sis is gonna drown them in a bag of rocks
  8. lanasbottom also threatened to break into my house at night and piss on my mom
  9. Mon amour, je sais que tu m'aimes aussi Tu as besoin de moi Tu as besoin de moi dans ta vie Tu ne peux vivre sans moi Et je mourrais sans toi Je tuerais pour toi
  10. an insider told me that it’s not screaming in Beautiful but rather a sample of a jack antonoff fart recording
  11. he’s not been active in the album thread at all for over a week perhaps he’s taking a tea-spilling break
  12. yall , that person is the same user responsible for the F slur mess from the other day check their post history
  13. May


    Ugh thank you so much , I remember I fell behind on all the leaks a few years ago. I need to catch up . Mistake, Headmaster and Why You Wanna are still some of my favourite songs of all time
  14. it was . not to mention the amount of song leaks we were getting constantly .. this is why so many long time fans from 2011/12 have been losing interest for a couple of years tbh . We were FED
  15. I actually have this issue on Apple Music . I haven’t listened to the Spotify version and I haven’t tried the YouTube version w headphones on so I’m only basing it on AM but damn her vocals in the chorus are earsplitting .at first I thought it was intentional but it just .. doesn’t sound good
  16. May

    Twitter Updates

    some of the posts on this site since she announced she was leaving are just
  17. i like arcadia, her vocals sound good but the vocals on some lines are simply painful on the ears especially in earphones idk if it’s her mic technique or if it’s the production or what but i have to turn the volume down right before a couple of certain lines
  18. they’re credible to the point that their credibility being questioned is funny now they probably just don’t want to spoil all of the fresh songs
  19. does everyone and their mother have this album already or something?
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