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Everything posted by May

  1. May


    binch i was looking through my tumblr trying to find that pic so i could post it!
  2. May

    Natalia Kills

    where's we just wanna fuck omg
  3. May

    Azealia Banks

    god... people would take her a lot more seriously if she could actually stick to release dates
  4. her face looks really different.. i can't tell if it's just super unfortunate photos, fillers or if she's just bloated.. or all three but i guess slay a little bit with the whole tv show thing.. hope it's a success
  5. Delete it fat I've never badmouthed mom like this except maybe during ha Tropico era
  6. idk for sure but i've seen 2 theories about it: 1 was that the paparazzi was telling her she was only famous because she had the money to get where she is 2 was that the paparazzi was insisting she got paid to perform at kim and kanye's wedding
  7. i ran in here thinking you would have posted that iconic point-of-view photoshopped photo of Lana in missionary position
  8. there are tons of these 'monkey over black people's faces' gifs and the black community has already expressed discomfort at them being used. there's a reason that monkey is only ever photoshopped over black people instead of white people. i don't know why you changed your name from Bentley to Summertime then suddenly went from being a generally nice user to being a rude ass but you do you. your (insincere) apology is appreciated either way.
  9. posting a gif of a monkey photoshopped onto a black woman's face...
  10. is it an official single? if not maybe it'll be on her personal channel instead of vevo
  11. no need to be condescending this photoshoot was done there: and: idk if there are any others i'm not the best at photoshoots either
  12. May


    James Blunt
  13. i expected it to be bigger.. it's in such a bad looking area too
  14. May


    pretty girls was atleast a moderate hit
  15. May


    she's going to flop for this
  16. May


    does anyone have a video of her being booed off stage nnnn
  17. May


    wicked love sounds like a bland demo
  18. the background looks as though she's sipping the koolaid from the plastic cup from the Honeymoon Sampler and if you look on the screen on the far top left you can see it's dripping down her chin
  19. so far this era we have: snippets of a song we never got a snippet of a video we never got in full 1 kinda good video 2 videos where 50% of the footage is reused from a previous era kween of half-assing it
  20. it'll probably be scenes from the old UV footage that was used in the HM trailer (the ones of them all together jumping up and down in a line)
  21. May


    wtf did she do to the flawless demo version of space between
  22. im setting myself up to be disappointed and y'all should do the same
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