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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon Sales   
    great post.
    Note how quick LV calls everyone who doesn't want to put up with the negativity a troll when in fact LV is the classic negative troll,
    the person on every youtube and comment that tries to get the first word in to be negative.
    We can say enough of the bullshit hatred and we don't have to be bullied here
    and LV does it by starting a fake meme and then people take it as real, so they already follow up with a slight negative leading to more and more
    Lana supporters have had to deal with hatred now for years, and Lana has beaten the haters
    Why do we have to be subjected to the hatred here?
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon Sales   
    Lana is a major alternative superstar who is not going for #1 singles.
    every single album released by a major star has their best week the first week and sales drop every single week.
    Once one starts at #1 or #2, there is no place to go but further down.
    If one knows accounting and margins, Lana probably brings home far more profit, than someone who is out on the road 52 weeks a year, releases ONE album every five years
    and owes the record company millions of dollars and is soon broke (necessitating again and again that they have to continue doing that thinking they will break even one year
    when in fact they never do as the record company is never paid back, same with the vast majority of sport ball players who command $100 million dollar contracts, but in the end,
    owe $150million and don't realize it.
    Me thinks Leaked-verision is jealous of Lana.
    Being that Lana is able to condense her career and still have a life, is rich, lives in a beautiful home, has a great boyfriend,
    a great father and mother and brother and sister. Her sister becoming more and more a star in her own right.
    Lana has friends and is part of a revolution in music.
    And, not only that, has a separate life enjoying things most regular people don't even understand.
    And, when she wants someone to know she is outside, she lets people know.
    When she doesn't, she is living her life.
    Very selfish to demand someone give up their life just to please them with a video.
    BTW- how many kids read TS Eliot today? because of Lana I have been reading his poems. Therefore, 50 years after TS Eliot died, people are discovering his poems.
    Same with Nina Simone. Honestly, how many Lana fans never heard of Nina before last year? If only a few percent went and listened to other music, (and one can tell because look at any
    Youtube and there are hundreds of comments "Lana brought me here".
    Lana is bigger than her record company.
    Interscope needs her more than she needs them.
    btw- Tori Amos never had a #1 album. Lana has had a #1 album and two #2 albums
    Tori Amos' chart singles in her 1991-current career are as follows- the following is a list of all the songs that charted & their position in order-
    that's it.
    Tori had 15 songs on the Top 100 in the US and bubbling under charts.
    Lana already has 10 including her duet with Weeknd, which she also co-wrote, and if it is released as a single (that is up to Weeknd and his people and has nothing to do with her), it will being how popular he is, go to #1.
    Lana with no major going for airplay has the following chart action
    91-22-6-17-79-70-51-47(duet with weekend, plus 3 bubbling under for a total of 11 charters 
    So compared to Tori, Lana has gone higher on both the album and CD charts and one can say, Lana has had chart action since 2011 and Tori since 1990.
    And Tori is still around.
    Show me one person who writes both the music and lyrics, and produces, who doesn't go for singles, and is female, who ever has done better and sold better? There is no one.
    me thinks people are jealous. May she never change.
    as Lana herself wrote-
    "And if you don't like it, you can beat it, beat it baby"
    What fuckin' audacity to see the hate is still going strong.
    btw leaked-version--- do you consider Matraca Berg a failure? or Dean Dillon? to take two out of there examples. (and I use both as examples to prove a point).

    A failure is someone who calls Lana Del Rey's Honeymoon a failure.
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon Sales   
    I didn't mean it to be sexist... because for one thing, sleeping to the top isn't only for girls, boys do it too the casting couch in Hollywood goes all ways as does the music industry
    (in the past it was covered up more, but the stories are legendary for males).
    but one person who didn't was Lana even though she sardonically titled her barb at Lorde "I fucked my way to the top" and wasn't even talking about sex but really about name dropping
    and style stealing which is what my Taylor reference was more about.
    (so the statement was based on Lana's song)
    Yes, it is great sales total Lana is getting, and higher than just about anyone who aren't going for #1 catchy pop hits or rap hits (btw, I only realized yesterday, Drake actually never had a #1 single
    in the USA at all where he was the star of the record (think he had one where he was only featured (with Rihanna).
    and Lana has a core group of fans she can keep reaching for the next 40 years, because really one only needs to sell about 10,000 to 20,000 independently to keep going forever just by
    having an active social media where one tweet or instagram lets people know something new is up to listen to
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon Sales   
    Thank God Lana isn't Taylor Swift
    If Lana were Taylor Swift, she wouldn't have to copy Lana to be Taylor Swift as Taylor copied Lana to have a new style and song (not to mention Taylor actually did not only fuck her way to the top and then rat out every guy by name she actualy had a mega mega
    rich father buy her the charts (and she herself changed the way country music charted to please her.)
  5. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by whitman in Honeymoon Sales   
    Why not? If these "disney girls" with heavy promotional campaigns and tv performances and hit singles aren't able to sell more than an artist that basically advertised her new album only on instagram I would consider a good result. 
    Just imagine how much money Interscope spent with an album with 15 producers and more than 38 writers (Revival). Without mentioning costs of musicians, studios and how Max Martin it's expensive, marketing and etc and probably more tracks produced that didn't make it. John Janick ( new Interscope CEO) loves to talk about Selena every chance he can because obviously it costed them a lot of money and she's his first signed artist. Then imagine the look on his face when she sells less than an artist that he probably doesn't care because she isn't "marketable". That is bad. Lana? Not so much. Of course her sales are declining but her music is getting less and less comercial too. I would bet the decline has more to do with this than the promotional that you guys love to talk about like is going to save her career if she appears in tv show when it's clear that it doesn't work like that.
  6. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Honeymoon Sales   
    Except studying doesn't really cost anything. A lot of the kind of promotion you're talking about does. It's an investment proposition. How much of a return you get for how much of an investment. I can very easily imagine a hypothetical scenario where Lana might have sold more copies of an album-- enough not to be a "flop" by your standards-- but got there by spending so much on promotion that she actually made less money on it. How much is spent on production and promotion and such absolutely does matter. Take ARTPOP for example. While I think reports of ARTPOP being a commercial "flop" were exaggerated-- it was hugely successful in absolute terms-- to the extent that it was a flop, it was only a flop in the sense that it failed to live up to the impossible standard of matching the unsustainable sales success of her previous albums, the label made too much physical product based on overly optimistic projections, and they were rumored to have spent a shitload on promo. Lana, likewise, remains hugely successful in absolute terms, but will likely never match the commercial success of BTD. But I don't think her label has any illusions about that at this point and I don't think they're overspending on production or promotion. I think she'll be just fine.
    Sure, but I just don't think the sales she's doing place her in any danger of not covering those costs. I don't think Lana spent all that much making either of the last two albums. I think you're being extremely alarmist.
    I mean, we have like a hundred songs this girl recorded that she sold zero copies of. Zero. And now that she's selling hundreds of thousands of albums you think that's not enough for her to be able to keep fucking doing what she's fucking doing? Gimme a break.
  7. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by SuperMegaStan in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    they just don't want to remind you that she did wrote some songs for films this year
    so yall will stop asking for Life is Beautiful. 
  8. gothphetamine liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    as for post 2547
    Lana will be around in five years, will be remembered in 5 years, and wear as a badge of honor that the haters in the media, record companies, jealous suitors
    jealous record company people hate her.
    Record companies themselves are from another time and place and are dinasaurs (maybe some of the haters realize that the days of record companies are coming to an end and at that point, their job will be gone like people who used to work at Tower Records.)
    Obviously, the head of the conglomerate likes Lana enough to have had her and Kanye West surround him when he was on the cover of Billboard Magazine.
    (and Billboard itself prints less and less issues each week and is now attempting to cultivate record people themselves in each issue so they and their families
    buy a dozen copies each).
    Now that Lana is producing, and she has a friend who has a studio, she could do something any second she wants to  and release it whenever.
    Meanwhile every time someone sees Gatsby or Maleficent or Big Eyes someone hears Lana.
    Everyone who watched American Horror Freak Show saw Jessica Lange sing Gods and Monsters (5 to 6 million saw it the first week, and who knows how many million more have seen it since).
    A person as artistic as Lana never will not release something new.
  9. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    2nd thought of the day perhaps unpopular-
    and this is why I love Ms. Grant- and this is what the haters do not get.
    It requires hundreds of hours now to fully understand and get Lana Del Rey.and once the 100 hours are finished, another 100 more and more and more
    It is impossible to direct anyone to one song and say, this is Lana Del Rey. It is impossible.
    It would be like telling a new person to read Gatsby (or any great book) and go to page 86 paragraph 3 (random number) and don't bother with the rest of it.
    It is why at Christmas time, one listens to hundreds of different songs all by different artists back to back but most don't have any clue who is singing any of the songs (and most radio stations
    never announce who sang any of them). The topic is the same, the artists different.
    So the more Lana releases, yes, the less likely for a newer audience. Kids don't have the patience, adults don't have the time.
    How many people will invest the time needed to start from the beginning and go forward, or if starting from the end, then to invest the time to go back.
    It is also why some will never be happy with what she sings in concert.
    Because she is removing the order and just giving a bit and piece, and like listening to someone who made up a bootleg out of order mix, it don't sound right if its not in the order
    it is meant to be.
    And that goes from her early stuff through BTD/Paradise/ultraviolence/Honeymoon
    One cannot say listen to Gods and Monsters and understand where it is coming from. Or Yayo. Or anything.
    It would be like starting a chess match at Checkmate. It would solicit a big "huh???"
    or someone just hearing the Beatles "Ob la di" or the Beach Boys "Fun Fun Fun in the California Sun" or Chuck Berry's "My ding-a-ling".
    and it is what makes Lana's useage of "Burnt Norton" doubly meaningful. And why it was included.
    and also the line about she will not change even if it means losing you, just to change.She is Elizabeth referencing Lana referencing Elizabeth referencing Lana. It is now clearly evident what she meant. As is the bus of the stars I referred to early on.
    and to add-
    she could at any time release a bonus song that is released as a single and is a great catchy single oriented one off or duet, however, that won't get a long term fan who isn't interested in the main set of releases and the real part of the album. It will just get a fly by night person, who most likely wouldn't pick up a complete cd anyhow.
  10. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I am convinced I got it right.
    Honeymoon is meant to listen to cuts 1 to 13 and then the last cut (and this is the reason there are no bonus songs) because the last cut is saying
    after listening to cuts 1 to 13 DON'T misunderstand what I am saying, and it requires the listener to then go back to the start and listen to
    cuts 1 to 13
    and get to cut 14 and Don't misunderstand what I am saying
    I believe it's Elizabeth Lana Elizabeth Lana Elizabeth Lana
    It is the inner conflict between everything and is not about one person proper other than herself
    Every single word makes sense in that context from the first note of Honeymoon to the last note of Swan Song to the specific wanting and using Don't let me be misunderstood
    to then instructing said listener to go back and listen again
    repeated endlessly like an Endless Summer
    (and to reference it- once again it is a journey and we are along for the ride
    I could suggest over 100 references, perhaps 500 specific references to this
    through every specific song
    From the first 2 lines of Honeymoon to the last
    I call it pure genius. But it might mean taking off the blinders and looking not only straight forward but out of the box to see what is actually right in front of one straight forward.
    and to add- Elizabeth/Lana is saying the ride will continue forever, but on HER terms as SHE wants it.
    (and if you don't like it you can BEAT it, beat it baby) as she said so wonderfully in Brooklyn Baby.
    (a second separate post on another possibly unpopular thought to follow)
  11. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Weird Al Yankovic should do a parody of High by the Beach would be perfect   
    Has any fan or supporter who might also be a fan of Weird Al, and who might see Al somewhere, ever think of inundating Al
    to do a song of Lana's?
    A successful Weird Al song (and he is more popular now probably than at any time in his career) could bring in millions of play
    of a song of Lana's and assuming he gets the rights to use it (and nowadays almost no one refuses him) it also could bring in
    millions in royalties to Lana herself.
    I could imagine Weird Al doing High by the Beach.
    And Lana herself wouldn't need to do anything at all. So no promo would be needed, nor would she need to do any tv shows
    as that is Al's job.
    I saw Weird Al at the Governor's Ball Sunday show earlier in the day that Lana performed later on.
    He put on a great show.
    and Al is very fan accessable, so that is something perhaps fans themselves could do.
    (again assuming he could get the rights).
  12. Kommander liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    It took Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys 50 years, 2011, to win their first Grammy, so as Lana already has 2 nominations including the one for Paradise,
    gotta figure she will win in something like 2050, will we all still be here? I would be happy for Rock and Roll hall of fame in the 2030's.
    Should had a Producer of the Year entry being that Lana is the lead producer on the credits of Honeymoon
    If Weeknd releases the duet as official single, next year vocal event of the year
    My guess is Ryan Adams will be winning a lot of awards this year, like Beck
    It is also good to note-
    Leonard Cohen won his only Grammy on a technicality- in 2007, and then it was only as a small part, a spoken word song on the album of the year
    which is credited to Herbie Hancock that year.
    Leonard was 71 at the time.
    So, give Lana another 41 years at least.
    Great artiste's never win many awards historically.
    Ask Hollywood- being that Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Richard Burton, Peter O'toole Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, all never won an actual acting or directing Oscar and it took Henry Fonda, on his deathbed to finally win one, as he said when they showed him at his home via video, what took them so long? 
    Like Hollywood legends...they never grow old...
  13. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    It took Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys 50 years, 2011, to win their first Grammy, so as Lana already has 2 nominations including the one for Paradise,
    gotta figure she will win in something like 2050, will we all still be here? I would be happy for Rock and Roll hall of fame in the 2030's.
    Should had a Producer of the Year entry being that Lana is the lead producer on the credits of Honeymoon
    If Weeknd releases the duet as official single, next year vocal event of the year
    My guess is Ryan Adams will be winning a lot of awards this year, like Beck
    It is also good to note-
    Leonard Cohen won his only Grammy on a technicality- in 2007, and then it was only as a small part, a spoken word song on the album of the year
    which is credited to Herbie Hancock that year.
    Leonard was 71 at the time.
    So, give Lana another 41 years at least.
    Great artiste's never win many awards historically.
    Ask Hollywood- being that Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Richard Burton, Peter O'toole Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, all never won an actual acting or directing Oscar and it took Henry Fonda, on his deathbed to finally win one, as he said when they showed him at his home via video, what took them so long? 
    Like Hollywood legends...they never grow old...
  14. DominicMars liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    It took Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys 50 years, 2011, to win their first Grammy, so as Lana already has 2 nominations including the one for Paradise,
    gotta figure she will win in something like 2050, will we all still be here? I would be happy for Rock and Roll hall of fame in the 2030's.
    Should had a Producer of the Year entry being that Lana is the lead producer on the credits of Honeymoon
    If Weeknd releases the duet as official single, next year vocal event of the year
    My guess is Ryan Adams will be winning a lot of awards this year, like Beck
    It is also good to note-
    Leonard Cohen won his only Grammy on a technicality- in 2007, and then it was only as a small part, a spoken word song on the album of the year
    which is credited to Herbie Hancock that year.
    Leonard was 71 at the time.
    So, give Lana another 41 years at least.
    Great artiste's never win many awards historically.
    Ask Hollywood- being that Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Richard Burton, Peter O'toole Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, all never won an actual acting or directing Oscar and it took Henry Fonda, on his deathbed to finally win one, as he said when they showed him at his home via video, what took them so long? 
    Like Hollywood legends...they never grow old...
  15. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    as for post 2547
    Lana will be around in five years, will be remembered in 5 years, and wear as a badge of honor that the haters in the media, record companies, jealous suitors
    jealous record company people hate her.
    Record companies themselves are from another time and place and are dinasaurs (maybe some of the haters realize that the days of record companies are coming to an end and at that point, their job will be gone like people who used to work at Tower Records.)
    Obviously, the head of the conglomerate likes Lana enough to have had her and Kanye West surround him when he was on the cover of Billboard Magazine.
    (and Billboard itself prints less and less issues each week and is now attempting to cultivate record people themselves in each issue so they and their families
    buy a dozen copies each).
    Now that Lana is producing, and she has a friend who has a studio, she could do something any second she wants to  and release it whenever.
    Meanwhile every time someone sees Gatsby or Maleficent or Big Eyes someone hears Lana.
    Everyone who watched American Horror Freak Show saw Jessica Lange sing Gods and Monsters (5 to 6 million saw it the first week, and who knows how many million more have seen it since).
    A person as artistic as Lana never will not release something new.
  16. Escapism liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    It took Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys 50 years, 2011, to win their first Grammy, so as Lana already has 2 nominations including the one for Paradise,
    gotta figure she will win in something like 2050, will we all still be here? I would be happy for Rock and Roll hall of fame in the 2030's.
    Should had a Producer of the Year entry being that Lana is the lead producer on the credits of Honeymoon
    If Weeknd releases the duet as official single, next year vocal event of the year
    My guess is Ryan Adams will be winning a lot of awards this year, like Beck
    It is also good to note-
    Leonard Cohen won his only Grammy on a technicality- in 2007, and then it was only as a small part, a spoken word song on the album of the year
    which is credited to Herbie Hancock that year.
    Leonard was 71 at the time.
    So, give Lana another 41 years at least.
    Great artiste's never win many awards historically.
    Ask Hollywood- being that Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Richard Burton, Peter O'toole Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, all never won an actual acting or directing Oscar and it took Henry Fonda, on his deathbed to finally win one, as he said when they showed him at his home via video, what took them so long? 
    Like Hollywood legends...they never grow old...
  17. Paraiso liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    It took Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys 50 years, 2011, to win their first Grammy, so as Lana already has 2 nominations including the one for Paradise,
    gotta figure she will win in something like 2050, will we all still be here? I would be happy for Rock and Roll hall of fame in the 2030's.
    Should had a Producer of the Year entry being that Lana is the lead producer on the credits of Honeymoon
    If Weeknd releases the duet as official single, next year vocal event of the year
    My guess is Ryan Adams will be winning a lot of awards this year, like Beck
    It is also good to note-
    Leonard Cohen won his only Grammy on a technicality- in 2007, and then it was only as a small part, a spoken word song on the album of the year
    which is credited to Herbie Hancock that year.
    Leonard was 71 at the time.
    So, give Lana another 41 years at least.
    Great artiste's never win many awards historically.
    Ask Hollywood- being that Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Richard Burton, Peter O'toole Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, all never won an actual acting or directing Oscar and it took Henry Fonda, on his deathbed to finally win one, as he said when they showed him at his home via video, what took them so long? 
    Like Hollywood legends...they never grow old...
  18. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by James19709 in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Releasing an album and doing nothing is 100% fine the album is DONE and released. Making music is the goal, not to go out and promote. Although she HAS done some radio interviews this era and 2 videos anyway so this is all just stupid really lol. "Not doing anything" with an album is a void statement. Completing and releasing it is doing something with it. Promo doesn't really mean doing something with it. Most people care for the music and aren't looking for little candid shots of her and what ever it is you're looking for there. What exactly is she supposed to be doing? Attending events she doesn't care for or something? She makes music that you can either take or leave, as everybody else does. What else is interesting? Music videos? Eh, not really.
  19. yourboy liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Great post LynnLana
    and to add-
    Lana has now made 2 albums in a row that should be given Grammy's  for
    Best album of year
    Best producer of year
    Best song of year
    Best record of year
    Best video of year
    Best alternative record of the year
    Best artist of the year
    that Ultraviolence didn't, well, that is not her fault
    She should have won the Oscar for
    Young and Beautiful from Gatsby
    and been nominated for
    Big Eyes (although perhaps I can fly would have been better)
    If the Oscars had a best adaptation of a song like they do for screenplay
    Once upon a dream should have won
    Lana should have won Best new artist back in 2012
    Lana has been nominated for two grammys in the past (including Album of year for Paradise)
    She owes nobody anything and she cannot in the least be called lazy.
    Her family history alone, she is the prime caretaker for years of her two sibblings (not her parents, she is). That is a big responsiblity
    Lana has even in this album continually stated she loves music and the creation of music, the studio, the production, the mixing
    That is what an artiste does
    Lana also has had addiction problems, and being out of ones home or hometown, the temptation to fall back is so much greater than without ones support family right there.
    (I know when I myself go away like a few weeks ago when I went to Canada, it was 30 meals out, and 30 meals I overate, gaining like 10 pounds in 10 days that I have to work off and I am already working off other LOL)
    Lana also has stated she likes the "collective artist" environment, a close bunch of people, writers, studio people, her band that she can always do something with.
    Perhaps in the future she will hit upon  a place where she can play spur of the moment if she chose and people can come and see her in an informal setting.
    or keep doing club dates
    As she loves to be with the fans during the show in the front, a club situation is really a lot better than say Madison Square Garden where one isn't even seeing her, but watching the big screen.
    She could always tweet that she is on the beach by the pier in Santa monica or at some coffee house in two hours and everyone in range can come and have an informal singalong or something
    From all one reads, Lana looked very at ease talking to her fans in the meet and greets.
    or she could just sit in her house and get high by the beach (which doesn't mean getting high by addictives either, it could as easily mean high on life, an affirmative saying
    It's her life to do as she wishes.
  20. hello moto liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    It took Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys 50 years, 2011, to win their first Grammy, so as Lana already has 2 nominations including the one for Paradise,
    gotta figure she will win in something like 2050, will we all still be here? I would be happy for Rock and Roll hall of fame in the 2030's.
    Should had a Producer of the Year entry being that Lana is the lead producer on the credits of Honeymoon
    If Weeknd releases the duet as official single, next year vocal event of the year
    My guess is Ryan Adams will be winning a lot of awards this year, like Beck
    It is also good to note-
    Leonard Cohen won his only Grammy on a technicality- in 2007, and then it was only as a small part, a spoken word song on the album of the year
    which is credited to Herbie Hancock that year.
    Leonard was 71 at the time.
    So, give Lana another 41 years at least.
    Great artiste's never win many awards historically.
    Ask Hollywood- being that Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Richard Burton, Peter O'toole Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, all never won an actual acting or directing Oscar and it took Henry Fonda, on his deathbed to finally win one, as he said when they showed him at his home via video, what took them so long? 
    Like Hollywood legends...they never grow old...
  21. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    It took Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys 50 years, 2011, to win their first Grammy, so as Lana already has 2 nominations including the one for Paradise,
    gotta figure she will win in something like 2050, will we all still be here? I would be happy for Rock and Roll hall of fame in the 2030's.
    Should had a Producer of the Year entry being that Lana is the lead producer on the credits of Honeymoon
    If Weeknd releases the duet as official single, next year vocal event of the year
    My guess is Ryan Adams will be winning a lot of awards this year, like Beck
    It is also good to note-
    Leonard Cohen won his only Grammy on a technicality- in 2007, and then it was only as a small part, a spoken word song on the album of the year
    which is credited to Herbie Hancock that year.
    Leonard was 71 at the time.
    So, give Lana another 41 years at least.
    Great artiste's never win many awards historically.
    Ask Hollywood- being that Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Richard Burton, Peter O'toole Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, all never won an actual acting or directing Oscar and it took Henry Fonda, on his deathbed to finally win one, as he said when they showed him at his home via video, what took them so long? 
    Like Hollywood legends...they never grow old...
  22. joshuasean2900 liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon Sales   
    great post.
    Note how quick LV calls everyone who doesn't want to put up with the negativity a troll when in fact LV is the classic negative troll,
    the person on every youtube and comment that tries to get the first word in to be negative.
    We can say enough of the bullshit hatred and we don't have to be bullied here
    and LV does it by starting a fake meme and then people take it as real, so they already follow up with a slight negative leading to more and more
    Lana supporters have had to deal with hatred now for years, and Lana has beaten the haters
    Why do we have to be subjected to the hatred here?
  23. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by joshuasean2900 in Honeymoon Sales   
    @@leaked_version I've been trying to avoid saying this but I can't hold back any longer: seriously, what is your problem? Honestly, are you only here to argue against people who don't agree with your opinion what is clearly the only true way to see things? "Honeymoon is a flop and if you say otherwise you're wrong. TBD isn't a career highlight because I SAID SO (but I'll pass it off as sarcasm later when I'm getting hate for it)." You're so negative - can you not say something positive without tacking something negative onto the end? What the fuck is your problem? This is a place where we discuss Lana, one of our favourite artists. I honestly think (bare in mind I've only been on the boards for ~ 2 months) that you're like the anomaly in a science experiment that drags all of the data down (except you're the negativity that drags the positivity of this otherwise lovely community). Have you always been like this? Do you genuinely spend your time on the LanaBoards (pretty much 8 months out of the past ~ 2 years) contradicting everyone and trying to get them to see your opinion the only way things can be interpreted? Maybe I'm just extremely naive and you're the biggest troll in the history of forever, but I think the moment I realised you weren't was when you told me that Lana was a pop singer signed to a major label. That's honestly the most vague thing you could ever say. That's the same as saying Lana's a fish in an ocean. If you genuinely spend all of your time in these forums slating Lana, you seriously need to evaluate what you spend your time doing.
  24. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by joshuasean2900 in Honeymoon Sales   
    You don't discuss though, that's the thing. You argue, you contradict and you slate. There's no heat here, you're just argumentative and want to get your point across a million times with a million different reasons because, clearly, you think your opinion means a ton more than the rest of ours do. If there is any heat, you're creating it. If you want to make my (not actually that) long answer short, I never said once "who the fuck are you", I asked what your negativity problem is. If anything, you've just proved my point because you haven't actually answered the question I posed to you.
  25. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I find Honeymoon to be a concept album from the first note to the end of the album, with Don't let me be misunderstood being the song that solidifies it, and tells said listener to now go back and listen again if one
    doesn't get it.
    It also needs to be listened to as a whole (like an opera not a pop song) and then listened to repeatedly as a whole
    Many kids these days of course don't have the attention span to do it
    But there are rewards aplenty for those that do.
    After all, one doesn't open up The Great Gatsby and read page 86 paragraph 3 and get the story. (note- before leaked-vision ad hominems me, I picked that number out of my head and don't have the book in front of me, didn't know the
    spelling police was on this board).
    (and of course it sounds like some here won't love Lana when she is no longer young nor beautiful, but I know I will be there for the ride as long as I am living and breathing).
    one doesn't drive from Brooklyn to Hollywood and decide to end the trip in the middle of the Mississippi river does one?) (and no, that has nothing to do with Jeff Buckley).(whose best song was a cover of Leonard Cohen).
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