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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Reasons Why Honeymoon Is a Great Album   
    As for Salvatore-
    seems in retrospect, knowing that Lana is an award winning Trailblazer puts Salvatore in a different mind-
    Lana, confident as say Grace Kelly in Monte Carlo walking on the beach below and is LEADING the way.
    With an occasional wink and smile back, while already on the next page
    and all anyone else can do is follow
    (so in essence Salvatore is Honeymoon's Fuck my way to the top, except instead of a negative, it is a playful positive
    (Playful like the moan in Serial Killer which she allowed us to hear live)
    Trailblazer so far ahead, only she knows where she is going next, and while many might think they are catching up, it is just
    an illusion to how far behind they are.
    Salvatore. Cool as a soft ice cream cone on the boardwalk on a day where it is 110 in the shade in a claustrophobic film noir
    of the 1940s. Even Robert Mitchum couldn't catch up. But he would die trying to.
  2. sweetie liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Reasons Why Honeymoon Is a Great Album   
    interesting kristinaj- you ad-hominem me, yet posters with 3x the number of posts lay hate on Lana in just about every single post they make and that doesn't bother you.
    Obsessive is haters going on someones boards time and again, or in comment sections to lay negativity on Lana down.
  3. DeadAgainst liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey inspiration & name for Rey,Star Wars 7 heroine?   
    Could it be that Rey, the heroine in the new Star Wars Force Awakens been named after Lana?
    There are a number of inside namings, cameos (like Daniel Craig (the currentJames Bond is in the movie) among many others.
    Could it have been?
    What are the odds our heroine Lana Del Rey wasn't the inspiration and name?
    How cool is that.
    After all, what modern day singer/acting star is more into science and space travel than our heroine Lana Del Rey?
    btw, how cool was the recent success by Space-X.
    Merry Christmas Lana and to all Lana fans.
    Where in NYC today, it is an amazing 73 degrees F. (or almost 23 C.)
  4. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Thank God Lana is not Adele.
    Adele releases one album in 5 years, every single song is one I am not going to purchase. Others may like the flave of the year, but do they? Or are they liking it because "they are told to like it" being that they
    are seeing one advert after another on what is Celine Dion style forgettable songs sung in a forgettable interchangeable with ten other style. The type of songs most leave one hungry ten minutes after eating.
    The worst Lana song is better than anyone elses best song.
    Hello? Meh. Adele lost me at Hello
    The great thing about Adele? IT is guaranteed Adele will win every award in 2016, given in late 2016, early 2017
    Which frees great talent like Lana not to worry about record awards with her coming-release(hopefully releases).
    Perhaps go for that Oscar with a new soundtrack song.
    Idea to follow.
  5. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey to Be Honored as 'Trailblazer' at Billboard's Women in Music   
    Lana was there nice and early with everyone else, spent a lot of time signing autographs and posing for pictures with fans outside (only her and Tony Bennett spent time both before and after the show
    with the fans, everyone else was too snobbish and above their fans I guess to even bother) and she was on the red carpet.
    And it was a wonderful warm day, hot weather for NY in December, so the others had no excuse not to give fans some time.
    Just another reason Lana is special. (If one watches award shows btw, not everyone after accepting the award goes backstage. Many times you see winners go back down to their table instead of backstage).
    The object after all is not to get publicity, but to humbly accept an award.
    (Reminds me that after they died, one heard how much charity work both Elvis and Sinatra had done (two other trailblazers in the past, though there weren't trailblazer awards, and two others that had mega problems with the press/media themselves, both being unique male artists), neither of whom did it in the media, they just did it from the heart in private because the object is not
    doing it to make the world think you are something special, but to do it because you want to do it.)
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey to Be Honored as 'Trailblazer' at Billboard's Women in Music   
    If one goes back to every post on this board, the same 5 or 6 or 7 board names (perhaps they are one signed up on many names) have continuously posted negatives
    on everything and anything Lana does (they are haters), just like in comment seconds everywhere.
    Why wouldn't billboard want people tuning in to the show and announce Lana?
    Love the lengths the haters go to put Lana down.
    Lana was the classiest person in the room.
    And where does one get off saying one she didn't know what to say?
    Or maybe the people saying that are too stupid to realize what she said, which was quite Genius IMHO.
    She is starting to realize just how powerful she is, so she can triple down on the way she already does things for decades into future. (and not do what the run of the mill Adeles do, but do it the
    way she does it, as an innovator, as a trailblazer as the unique once in a generation artist she is.
    Which the haters hate. Because the haters hate not being able to control someone or bully someone.
    again, Lana was the classiest person in the room. And the one that held court in the entire room.
    (and again showed to the fans outside, also one of the most humble and fan-caring super stars that ever existed, going to the crowd numerous times unlike many of the others...If not mistaken
    Lana and Tony Bennett were the only two who signed coming out of the event. How cool is that.
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey to Be Honored as 'Trailblazer' at Billboard's Women in Music   
    Congratulations again to Lana.
    BTW- Billboard and the music industry itself considers Paradise an album.
    An EP historically is considered something that has 3 or 4 songs on it, but Paradise had much more, and like mixtapes which also officially count as albums even if the record company or artist doesn't, Billboard has the official charts
    the industry uses as standard, and as such, Paradise is forever known as an album and not an EP when a person purchased the stand alone Paradise and a Top 10 at that.
    I myself am not a fan of re-releasing an album from a year ago or 6 months ago with extra songs. Best to just release another album and am happy Lana did such with Ultraviolence and Honeymoon.
    Cool speech.
    Showed Lana is just at the start of a long successful career, but not the career that Adele has (and Adele wishes she could be Lana as she opined the other day marveling at how great Lana was
    being able to release an album as she does so often (instead of once every 5 years like Adele has).
    and note, Lana did not have to sing for her supper How cool is that!

    Trailblazer means unique
    The one everyone else copies but not 1/1000th as good. (regardless of sales, which is immaterial to actual talent.
    Trailblazer=Artiste' as opposed to cookie cutter de jour (whitney/Mariah/celine/katy/Adele) meh
  8. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon's Positioning on Year-End Lists   
    NY Times- High by the beach was one of the top 10 singles of the year from the lead reviewer in the NY Times
  9. slang liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon's Positioning on Year-End Lists   
    NY Times- High by the beach was one of the top 10 singles of the year from the lead reviewer in the NY Times
  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon's Positioning on Year-End Lists   
    Lana is #5 most listened to female for the entire year on SPOTIFY for 2015
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey Performs "Prisoner" with the Weeknd at his Inglewood show   
    As I keep watching this, one thing is evident=
    WEEKND himself is thrilled, thrilled, thrilled that Lana is there, and the noise of the crowd goes up 100% from other songs during the show
    It is like how when Bruce shows up or McCartney shows up, or Elton showed up w/ George Michael, there is an energy level rarely seen at a concert
    In the presence of greatness
    That stratosphere
    That uniqueness
    That Lana thing Lana has that everyone else can only wish they have and artists like Adele with millions, only wish they could be and have
  12. Gecko liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey and Lady Gaga Finally meet at Billboard's Women in Music Awards   
    Lana and Gaga        December 11, 2015
    Elvis and the Beatles   August 27, 1965
                                                                  50 years apart
  13. Summersault liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey Performs "Prisoner" with the Weeknd at his Inglewood show   
    As I keep watching this, one thing is evident=
    WEEKND himself is thrilled, thrilled, thrilled that Lana is there, and the noise of the crowd goes up 100% from other songs during the show
    It is like how when Bruce shows up or McCartney shows up, or Elton showed up w/ George Michael, there is an energy level rarely seen at a concert
    In the presence of greatness
    That stratosphere
    That uniqueness
    That Lana thing Lana has that everyone else can only wish they have and artists like Adele with millions, only wish they could be and have
  14. Intriguing Penguin liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey Performs "Prisoner" with the Weeknd at his Inglewood show   
    As I keep watching this, one thing is evident=
    WEEKND himself is thrilled, thrilled, thrilled that Lana is there, and the noise of the crowd goes up 100% from other songs during the show
    It is like how when Bruce shows up or McCartney shows up, or Elton showed up w/ George Michael, there is an energy level rarely seen at a concert
    In the presence of greatness
    That stratosphere
    That uniqueness
    That Lana thing Lana has that everyone else can only wish they have and artists like Adele with millions, only wish they could be and have
  15. AngelHeadedHipster liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey Performs "Prisoner" with the Weeknd at his Inglewood show   
    As I keep watching this, one thing is evident=
    WEEKND himself is thrilled, thrilled, thrilled that Lana is there, and the noise of the crowd goes up 100% from other songs during the show
    It is like how when Bruce shows up or McCartney shows up, or Elton showed up w/ George Michael, there is an energy level rarely seen at a concert
    In the presence of greatness
    That stratosphere
    That uniqueness
    That Lana thing Lana has that everyone else can only wish they have and artists like Adele with millions, only wish they could be and have
  16. LANAR4C1ST liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey and Lady Gaga Finally meet at Billboard's Women in Music Awards   
    Lana and Gaga        December 11, 2015
    Elvis and the Beatles   August 27, 1965
                                                                  50 years apart
  17. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey Performs "Prisoner" with the Weeknd at his Inglewood show   
    As I keep watching this, one thing is evident=
    WEEKND himself is thrilled, thrilled, thrilled that Lana is there, and the noise of the crowd goes up 100% from other songs during the show
    It is like how when Bruce shows up or McCartney shows up, or Elton showed up w/ George Michael, there is an energy level rarely seen at a concert
    In the presence of greatness
    That stratosphere
    That uniqueness
    That Lana thing Lana has that everyone else can only wish they have and artists like Adele with millions, only wish they could be and have
  18. Kommander liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Your Lana Opinions - Then vs. Now   
    Knew her as Lizzy very early on thanks to a friend and she has never stopped amazing me.
    Her Lana albums including Paradise, which I consider a standalone, are continuous listeneing now for what 4 years, plus all the other songs.
    Said it very early on, and it continues to be true - if I took everyone I enjoyed in the last 50 years and the artists I now enjoy prior blend it all together and make one perfect artist, it is Lana.
    There is no wasted song on any album, no filler.
    Every other artist in the past I listened to had 2 or 3 or 4 great songs on an album, the rest filler.
    Lana no filler, all part of the saga.
    When the album is on, I don't skip songs, sometimes on youtube or spotify will play the same song 10 times
    There is not time in the day to listen to all the older songs, wish sometime there would be box sets of all of them
    And all the duets.
    When a close relative died in the spring, and we spent the summer emptying out her house, the one song that I kept returning to everytime we drove back and forth, was Pawn Shop Blues
    It was so perfect to what we were going through, which was yet another time that her songs personally helped me through very hard times.
    It really is hard to explain.
    and listening in the car late at night on the highway music turned up real real loud
    (the bridge in Ride and Americans keep popping through my mind)
  19. brooklynbaby91 liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey and Lady Gaga Finally meet at Billboard's Women in Music Awards   
    Lana and Gaga        December 11, 2015
    Elvis and the Beatles   August 27, 1965
                                                                  50 years apart
  20. Kommander liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey and Lady Gaga Finally meet at Billboard's Women in Music Awards   
    Lana and Gaga        December 11, 2015
    Elvis and the Beatles   August 27, 1965
                                                                  50 years apart
  21. AKA Lizzy Grant liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey and Lady Gaga Finally meet at Billboard's Women in Music Awards   
    Lana and Gaga        December 11, 2015
    Elvis and the Beatles   August 27, 1965
                                                                  50 years apart
  22. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey to Be Honored as 'Trailblazer' at Billboard's Women in Music   
    Lana & Gaga    December 11, 2015   =   Elvis Presley & The Beatles back in 1965- August 27, 1965
    50 years in the making
  23. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Meanings of Lana Songs   
    I think everything recorded as Lana Del Rey is a life road trip, in the proper albums (not bonus or extra songs, but the start to finish of the songs intended prior to bonus/extra)
    Born to Die is NYC and ending with "This is what makes us girls" shows the trip has begun
    Paradise is going from NYC to the West Coast and the land of Gods and Monsters (which is Hollywood itself) and the proverbial traveling through the vast land and different areas of America itself to arrive 3000 miles later.
    Ultraviolence is arriving in California and totally absorbing the Santa Monica/Malibu lifestyle and creativity and seeing the difference between NYC/L.A.
    Honeymoon is a self-reflection, possibly all the songs being Elizabeth vs. Lana which imho is implied in the bus photo itself- it is Elizabeth on a tour with her sister to see the houses of the stars, one of which is the proverbial house of Lana Del Rey. Having her sister take the photo for the album would be like most people on a tour of the stars,
    having a relative take their picture looking out
    Possible is the creation Lana has led to more complications in an already complicated life of Elizabeth Grant.
    and the bonus songs stray somewhat which is why they are not in the album proper itself.
    So each one a chapter in the on-going life of Elizabeth Grant. Almost like an anthology show like The Fugitive or Route 66 and each brings a fuller picture of the star/featured person it is about.
    Which is also why it almost demands listening in the order it has. So one needs to start at Cut #1 and continue to the last and then press rewind and start again.
    as one awaits what the next chapter after Honeymoon is...Rebirth? Redemption? Childbirth? Suburbia?
    (awaiting reply that this has nothing to do with the OP).
  24. MermaidMotelle liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Which Song on Honeymoon Are You?   
    all I want to do is get High by the Beach
    (or as Hank Cochran wrote, and Ray Price sang (later on Donny Osmond sang a version),  "Make the world go away"
    By the beach
    with Lana playing in my headphones and on my car radio as I drive up and down the coast
  25. Don liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon's Positioning on Year-End Lists   
    Lana is #5 most listened to female for the entire year on SPOTIFY for 2015
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