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  1. Starsx liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in 2016 Set List Predictions   
    hope she sings some old songs, this one would be beautiful, but for a propper tour of her own 
    on a realistic point, I hope she does art deco
  2. Starsx liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in 24 May 2016 - Beverly Hills   
    Urgh she's so hot. So beautiful. The fact that we still get pics of Lana eating in 2016 fills me with joyful hope for the new era
  3. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in 24 May 2016 - Beverly Hills   
    the way she's holding her phone 
  4. Starsx liked a post in a topic by slang in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    She dresses pragmatically when she's out and about in town. She dumps her boyfriends rather than vice versa, and I would guess this would be for pragmatic reasons as well. I see her as pessimistic but certainly not depressed. She seems actually happier now as many have pointed out. She seems invited to a lot of Hollywood events and is generally seen as a cool celebrity to be around (by other A list celebrities). Maybe she doesn't promote the way you want, but the importance of that is questionable. Maybe her lyrics aren't as good as Morrissey's or P.J. Harvey's but she's not actively trying to imitate them and her lyrics are her own and not  similar to other pop stars and often quite enigmatic or at least interesting. Finally, HM the album and it's 3 videos were not trivial accomplishments and she's got a respectably challenging set of festival appearances lined up. So I guess I just don't see what you're seeing in terms of a decline in her artistic or personal morale. 
  5. Starsx liked a post in a topic by HawaiianTropic in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I agree with the ideas behind your post, but I do think your wording is quite harsh.
    Depression isn't an easy road, it eats away at people. And I don't think you can really blame Lana for her lack of promotion, live shows, and care for her appearance considering that she most likely is still suffering from depression/anxiety, and also after all the criticism and hate she got from people after the big break of BTD. It's easy for you to say, "I'm entitled as a fan to see a proper performance of hers" but you don't really know how hard things may have been for Lana. I presume you're  no famous celebrity with eyes watching from every angle. You've never had to deal with the crap Lana has over the past few years therefore I don't think you can make statements about what Lana should have done/should be doing, because you obviously don't know what's been going on inside her head and the situations she's had to deal with since the rise of her fame.
    I do agree that a live performance and a little more care for her appearance wouldn't go astray every now and then, and I'd certainly take a little more promo any day, but I think it's hard for us as fans and not as people who know Lana or her situation personally to make proper judgments on what Lana should be doing. It's her life and if she's happy just putting out an album with no promo, no live performances, no TV, not having to worry too much about how she looks, then good for her! She has every right as a human being to do what she wants and we all need to learn that we aren't entitled to anything from Lana. At the end of the day, just be glad you're still getting anything from her. She's such a prolific songwriter, she releases so much music all the time and we've gotten HUNDREDS of leaks yet no one seems to ever be satisfied and everyone just wants more and more. Let Lana live, for goodness sake! She technically owes us nothing so be grateful you've gotten anything over the last few years - considering the backlash she got from BTD, she could have easily just said stuff it and given up, but she kept releasing music because it's what she loves and she wants to treat her fans.
  6. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Flipflopfan in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    You're funny.
    She uses the same (out of fashion) shitty sandals for 2 years. Blue jeans, white shirt. She was horribly dressed at any red carpet event she participated in the last two years. She is a fixture of worst-dressed lists.
    She wasn't in the proper limelight for 3 years now. She didn't promoted her last two albums. She threw out HM and she is relaxing since then. 
    About my entitlement. Why I'm following her? That is the question. Certainly not for her "deep" emotional statements, wisdom, or philosophy that came through her lyrics. But I like her face, voice, melodies and I liked her style sometime ago. She is an entertainer in my book but she never payed attention to that part of her job. Because, you know, she choose to have a job and I'm a customer who buys her shit. Maybe I'm a little entitled as a fan to see a proper performance of hers in 3 years and not just botched recordings of her subpar live shows? 
    Poor Lana, I offend her existence with my stupid attention (and I have to admit that the amount of attention that I devote to her is an utterly stupid thing to do) by expressing opinions on a forum regarding her state of mind. Maybe I can get tired of her depressive/bipolar act which, in my opinion, gets embarrassing for everyone involved in her career (included fans).
  7. Starsx liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    moody ✓
    seemingly vacant ✓
    kind and simultaneously cold ✓ 
    sounds like her bipolar ass 
  8. Starsx liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    This totally sounds like Lana. When I think about meeting her I would expect it to be somehow awkward 
  9. Starsx liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    Don't worry about the people berating you, you didn't do anything abnormal. Sometimes people imposing on her has resulted in photos, sometimes it doesn't. Given how she appears to behave with fans at venues it wasn't unreasonable for you to request a photograph. Plenty of people have seen her and hesitated to approach and probably still regret it to this day, we all know it can pay off to be a little pushy in these situations.
  10. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    She's not forced to acknowledge you or give anything to you. You approached her in her private life and even though I can somehow understand you why you did it, you should be happy about the contact you had. You interrupted her privacy and she was polite. She's not owing you ANYTHING, so stop acting as if you are a poor neglected fan.
    It's so annoying that within many fanbases people think they are free to harass their star whenever they see them and that it's ok to behave super obsessive without considering how creepy this may come off for the star. If you are a fan you should RESPECT the person.
  11. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    Well think about the amount of fans that must have approached her over the years, it probably gets really old, especially for an introvert like Lana. She probably didn't intend to come off as rude or anything, but it's something that happened to her so many times and she's just sick of constantly being interrupted, even if you're super polite about it. 
  12. Starsx liked a post in a topic by HawaiianTropic in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    If she was there with a friend, she probably didn't want to annoy them by making them wait around while she talks to fans, takes pictures and so on. I'm guessing that's why she was probably not spending as much time with you guys. Or she was just in a rush to go somewhere afterwards. Plus, it sounds like there was some pressure from her management to not take photos with fans. Who knows? At least she acknowledged you at all and talked to you for a little, some celebrities just completely ignore their fans. All in all, great you got to meet her, and I think for a lot of people meeting their fave is a bit short-lived. (Probably because we all want to spend another hour with them lol)
  13. Starsx liked a post in a topic by writtenxrabbits in Lana @ Rihanna's ANTItour 03/05/2016   
    she is just straight up gorgeous, even if her fashion sense is a bit basic
  14. Starsx liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Lana @ Rihanna's ANTItour 03/05/2016   
    What's that headline she said she'd want, when asked at that event ? "Lana Del Rey spotted with a mysterious, handsome man. Who is he?" 
  15. Starsx liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Lana @ Rihanna's ANTItour 03/05/2016   
    Lana was seen last night at Rihanna's Anti Tour California show with musician and producer Jonathan Wilson (who also plays with Father John Misty) 

    When leaving the show:
    She also took some pics with people:
  16. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i completely agree, when i heard HBTB for the first time i couldnt believe my ears it sounded like she didnt care and sent a half-assed song to us. instead of sounding serene and heavenly in many HM she just sounds bored out of her mind
  17. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i hope lana makes an album that is a mix between BTD and UV. fast paced, beautiful, psychedelic, yet sad. i want her to dig into 70s disco but with a dark twist
  18. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana's Instagram Travel Diaries   
    Lana needs to post again to put this thread back on it's original track
  19. Starsx liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Lana's Instagram Travel Diaries   
    For a moment I thought I was reading the post-release thread
  20. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana's Instagram Travel Diaries   
    Oh, well i did not want to come it across as if I would state it as a fact, it's just my opinion. I like HM, but it's just ... subpar compared to the other stuff she put out. And one of the reasons I think so is that the production is extremely undiverse and ... somehow lazy, at least that's my opinion. It's a good album but being a Lana fan I'd expect her to be capable of more.
    However, as much as I don't want to bash her it's terrible to see how some people here overrate her, and I'm actually already a quite big fan. Lana's lyrics are nowhere near "exceptional good" and she's not a "trailblazer".
  21. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana's Instagram Travel Diaries   
    OMG all this in-depth discussion on Lana's carreer on this page is so damn interesting.
    It's interesting to read so much criticism towards her, and while I agree with everything Leaked Version, in the sense that it would be the best thing in the world if she put out a Born To Die 2.0, a commercial record and promoted it everywhere, I'm also very satisfied with what we have now. All songs on Honeymoon are fantastic, and she is already working on new music, meaning we will get even more amazing material from her. As long as she keeps serving music often I'll be happy to follow her, and I really want her to release in Q4 this year, maybe in november or early next year. It doesn't matter that much how successful the albums will be simply because the music is just so on point that is all I care about.
    Does she have potential for so much more? Oh yes, loads loads more. She could be bigger than most pop stars. But is it a tragedy that it's not happening? No, not really.
  22. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Lana's Instagram Travel Diaries   
    And it's not just the lyrics, it's also the melodies. yes she landed a good song with terrence loves you when it comes to building a somehow interesting melody but she cant fill a complete album with slow "jazzy" songs like terrence loves you. the melodies of her other songs are just as repetitive as her lyrics. just look at the video games and honeymoon choruses again, the melody in video games is "exciting" and tells a story (especially together with the lyrics) then you have the monotone honeymoon chorus. 
    it bothers me so much how many fans label honeymoon as some "artistic jazzy peak" in lanas career (??)
    she could've put starry eyed with its repeated first chorus on honeymoon and no one would have noticed how lazy that song (as a finished product) would be!
  23. Starsx liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana's Instagram Travel Diaries   
    I don't even think it's the topics. Many, many songwriters use the same topics, mostly songs about love and doomed relationships.
    The problem is the songwriting itself by now. Her songs used to tell little stories, they had charme and the lyrics were flowing so well. The structure was also more interesting. They exploded in the chorus and had amazing bridges like in Blue Jeans (one of the best bridges in pop in the last 5 years or so in my humble opion).
    I'll give you an example to compare. The difference in songwriting is quite evident.
    Video Games
    It's you, it's you, it's all for you
    Everything I do
    I tell you all the time
    Heaven is a place on earth with you
    Tell me all the things you want to do
    I heard that you like the bad girls
    Honey, is that true?
    It's better than I ever even knew
    They say that the world was built for two
    Only worth living if somebody is loving you
    Baby now you do
    and then:
    Our honeymoon
    Our honeymoon
    Our honeymoon
    Say you want me too
    Say you want me too
    Dark blue
    Dark blue
  24. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana's Instagram Travel Diaries   
    Having your own artistic universe is fine, but you should expand it.
    Just look at all the unreleased songs: Of course they were never meant to be heard so they can't be counted for the "official LDR universe" but you can already find almost all of the tropes she explored so far within them, meaning she ticks to the same topics for at least 8 years now. Of course each album had it's own little thing going on, BtD was the romantic "Lolita in the hood" topic, Paradise had some more Americana stuff going on, UV was about being "the mistress on the side" for an abusive man and HM had some more "thoughtful" base, but in the end her themes are quite limited.
    Not that I want her to sing a feminist anthem, but it would be a big progress if we had an album that's not mainly circled around relationships
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