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Amandine Insensible

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  1. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Sky Ferreira   
    the sky ferreira updates account (potentially) quitting was the nail in the coffin 
  2. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by I Come In Peace in Sky Ferreira   
  3. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by bored in Lady Gaga   
    Yeah... I completely agree! It feels like she tried to do the best of both worlds and it didn't merge how she intended. It's very clear she was all guys I'm going back to the dancefloor, trying to appeal to the GP (probably after the success of A Star Is Born - and rightfully so)... But then she slapped on this mismatch aesthetic for her fans to say I'm weird again, it's me, here's my giant claw, bleached brows, crazy outfits... When in reality this feels like her most mainstream and intentionally commercial release. Even the track lengths etc. It's all tailored to be a success and it has been thus far. The initial teasing of SOPHIE being involved really had me quite excited (as a Charli fan), plus I'm a casual Gaga fan but this doesn't feel authentic, like it's like she's trying to be what she thinks the GP want Lady Gaga to be in 2020.
    She should've either took the A Star Is Born success and ran with it and committed to the GP appeal (aesthetic too), or she should've been grateful for the success and then done a 180 and come back with something really left field.
    I agree with somebody (can't remember who), who said this is kinda her Lust For Life, a clear attempt to appeal to a mass audience again. And I think she nailed that aspect of it - just she missed the mark on what makes her unique. Nothing on hear screams Gaga! You have songs like Venus, Aura, ARTPOP, Scheibe, Judas, Alejandro etc. They're so Gaga. Nothing on this album stands out as like "damn, that's a Lady Gaga song".
    All in all, it's an enjoyable listen, I had no real desire to return to it after one listen though. I'm hoping that now she's proved she can still get the hits, she'll take some more risks with the next album and really remind us who Lady Gaga is and why she made the impact she once did.
  4. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Lady Gaga   
    The difference is TFM and BTW both were unique, there was nothing like it out. This doesnt sound like her, vocally or production wise, it just sounds stale and boring to me. 
    You can like or love the album as much as you want, I’m not trying to invalidate your opinion because you’re entitled to that, I’m just sharing my opinion of it and why I can’t listen to it, because it doesn’t resonate with the sound that Lady Gaga is known for. Honestly, if she released it under her real name without the Lady Gaga tag on it, it might be a better album.... but its a Gaga album and it doesn’t hold the quality that a Lady Gaga album did 10 years ago, even being out today.
    Every song to me sounds the same or similar and the lyrical content falls shy of what I’d expect. The way she looked in the Stupid Love video made me wonder if this would be her Ziggy Stardust era, but it turns out that the aesthetic makes no sense for the album and music. I don’t understand the reason for it. It’s like she wants to stay unique and interesting, yet her music isn’t showcasing the weird, beautiful art we know she is more than capable of crafting. 
    Let me put it in perspective: With Lana, I expect a certain quality of sound and with every record, it turns out she delivers. She has every time. I don’t like LFL, but it still has the quality of a LDR record. LG on the other hand hit a high peak somewhere between BTW & Artpop, but ever since, the quality has been declining. Try listening to this album 5 years from now and you’ll notice the difference, where TFM, BTW, and even Artpop (which a lot of people disliked, considering the change of style it had), still hold up in the quality standard she set for herself with her first album. This album won’t hold that longevity. Even as much as I dislike LFL, I know it’s still going to hold the quality expectations from a LDR album another 5 or 10 years, even being my least favorite in her discography. Is that subject to change? Sure! Opinions are fluid
    I typically don’t like drawing comparisons between Gaga and LDR, bc they’re very, very different artists making very different types of music, but that’s the easiest way to explain my opinion.
  5. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Lady Gaga   
    This is exactly what I thought. Like it sounds thrown together and generic. Going from Artpop to this... I pretend Joanne or whatever didn’t happen, it’s weird she was trying this strange country sound and I didnt like it.
    I’m sad to say but I guess I’ve finally grown away from Gaga and I can’t go back. I wish I could listen to her and enjoy her still, but the quality isn’t there anymore like it used to be. When Joanne came out, I only like 2 tracks and those were Dancin In Circles and Perfect Illusion and with this... None of it stands out to me. There’s nothing like Telephone or Judas or Government Hooker or anything. And I understand that artists change their sounds and this is completely fine! But at this point, I hear she’s going back to pop and I... i’m disappointed. It’s not that it’s a trash album and it’s not good at all, I just don’t like it and can’t listen to it like I did TF/TFM, BTW, and AP.
    I say this bc i miss when Gaga was weird and still making unique music. I guess I can say the same about other artists too like Kesha and Katy Perry... but I still had a connection to Gaga and I had specific expectations and they fell through. I’m sad about this record.
  6. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Lady Gaga   
    I... don’t like this album at all. I didn’t think I would either judging by Stupid Love. It’s all just generic and sounds all the same, each track. I just... what a disappointment. Glad she’s still making music I guess, but i can’t listen to it and genuinely enjoy it
  7. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lady Gaga   
    Replay, 911 and Babylon are cute. But the album has nothing on the exciting strucutures of ARTPOP, BTW and TF(M). A lot of the song structures are predictable, the production is really repetitivr, there is no "wow"-effect and Gaga is yelling too much.
  8. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in SEVDALIZA   
    That explains why those three tracks were grouped to an "EP".
    Darkest Hour was premiered alongside Kalim, Rhode and Key, so I guess it's safe to say that DH and Martyr were part of the scrapped album.
  9. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by electra in Lady Gaga   
    hiatus from gay music for sure
    i meant visually but thanks
    the albums is trash sorry bout it
  10. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by electra in Lady Gaga   
    soemone said on twitter this is literally her lfl
    comes after quite a hiatus (although honeymoon wasn't a huge hiatus she wasn't doing a lot during the era which made the album stretch feel longer)
    clear concept (space whatever / 60s retrofuturism)
    half executed (the quality of rain on me is completely different to stupid love visually like wtf? same with something like love vs white mustang)
    a lot of collabs, most being mediocre
    16 songs with a lot of filler
    the majority of the album is some of the most mediocre stuff she's put out but the stuff that's great is amazing
    critics will probably be into it and fans wont
    this probably means she'll turn around and drop the best album of her career next and then be cancelled.
  11. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Lady Gaga   
    h&m background music 
  12. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by AzebraBanks in Lady Gaga   
    Alice is the best track, tracks like plastic doll and 911 have potential but then the chorus comes and it’s cringe and unlistenable lol.
  13. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by JamiDelRey in Lady Gaga   
    Only on my second play through of the album and I can say without a doubt 911 is the best track this shit SLAPS so hard
  14. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by JamiDelRey in Lady Gaga   
    I just wish she could’ve kept certain elements (bridge, more of the free womaaaa-aa-aaannnn parts) from the original Free Woman instead of slapping this L+F quality cut and paste sounding drop
  15. JamiDelRey liked a post in a topic by Amandine Insensible in SEVDALIZA   
    I think she actually said that she wants to put them out at one point? She confirmed this on ig I believe. 
    Btw I am really not feeling her new releases. Her lyrics are getting weaker too like her ig captions are so poetic but when it comes to her songs they are just plain and simple. Also give us a bridge or something girl the structure of your songs are so.... predictible? 
    Somehow Darkest Hour was the last song I could resonate with. It's still my favorite song from her.
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Amandine Insensible in SEVDALIZA   
    I think she actually said that she wants to put them out at one point? She confirmed this on ig I believe. 
    Btw I am really not feeling her new releases. Her lyrics are getting weaker too like her ig captions are so poetic but when it comes to her songs they are just plain and simple. Also give us a bridge or something girl the structure of your songs are so.... predictible? 
    Somehow Darkest Hour was the last song I could resonate with. It's still my favorite song from her.
  17. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in SEVDALIZA   
    i’m afraid that darkest hour & martyr might belong to the scrapped album :/ i wish i knew the timeline of what she worked on when
    joanna is nice but the last three singles are meh, lamp lady probs the best of the three
    martyr & darkest hour are my faves overall
  18. Amandine Insensible liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Charli XCX   
    the artwork on apple music sucks 
    nvm: she changed it to caroline's, it's a serve
  19. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Amandine Insensible in Charli XCX   
    this is so cute omg

  20. lil aerosol liked a post in a topic by Amandine Insensible in Charli XCX   
    this is so cute omg

  21. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by Amandine Insensible in Charli XCX   
    this is so cute omg

  22. clementines liked a post in a topic by Amandine Insensible in Charli XCX   
    this is so cute omg

  23. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Amandine Insensible in Charli XCX   
    this is so cute omg

  24. alkolmoldah liked a post in a topic by Amandine Insensible in Charli XCX   
    this is so cute omg

  25. Terrence Loves Me liked a post in a topic by Amandine Insensible in Alice Glass   
    based on what she said on ig it is! + her best friend confirmed it too last october
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