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  1. Constantine liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    More room for Auerbach to come make album of the decade 2.0!
  2. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Constantine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I pray to god Emile is not featured in Honeymoon. He is quite terrible.
  3. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by Constantine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I pray to god Emile is not featured in Honeymoon. He is quite terrible.
  4. Constantine liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    U forgot to bash UV
  5. Constantine liked a post in a topic by eight in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I don't think there's anything more important about a Lana era than the music itself, period. But seriously, works of art shouldn't have to be explained by their artists on stage or something. Art is meant to be studied and through that the meaning will be revealed. That's what is so interesting about almost every form of art whether it's literature, music, or visual. It'd be boring if she explained everything perfectly. Where would be the mystique, the star power, or the elusiveness that makes Lana what she is? You completely don't understand who and what she is as an artist and it makes me feel like you're mentally lazy for wanting her to spell everything out for you so you can "get" it. That's what makes me think you're just not going to last as a fan of hers. Might as well give it up now. 
    And I'm not saying I WANT her to release the album and vanish. But I'm merely saying she completely has the option to, just like any other artist. She isn't our barbie doll to play dress up with and to make dance and sing whenever we want to. Leave that for someone like Katy Perry who willingly puts herself in that kind of position. But the option to release something and not have to shove it into people's faces through performances and interviews IS a legitimate way to do things. Look at Prince, Kate Bush, Bjork, David Bowie... None of them feel the need to do all that. It'd be perfectly fine if they did, but they don't. I just don't understand why you have to keep pushing so hard for her to do anything other than make music. She's said before that that's what she enjoys doing: writing and making the music itself. 
    If you are just so fed up with the way Lana does things then I suggest you give up on her. Artists generally become even more reclusive with age, so BTD may have been the most outgoing Lana you'll ever get. Enjoy the MUSIC!!!
  6. Constantine liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    Ok, it's a beautiful song, but let's not reach here. Emile's overproduction tends to drain the life/emotion out of Lana's songs. He stripped down a bit here and it's nice, but it's a bit of a stretch to call it better than anything on UV, lol.
  7. Constantine liked a post in a topic by eight in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Your argument doesn't make much sense to me. Not being able to enjoy a song without it being performed live is kind of ridiculous. There are many artists out there that only release their music without going on as many TV shows as possible or even touring. Except Lana still does tour, so you have live versions of the songs lol. It doesn't reflect how much an artist cares about their music when they don't "promote" it. You're all stuck in stan world/shallow logic. I'm not saying you aren't real fans, but you obviously just said you can't enjoy her music or artistry without some type of promo. Speaks for itself.
     Just because Lana isn't playing every instrument on her records doesn't mean she isn't a musician. Writing good melodies, lyrics, and singing all take incredible talent. So yes, enjoy the music.
  8. Constantine liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    It's interesting that you've disregarded any outcomes that might actually be positive and interesting for Lana and the people who actually enjoy what she does.
  9. Constantine liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    not being mean but you are literally so basic
  10. Constantine liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'm flabbergasted by the fact that some of you believe that Haynie, Heath or Nowels could have ever done this record justice. 
  11. Constantine liked a post in a topic by Honeymooner in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Will someone please wake me up when this thread actually gets back on topic about Lana's new album? 
  12. Constantine liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I want the return of the puppy backpack this era

  13. Constantine liked a post in a topic by whitman in Lana Del Rey at Golden Globe Awards 2015   
    you all are too gay for me to deal with....She looks hot and stunning. That's all
  14. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by Constantine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    The production on OTTR is not the best imo. Her vocals are extremely overproduced.
  15. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Constantine in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    The production on OTTR is not the best imo. Her vocals are extremely overproduced.
  16. Kommander liked a post in a topic by Constantine in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    I don't want Lana to go back to the BTD/P sound at all.
  17. Constantine liked a post in a topic by HunterAshlyn in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    So... Wow...

    I just read through 90% of this thread and.... 

    I gotta say I'm really kind of overwhelmed, shocked and ultimately disappointed by so many of the comments I see here. It would seem that a large majority of the fans here really don't give a fuck about the content or concept of Lana's music as long as we "get a new look for the era" or she stops doing "boring jazz" (which is an oxymoron) or she stops wearing "jeans and tshirts" or starts "using makeup." Again and again the comments here read like a tug of war with everyone pulling her in all different directions. This is one of the first times I have ever truly hoped she does not ever read this forum. There used to be a lot of constructive, thought out criticism here from people who had a wealth of knowledge about music- from genre specialties to music history- and could discuss Lana's work in an interesting way. People could really discuss the cultural significance of what she was doing or dissect her lyrics. This is all just like... "stan" vomit. And if Lana were to ever read through this... Wow... I can't imagine. I would be SO uninspired to see what my fans were discussing and valuing about my art. It's not that there is criticism- I have read thoughtful critiques on her work here before that I wish Lana could/would read because I think they would inspire her so much. However, so many of the comments here miss the mark completely on what is important. She is an ARTIST. Allow an artistic process to HAPPEN. She is not your barbie doll to dress up and style. She is a person who is trying to communicate her soul through a difficult business called the Music Industry that has become LESS and LESS about the actual music.

    Do you guys see how so many of us have been conditioned to value the PACKAGE over the PRODUCT in this industry? They are destroying our minds and our ability to appreciate diversity and art in the music world. By us placing so much emphasis on how she looks, we keep perpetuating the kind of business models that starved funding our of Ultraviolence. Labels send interns onto forums like this to get a read on what the fan bases are looking for, what they want. The music industry has taught you to care more about Lana's hair than her words, so now when a label lackey comes on here to read through this garbage, what they will report back to their bosses is "They want a pretty girl, the music seems so secondary." This means, ultimately, more label control. The label could pressure Lana into a package she isn't comfortable with and as a result, we get a less authentic and self-expressing artist. 

    This is all hypothetical, but this is how things happen. Consumers of art need to seriously take more responsibility when using their voice. 

    I can't imagine how I would feel if I read through pages and pages of comments that missed the point of what I do completely. I would be completely devastated and hollow. 

    (Not to say that EVERY post was like this, but I'm just highlighting a few that really stuck with me. Come on guys, we can do better than this. And I'm not even saying Lana's look isn't important to some degree- as she has often used it as an extension of expression of the music. But come on, some of these comments... We are smarter than that and we care about Lana's authentic expression more than that... right?) 
  18. Constantine liked a post in a topic by rdp in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Pictured: Lana reading this thread after she finishes recording 10 minutes jazz songs with her whispering on a children's microphone while Mark Ronson languidly plays the sax.
  19. Constantine liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    U will be so disappointed because this album probably won't sound anything like your beloved BTD.

    It's just the same as last year. People were expecting from Dan to come up with a production style close to Paradise and he didn't. Mark Ronson won't either.

    And then the BTD lovers will all be pissed again.

  20. Ziad liked a post in a topic by Constantine in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    I don't want Lana to go back to the BTD/P sound at all.
  21. Constantine liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Y'all are so delusional; Honeymoon is an amazing title.
    Music To Watch Boys To is cute but just doesn't sound right for an album title.
  22. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Constantine in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    I don't want Lana to go back to the BTD/P sound at all.
  23. lostindarkparadise liked a post in a topic by Constantine in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    I don't want Lana to go back to the BTD/P sound at all.
  24. Intriguing Penguin liked a post in a topic by Constantine in "Lana Del Ray" turns 5!   
    That era was magic
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