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Everything posted by Escapism

  1. the audacity she has to split the set list into LOVE/FEAR and not have fear & loathing but have HTBAH instead... although im happy to see AYS? make its comeback
  2. I'll give credit to the Electra Heart era where it's due the concept and aesthetic was iconic and innovative, making a character created by female archetypes and insprations (marilyn, britney, 60's movies, etc.) to dwelve into understanding identity was a great idea, but it was poorly excuted. The good excutions come from the album shoot with Casper Balslev, her tumblr, and the early videos of the era but once the P&C video came about the whole archetypes thing was nonexistant lmao. also who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put hypocrates (HTBAH and Radioactive too if you count the US Version) between VOTD and F&L...
  3. the only thing i'd ever want is the ability to choose themes based on lana's eras (like DG with Marina's)
  4. She looked so good in the video (especially the red dress.. whew!) and baby is a nice song. Gave me some hype for this era!
  5. No disrespect to Lana's backup dancers, but honestly this really makes me miss her solo performances. I'm not sure what it is, but I feel so much more connected to her when she's performing alone like this. Also, How to Disappear is absolutely gorgeous.
  6. Nicole and Neil are always able to bring out the essence of the album and really complete the era. When I think about those particular eras their photos are what pop into my head first. Chuck, I think really did well with things Lizzy Grant related and smaller projects with Lana (Singles, Tropico, etc.) are okay, but when it comes to an album photoshoot I always feel like there's something missing. When I look at the Lust for Life photoshoot, I'm really only reminded of it being bts of the Love video. Where as Paradise, does give off the essence of that era despite it being a bts of Blue Jeans. And I still feel like Lana should have gone full circle and brought Nicole back for the LFL photoshoot, considering it referencing the btd shoot. Plus she's able to incorporate other objects without the whole photo becoming clunky. Anyways! If Chuck is doing the album shoot, with the photos taken so far this era, I have some hope that it will turn out alright. The colors seem a bit more Earthy, which I can see fitting with the music.
  7. No, I meant it wasn't appealing as in "fucking" being censored, like how FMWUTTT was censored on its physical copies as "******" instead of fucked.
  8. What I wanna know is how physical copies are going to be sold, because I don’t think “Norman f***ing Rockwell” would look that appealing on an album cover.
  9. I’m more excited for this album than I was for LFL tbh
  10. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    Remember when the Crybaby era first began and the child theme was somewhat endearing before the aspects of it became more forced and repetitive through her music videos while a majority of her album songs began to stale as well? What I'm getting at it, it's old, bland, get over it, COME UP WITH SOMETHING ELSE. IT'S BEEN THREE YEARS. She might be able to make this theme work for this album, but I doubt it will be a timeless record. There's a way to do cohesiveness, themes, and stories in albums and music videos.. I mean, it's not too far to take a look at a person who does it right, to at least where it becomes timeless, considering we're on a Lana forum (well, not LFL but I'm not sure Lana's intention was to tell a story that album). But, we'll see when her album leaks gets released. Anyways, I do hope this record will be good, but the theme is just tiring now.
  11. can't wait for the next 8 concerts in california and other benefits they'll get, while other fans will never even get a chance to see her step in their region because of issues well out of their control!
  12. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    what a fucking mess lmao
  13. I'm just really hoping that we don't have another music video situation with the original song to go along with it ends up being scrapped or used for something else.
  14. But like what’s going to happen to her previous albums, particularly their cover arts? Are they going to change as well or just go under “Marina” as well? It’d be a bit confusing for newcomers and seems like a lot of unnecessary work lmao.
  15. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    honestly, the movie will probably just be her doing that smile thing she does in every other video to signify crybaby is cRAZY and some random crying scenes, the other main characters acting like they're high, the side characters also acting like they're high but this time with animal masks or black eyes because it's creepy and "creative" featuring yungepedophile, some awkward acting, movements and editing all in shades of pastel, but this time at school here's the smile thing i'm talking about:
  16. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    Legs from here to homeworld was released on the website and app!
  17. I'd really love if we had a set of patches for each era, similar to the ones on the racer jacket, but separate.
  18. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    ok but how did that corrupted gem peridot bubbled and put in the barn not get popped when lapis chucked that shit at blue's head lmao
  19. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    this episode was fucking amazing i literally cannot fathom it in my head right now holy smokes
  20. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    i dont think so, it would have been all over reddit and youtube by now
  21. I'm super excited, I really wanna see what the visual direction for this album will be since she's done so much these past years (like going to Japan or her whole floral phase, etc.), her past visuals, especially Electra Heart and FROOT (TFJ I don't think was as specific) were all really intriguing. Musically, I really don't like what we got from "You" but from what Eclipse described about the mood of the album I'm pretty hyped.
  22. Even though she has no obligation to, I wish she'd give us a bit of an update with what we're getting and where she's at with the process and also I'm glad she got rid of whatever lashes she's been wearing recently, they were kinda droopy lmao
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