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Everything posted by Escapism

  1. im so embarrassed i read “big dharma” as big diarrhea i really need to get my eyes checked out
  2. no you fool, she’d be an uncle if phoenix was a boy...but because phoenix is a girl so she’s an aunt
  3. Escapism

    Britney Spears

    my god she’s adorable i love her extensive use of emojis and just love her in general
  4. ms girls got some coconuts... whew...
  5. I feel like summer bummer would be better if it included more aspects of the demo - mainly the humming but i gotta agree!!! it’s one of my favorites on LFL
  6. i cannot get over how gorgeous the coverart for this album is, neil is absolutely wonderful and i havent been this excited to see a photoshoot in a while i wonder if we’ll get any alternative covers for this album (although im not sure how it could beat the original as its stunning)
  7. I don’t care how delulu I am give me roses bloom for you lana
  8. depends on what state youre in but around a month and a half ago in my own state whens the last time you had a real good sleep?
  9. i believe in valley of the dolls supremacy
  10. goin back to her lizzy grant roots
  11. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    never say never EDIT: trigger warning for your ears if you decide to listen
  12. Escapism


    I think it’s more about lana constantly saying “I’m making this album”, “new album is coming soon” and “album is coming out_” and then album either never comes out, changing the dates constantly, or not giving us any info as to what’s go on bts when it comes to the delays so we’re left in the dark on whether or not this album is going to come out and if it will come out. she definitely gives us a lot but...her releases and hyping up albums that never come out have been incredibly unprofessional these days and to be frank - it gets tiring to be so unsure with her all the time.
  13. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    orange trees and orange juice mashup when??
  14. Lana mentioned in an interview once that she really enjoys teen idle by Marina! Not sure if it was on there or not. https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/mAJyWP3ZMnmAYjM98 she mentions it at 11:54
  15. Escapism


    im so excited!!! she’s a wonderful artist (haven’t given a listen to everything but some songs really hit - like love club, liability, and bravado) if any of you can, can you recommend some songs??? i wanna listen to her full discography eventually but its been difficult especially these last few years to sit and listen to a full album due to mental illness (as in i can barely pay attention, dont have the motivation, or i just only feel comfortable with what im used to) anyway i would love recommendations if anyone is willing to give a few!!
  16. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    we really are winning huh
  17. hi ok just wanna say scab and plaster is so fucking good
  18. reminds me of when id force everyone to listen to lana whenever a game had the roblox radio one of my favs to play was an uncensored cola that somehow got bypassed anywhosies i was watching one of marinas videos and lana was always in my recommendations (or someone she was compared to) so i finally decided to watch one of her recommended videos which was national anthem and i fell in love with her music and visuals
  19. for some reason i had a dream where she sent me (and others) care packages for being "longtime" fan and for some reason she sent me edibles in the form of nature valley granola bars (the ones that get everywhere with every crunch and as soon as you open them) anyway excited for venus fly trap!!
  20. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    random but what the actual fuck was that drama where people got mad cause she asked some fans not to take a photo of her w/o her permission anyway she should do another cosmetics collab (like the lipsticks she did w lime crime)
  21. https://www.wattpad.com/story/9458400-give-me-love-marina-diamandis-and-lana-del-rey-a
  22. its so weird to see people constantly trying to justify the death of a black person killed in the hands of police and on the other side of the spectrum you have people thanking said black person for being "killed" (they were murdered, not just killed. they werent putting their lives out there for the sake of the community, their lives were taken from them against their will) because an officer finally got the punishment he deserves and to them its justice even though NOTHING has changed in the system so that doesnt happen again. an officer being put in jail doesnt take away their death. and it sure as hell doesnt prevent the innocent deaths that will be continued in a racist system. im not saying that im not happy chauvin (in this case) is going to prison. i am - he deserves it. and i can be put at peace that a murderer was caught and will now be punished.. but that's it. i feel weird trying to say that justice has been served when i know that this is going to happen again considering it already has - multiple times. *just want to say im not a POC, i dont want brownie points or anything - but if i said something that was out of line or anything please let me know as i dont have that personal connection to this. i can acknowledge and support those who do though and be educated on these topics so i can learn and understand how to support those who have to suffer this problem even more and stand behind them in trying to end it.
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