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Everything posted by Escapism

  1. still waiting for the day where we can say we ARE on honeymoon no more manifestation bullshit it’s time to DEMAND from the universe
  2. i have said it before and i will keep saying that valley of the dolls DESERVED a video and honestly would have been a great way to end the archetypes series
  3. the snuff necklace is definitely up there for me but i really love her visuals, in particular her homemade videos theres just something so much more personal about them since lana was the one picking and choosing the clips as to how she felt they fit with the song or were reminders of her own memories or just something she was fascinated with and her lip syncing along, dancing, the outfits, the accessories?? are just precious like seeing her in a blonde wig, with heart shaped sunglasses, and drinking diet mtn dew is so on the nose and in a way cheesy but in the best of ways possible and then you have homemade videos for carmen where we have specific audio clips that are also played over the track that really enhance the meaning of the song
  4. this is one of those things i see where im going to be listening to terrence at 2 am and probs right before the chorus hits im going to randomly think of this comment and not know where to go from there i mean i have some issues when i listen to serial killer now cause i saw a fan video with actual serial killers with lanas song being used and the girlies in the comments.. one claimed that she regularly communicates with one and they sent her a ring..while i feel bad because she’s clearly delulu i remember i or someone else responded that it was one of those plastic rings you get on cupcakes from the grocery store ...cray cray
  5. clearly they took advice from their own video
  6. honestly i have no idea she’d definitely be controversial in some cases summertime sadness mv? would probs be called a queer bait lolita? glamourizing pedophilia in a sassy, cute, and sexy sounding song (especially with me too and there being a more wide spread awareness that these kinds of relationships are abusive and unhealthy) *note; i dont think lana intends that of course but rather is identifying with lo (not going into that characters perspective) and having a thing with an older man- not humbert. plus to me ive always seen the song from a males perspective hence why it sounds so teasing and fun and dangerous (similar to how lolita is written from humberts perspective and him being an unreliable narrator) also probs a shit ton of controversy surrounding cultural appropriation but i do think she’d be successful and would probably be considered like a “quirky” but deep artist and would definitely bring in a younger generation of fans as well as adult fans (In other words a more varied fanbase than like billie or something ) i dont think she’d get some of the backlash she did back in the day which was just pure misogyny but she’d certainly be considered somewhat problematic but overall i think she’d have a much easier time being a female artist and expressing herself through her sexuality, relationships, and art than she did in 2012 anyway im having like a mega bad adhd hyperfixation moment so im probs thinking too much into this
  7. it would be such a wasted opportunity if she didn’t id love another rerelease, boxset, or like what mel did with her deluxe/non album tracks and made cry babys extra clutter ep so the songs could have a vinyl release plus I just want more casper balslev archetypes photos
  8. every time i lay down and try to listen to is this happiness and be depressed my mind always travels to that one sad scene in shrek with hallelujah playing in the background (for reference im still depressed but im also thinking of shrek x is this happiness)
  9. thinking about electra heart and how it will turn ten next year
  10. it will definitely be gatefold it seems cuz multiple sites (including the au site for lanas shop) said it’s a 2 LP gatefold https://shopau.lanadelrey.com/collections/blue-banisters-exclusive-white-2lp-gatefold-digital-album/products/blue-banisters-exclusive-white-2lp-gatefold anywhosies gonna be mega disappointed if they don’t use this shoot to the fullest (like i NEED a honeymoon vinyl esque release with the gorgeous gatefold picture and vinyl booklet) cause the images we’ve gotten thus far are absolutely stunning
  11. not gonna lie im missing her happy birthday posts even tho they always gave me a false sense of excitement thinking she announced something
  12. uhmm like slightly drunk and for some reason i thought this was gonna be srs vent about how she records while she’s driving
  13. i mean i get some of you are upset about her deactivating her socials but,,
  14. I’m going to cry a river if she puts her cover of cry me a river on there
  15. my god do i want an ultraviolence esque boxset for this album - the visuals are GORGEOUS like yes please give me an exclusive picture disc, cd, and some big ass art prints??? id be delulu to hope that happens but im still going to manifest in the back of my head
  16. ok but id cry if we got a aka rerelease there’s just something about that album that’s so pure???? like lana just livin her life, livin her dream singing even though (at the time) she wasn’t at all popular
  17. ok but that von dutch hat is mega cute and iconic.. gonna need more 2000s lizzy looks plz
  18. ok so when is she gonna post another selfie with her boobs
  19. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    detention has got the best dance routine and look and i will argue dat
  20. idk if it’s cuz I’m high but seeing Ben be called the best of in managers is so funny what the guck
  21. (omg wait i just realized pioneers and farmers r like different but whatevs this still reminds me of nikki and lana)
  22. ok so like does anyone else ever have random sudden urges to do their hairs like electra hearts (specifically the icy blonde hair w dark brown roots) ?? since i watched primadonna and her acoustic videos back in middle school i just wanted to be that so bad but my hair is a dark brown and having to go through that whole process and probably damaging my hair is super lame anyway point is marina created such an iconic look for electra and i hope we get more photo outtakes from that era at some point because the album shoot is absolutely gorgeous o ya and leak pink convertible or whatever thanks!!
  23. im so embarrassed i read “big dharma” as big diarrhea i really need to get my eyes checked out
  24. no you fool, she’d be an uncle if phoenix was a boy...but because phoenix is a girl so she’s an aunt
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