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Everything posted by Escapism

  1. This is a moment that should be praised a cherished!
  2. Escapism

    Create an Era

    Basically, as the title says create an era (or re-create one if you wish). Examples of things to put: - Album title/tracklist/cover - MVs - Photoshoots/photographers/visuals - Merch and physical releases - Etc. Decided to make this because I like making my own albums and imagining what it'd be like as an actual era plus I can make use of some of the edits I have in lying around on my computer, so I thought this might be a fun thing to do. Hopefully, there isn't anything like this yet and that this doesn't flop, but yeah. xx
  3. HM is incredibly gorgeous, it could have been so much better though. Imagine these types of visuals combined with production (or at least the amount put into it) like we got throughout BTD/P and hell, even UV. It really was an album with deserved so much more. *Although I'm still not a fan of the freak video, I think the only part that really fits is when the chorus hits and you get that pink filter but thats just my opinion.
  4. Lana's best lips were in 2014.
  5. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    It's not the song people are mad she's vague about, it's her responses to the situation (on twitter).
  6. I saw National Anthem in the recommended while watching one of Marina's videos - although, I'd say the music video is what really intrigued me more than the song itself.
  7. Honeymoon deserved so much more as an era from both Lana's end and the fans. On lana's end I'm referring to music videos and how she's barely sung any songs from the album. It's weird because she seemed, like someone else has said, very proud of this album, but she didn't do much with it. It feels unfinished to me as an era.
  8. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    https://twitter.com/timethyheller/status/937833682236145664 http://www.newsweek.com/melanie-martinez-rape-allegations-timothy-heller-736251
  9. Lana needs to hire you, stat; as much as I wanna support her, I'm not going to spend my coins on ugly, expensive merch I'll wear like once that's going to get thrown somewhere in my room.
  10. her hair and makeup are so Paradise era here, stunning! not sure i can say the same for outfit yet, but we'll see
  11. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    They're delusional. I'm glad to see that there are (ex) fans of Melanie's who are mature enough to be able to know the fact that anyone, including someone they looked up to, can be able to do horrific acts like this.
  12. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    I wonder what's going to happen with her next album With all this happening would she still release it when planned? Because she's going to get a hell of a lot of backlash unless this gets resolved, which I doubt is going to happen at this point. Her being super quiet and only making one measly response isn't helping, either; it actually made things worse because of how she worded things combined with other peoples experiences with Melanie, it's going to be pretty bad - worse than what it is now. Giving those who came out and said what they did the benefit of the doubt, then she deserves it. If Kevin Spacey was fired from House of Cards, then Melanie should be fired from Atlantic Records.
  13. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    The fans that are still supporting her and saying it's not rape and "WHERES THE PROOF?", "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY" really need to get their head out of her fucking gap tooth. I was going to mention it earlier, but I didn't think it was appropriate (and I still don't) and we'll I've seen a couple of comments about it, but has she ever mentioned anything about her sexuality?
  14. Summertime Sadness is one of my favorite Lana videos, the atmosphere is everything This is embarrassing but, I remember when I first watched it I thought Lana was bi or something because the way she portrayed the relationship with Jaime seemed very natural (as in it was just like any other relationship she played in her videos) and I looked something up along those lines and found that picture of her and Chuck (who I thought was Jennifer Lawrence ) kissing. And younger me was very excited, I even told my friend about the picture of Chuck or "Jennifer" and her .
  15. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    If melanie doesn't say anything by tomorrow, she's done for and that's that; the longer the wait, the worse it's going to get. *also as for the comments on her most recent post, I'm pretty sure they were already removed prior to today as I've seen a couple people mention that on here. It was probably due to desc and it while being a lil pretentious, speaking of her art directly and how people negatively judge it, so she removed them so people wouldn't respond with hate in the comments or whatever, as according to her she's an advocate for anti-bullying.
  16. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    I honestly don't know what the fuck to think. Part of my does hope Timothy is lying, but that's only my inner denial acting up. She (timothy) deserves all respect until proven otherwise, until then I'm waiting for a statement from Melanie herself before I jump ship entirely and get rid of my vinyls and shirts (which was expensive as fuck and I don't think I have receipts so I'm not sure what I'll do with them). With rape cases I always like giving the victim the benefit of the doubt, however I do understand that people can lie about these things. And sure, I could make a situation in my head up for a reasoning Timothy is lying about this. But, until Melanie says something herself, I'm staying away from her and her music. What I find really disgusting (apart from the accusation) is the fact that people are aware Melanie can do something like this, but still support her anyway. Like what the fuck. It's hypocritical in a sense that they support an artist for being deep and writing about sexual assault, but will still support them if the artist in question does sexual assault their self, if you get my drift. What really gets me in all this, is her relationship with Yung who well, most of you know. I mean, in a way, I could see how Melanie might not know about some of the stuff that's happened unless someone directly told her. But after this it makes it a lot more suspicious.
  17. Honestly and the fact that we only got 4 photos of Lana for the entire album shoot, combined with there being only one look and it basically being a bts of the Love video... yipes!!
  18. Love- 11 Lust for Life- 10 White Mustang- 9
  19. Hey guys, just a reminder that Valley of the Dolls is tragically underrated and deserves more appreciation! It also should have been the last video of the Electra Heart era and I cannot be convinced otherwise.
  20. i dont see the point in getting your hopes up for this supposed album/ep to come out with it not coming directly from lana herself (although I don't think this guy is lying) and even if it was lana herself, she changes her mind a lot (see lust for life and all the last minute changes). honestly, all i care about is roses bloom for you. like yosemite sounds interesting and nice, but i think y'all are overhyping it, and sure another version of BAR would be nice but rbfy>>>>>>>>>
  21. I'm bitter as fuck. Imagine having a dress she wore during the Paradise tour or during one of her 2014 festivals or Endless Summer. I mean at the same time, if I was an LA fan, I probably wouldn't be able to control my coins! But, either way, they're lucky as hell - it'd be cool if she came down to other big cities in the US, too and did things for international fans that are like this. Honestly, if I ever see her LA fans complain about anything I'm gonna snap
  22. Apart from songs that didn't get music videos or make the album cut and what not, one thing that really irks me is that Primadonna didn't get a mini photoshoot like Radioactive did. The set, the makeup, the look(s) she had in primadonna were so iconic and representative of the electra heart era and the beauty queen archetype. Like, imagine HQ shots of her in that pink gown with the fur or the blue outfit. Anyways, I'm excited to see what shes going to do with the next era. I wouldn't mind flower imagery, but I think she might be over that? it'd be really pretty, though. As for music, I don't care too much- although I want it to have more personal songs (like numb or BTS) or some of the things shes talked about in her Marina Book, which I feel like we didn't get a lot of on FROOT, or perhaps I'm just not able to relate to it because I haven't gotten to that point in my life yet.
  23. The scene where she's coming out of the pool in Shades of Cool, is probably my favorite out of all her music videos. It's so breath taking: the "youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu", the colors, her attire, and the way she cocks her head a little bit afterwards. I also really wish she'd do more makeup looks like this nowadays. I think it suits her a little better than the long, thin eyeliner she's been rocking this era and whatever she's been doing with her lips (like the way shes lining them).
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