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About LadyLana

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  • Birthday 03/01/1996

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  1. oh, that's more understandable actually cause she really isn't good for radio :L
  2. It's so annoying! i understand she's not entirely radio friendly but...she's doing really badly :L She really deserves to chart A LOT higher; her music is addictive!
  3. None of her singles do well in the charts -_- They don't deserve it anyway
  4. Why didn't she release it there!? it's so amazing!!!
  5. I think American is her best hope for a single tbh! It might help her popularity in America too, i think people like a patriotic song (i know it's not really patriotic but people may assume). Cola too but it will need censoring, there's no way they'll let 'pussy' on the radio Praying for Gods and Monsters cause i want a kick ass video for it! And even though i think it's one of the weakest off the album, i think Bel Air would go down well with the General Public
  6. Definitely Gods and Monsters...Cola is a very close second though!
  7. Who the hell voted for American, Cola and Gods and Monsters!? They're perfection! The others i can see why people might not like them but they're all still amazing Perfect album!
  8. Ride- 4/5 I do love this song, but the verses can be a little...flat at times? but maybe it's because i've heard it for ages now. I really love the bridge and the chorus after it though! think it's amazing but definitely not the best off of the album so i have no idea why she released it first... American- 4.99/5 just amazing but the ONLY this that kind of annoys me is after the chorus there are these chime things that just ruin it for me, but it's amazing and i loooooove it soooo much! Cola- 5/5 stuck in my head all day and i don't even know the words Body Electric- 4/5 ammmmazing but compared to American, Cola and Gods and Monsters i don't think it's as good as them so i couldn't give it a 5 but i reaaaaally love it! Blue Velvet- 3/5 Maybe i'm being generous with this one but i don't think it fits at all with the album. But saying that, it does provide a lighter song in between all the dark ones but i personally prefer her dark songs. Gods And Monsters- 1000000000000/5 Cannot handle this piece of art surprised at the low ratings it got on here. It's the best and you will all deal :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: Yayo- 3.5/5 I loved this song before i even knew it was on Paradise but it just feels so weak comapred to her other songs...especially coming after Gods and Monsters which you all know i fan-girl over. Still pretty good! Bel Air- 3/5 It's ok, it's haunting but some how i get a summery vibe from it. not as good as the others IMO. Burning Desire- 3.5/5 I do like it but i felt kind of forced to like it for some reason...LOVE the bridge but the rest....i dunno :L album overall: 5/5 because the good songs on it are mind blowing that the lower scores don't even compare....
  9. i live for bridges!! Even though the chorus of a song is probably the most important thing about it, i always appreciate a great bridge! i think it just makes the song a billion times better! Lana always does her bridges justice too, like you pointed out!
  10. She's classed as 'Alternative' so i guess the General Public like more generic Pop songs! Doesn't bother me, i prefer fpr her songs not to be killed by the radio...although i've only ever heard video games once on the radio :/
  11. The second verse of Blue Jeans!! 'I stayed up waiting, anticipating and pacing' i LOVE that line! The whole bridge in National Anthem! And in Ride, after the bridge when she sings the chorus again, when she says 'i ride fast' she says it differently to every other time and i loooooove it!
  12. ohhhhh this sounds really cool!! is it ok if i join?
  13. I swear people find anything to hate on her! It didn't even cross my mind that wearing that would be 'offensive' it's not like she threw it into the fire or anything! It's my favourite scene though...i think...tbh, the whole video is just amazing!
  14. 11. I expect mine to be a 10
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