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  1. Guy liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Did you know about Lana when she was Lizzy Grant?   
    She really makes me wonder if I should have reconsidered all those MySpace friend requests I got from floppy bands
    You know, it is weird that no original Lizzy fans are around. I mean, she had some audience on MySpace. Were they genuine or just being nice when they commented on her page? Do they realize she's gotten so famous but looks totally different and has a different name?
  2. DaytonaMeth liked a post in a topic by Guy in Lana Del Rey covers CLEO mag.   
    wow that picture is brand new i've never seen it before wow
  3. Guy liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Are Lana's Iphone Cases only for females   
    idk why this is a pressing issue. Haven't we already figured out gender is an illusion and that one can be as feminine or masculine as one wishes regardless of sex?
  4. Guy liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Lana Del Rey covers CLEO mag.   
    Yes, how dare she have privacy.
  5. Guy liked a post in a topic by MafiosiPrincessa in Lana interview in german weekly newspaper Die Zeit   
    thanks for the translation! I like the picture they used of her. She looked so effortlessly gorgeous at the Brit awards <3
    lmao ok but please tell me at least someone else read this and thought it was a bit odd. why is no one else pointing out the absurd and most likely false statements she's making??

    why would a journalist waste their time and more importantly risk their JOB to send an artist hate mail?! i just find this all so laughable bc isnt it usually the other way around-- that the journalists themselves recieve hate mail?????
    When she has previously mentioned how awful US radio is handled before, that was something I could actually understand as far as Top 40 & such, but this statement about made me blow a blood vessel. lmaooo Even though I do believe her US record label, Interscope (?), could be doing a lot better job at getting her more radio play & increasing the cash she is already making in the US!!
    Most recently V Magazine, a NYC publication, named Lana's "Ride" as the BEST video of 2012. I mean there are a lot of positive publications out there, the point is she's stuck in the 2011 negativity. get with it guuurll, it's 2013 everybody loves YOU.
    Props to Zeit for realizing it with this question but leave up to Lana to completely avoid the postive reviews & go blindly right to the hate. >:-(
    hmm, I think it's cool that she shops at Kmart! trailer fab in real life & a sexy queen on the stage ~~~
  6. Guy liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana interview in german weekly newspaper Die Zeit   
    I see, I've been replaced.
  7. Guy liked a post in a topic by yu16273947 in Lana interview in german weekly newspaper Die Zeit   
    First Page :
    "I don't play a Lolita (Role)"
    The Retro Pop Queen Lana Del rey about secondhand clothes, older mens and her love with the american flag.
    Die Zeit : In Videos you seems to be the tragedic hero of a Hollywoodmelodram of the early 60'. Your songs with sultry strings are saturated fantasies of an other time. Lives Lana Del Rey in the past ?
    Lana Del Rey : I like things of the past, because they are bringing me back. But I take not a lot of Inspiration how you're thinking. The old Hollywoodcinema is an Influence of many, a traditionnally Make Up, what I wear. But I like how these Films are made : So epic, georgeous . I wish that the real life would be same.
    Zeit: Isn't it someting for you? Your Debut Album Born to die was sold in Germany alone 400.000 times.
    Del Rey: When I'm coming to Paris of Berlin, I actually breath deeply in and think : All is wonderful, the people like me and my music. I thought that it would be interesting nobody. Often it was : These Songs are rare, to invest money in it, to curious, to let it play on the Radio.
    Zeit: And now the luxury brand Jaguar advertises with one of your songs.
    Del Rey: Yes, Burning Desire is a male Song, it's about driving fast.
    Zeit: In the 60' James Bond drove too a Jaguar. Do you would sing a James Bond Titlesong ?
    Del Rey : Before it would be fun, and the most of my songs are suitable for that. But now these FIlms are gigantic spectacled. To become a Titlesong, you must be very prominent and not kontrovers.
    Zeit : Do you like it to be controverse ?
    Del Rey : No, I don't like to dispute. I would be happy when I could be a normal singer. But just in America the Journalits are writing me since the release of Born to Die Hate Mails, so like if they waited, to finish me of.
    Zeit : But you recieved also good Critics - for Example in New York Times.
    Del Rey : Yes, there had the Author named Jon Caramanica dragged the whole album in the dirt. The Things, he wrote about my Family were rude and unreal !
    Zeit : So you you think that there is a conspiracy against the Pop Singer Lana Del Rey ?
    Del Rey : You can see it so. A Part of the Journalist has contaced my Press agency and excused : They were bored and searched a more exciting Thema. This Camagne is more a Commentar for Journalism in the USA as to my performance.
    It's not about a wrong tone in the TV-Show Saturday Night Live - it was about something other.
    Zeit : Maybe it's the liberal Art and way, who they are expaining in the USA ? >>My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola<<, it's said in Cola, a song on your currently appeared EP Paradise.
    Del Rey: Yeah and ? I find the line funny. My friend is scottish, he finds american Girls for somehing Exotic. One Day he said to me : >>Your american Girls are running around, so like your Pussy would taste like Coca-Cola, so like your wrapping you into Flags for sleeping.<< He find's us all patriotic.
    Zeit : The American Flag is actually never missing on one of your videos, on Photos you're cuddling you even sometimes in.
    Second Page:
    Del Rey : Yes, because it looks simply great. But I like also that, what's behind it : the idea of an American Dream.
    Zeit: Seeing the Video to Ride, it seems your American Dream the radical Outsider Histories, who telled the american Independent-Cinema of the 70. In a long Monologue at the beginning it's: >>I was in the winter of my life and the men I met along the road were my only summer...<<
    Del Rey: This is autobiographic! There was a time where i asked me : What do you do, when all your dreams did not become true ? At this time I searched protection and Safety by mens. But Ride is not the story of a victim. And it should be neither a Comment to the topic Prostitutuon, how american media suspect. It's going about my life : What happen, when someone want to be a big Singer but your homeland is saying : No, you aren't.
    Zeit : The Mens in the Video look like members of Hells Angels...
    Del Rey : I felt always like a Outlaw and Biker - since my 15. Birthday i'm driving on the back of Bikes. Since then I met clearly older mens. I had discovered the writing very ealy. But it came otherwise. After stopping drinking with 18 Years -I had an Alcoholproblem-, i searched the contact to people, leading to ann established life.
    Zeit: 2013 changed a lot in your life ?
    Del Rey : Around me things changed. After all are there now people, hearing my music and liking it.
    Zeit : You descronet american Freethinkers and Allen Ginsberg as important influences. Are Beat-Poems actual ?
    Del Rey : For me yes, i'm having Howl always with me, in my pursuit!
    After I read Ginsberg, my world changed for me. The way how he draws pictures (paintures) with his words, impressed me deep. I dreamed of, that the People are saying the same about my Texts : My God, what for a wonderful Painture you've drawed.
    Zeit : How do you understand with feminists ? In the video to Ride some People complained your Lolita-Look.
    Del Rey : I don't play no Lolita-Role! I just like the Text! Many Popstars playing with the Lolita-Thing, wearing barely clothes. It's not different for me, when I know how to explain... It's not about being a Lolita, it's more an attitude, so if someone choose for Polygamie, for free Love or what ever. It's my decision! For me it's not about the Women's Movemen, and my Songs aren't too a Comment about todays Popmusic.
    Zeit: So a Mix of a Diary and personal confession?
    Del Rey : I want simply the World out of my Point of view to explain. In fact it's every time the same Shema. Taking the Song Born to Die : IN the autobiographic verse it's about, to don't five up, to be a good man (human). I was once together with a Man, who drifted it. Together we decided to live a drug free Life. But then he run away more of less. And all, what I could do was praying. In the Chorus (Refrain) opened it all in a passionate Phantasie : (singing) >>Come and take a walk on the wild side. Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain.<< At the End it's an escape into the Romance.
    Zeit : When your songs so autobiographic strong are : Is there then a Different between you, Lizzy Grant, and your art figure Lana Del Rey ?
    Zeit (It was possibly a mistake) Lana : No, it's just a other Name. It's feeling for me the same.
    Zeit : It's expectable a certain Typ, hearing your music...
    Del Rey : I believe it gladly...
    Zeit: ...a figure of the Film noir possible.
    Del Rey: I have old-fashioned values. I like Things, who were made, to be beautiful. And to sing is for me so natural as speaking. And that's why I don't go on the stage transforming into an completely other person. I am always the same.
    Zeit: Also when you are modelling for H&M ?
    Del Rey: Tja... (yeah)
    Zeit: Are you interested in fashion (mode) ?
    Del Rey : No. You are seeing what I'm wearing (checked shirt, close Jeans, Mokassins, ?Anm d.Red?.) . Jewelry ist the only thing what I am occasionally buying. Sometimes I find some pretty Second Hand things.
    Zeit: Is the Jacket from a Second Hand Store ?
    Del Rey : No, it's from K-Mart, that's a Dime (Discounter, Place where clothes are cheap to buy). When we were recently in New York, I was freezing, and because on the other side of the streed a K-Mart was, I went in and buyed this Jacket. Sorry, when I am looking with that not so glamorous.
    Zeit : But the Hollywood wardrobe the dramatic hairstyles, the opulent Make-up - who has it all thought out ?
    Del Rey: I am every day on the way with the responsible: Anna is making always my Hair, Pamela cars about my Eyes and Lips. And then there is Johnny Blueeyes, how he is called in the wide world of fashion. He is the someone who's getting the right Wardrobe. So like, when I want A dress, so like Marilyn Monroe wear it.
    Zeit: In the video for National Anthem you're playing not alone Marilyin Monroe but also Jackie Kennedy - two icones in one sweep (slap).
    Del Rey : I like these Womens, because of that I wrote a Video-Treatment, in them the two are in.
    Zeit: Because they're two models?
    Del Rey: Sure, who except Marilyn is still decades after her death such a big Star? It must give a Reason for that, that she's hitting by Million of Peopl a nerv. I like, that she was so gently!
    Zeit: Are you too one from the gently ones?
    Del Rey: Yes, I think, that am I. I am not so sad like I sound in my songs. I try, to be integer, doing right Things. I sing, since I was 17 Yeahrs, and the most Time nobody was interested in it. I know honestly why it's now different. I walked always the straight way showed continuity. But in the last time they are seeing me as another Person, who changed all on her. This is promising more exitement.
    There might be some mistakes but I hope the translated text (by me) is good unterstandable.
  8. mondotrasho liked a post in a topic by Guy in Shitty covers I make because I'm bored   
    Okay, so since I really really hate the cover they chose for the paradise edition and I have a lot of free time [via being a pie], I made one myself for me to think I'm better than them -which I'm absolutely not, you'll see.
    So whatever, I decided to post it here in case anyone else hates the album artwork more than this.
    One for the ep and one for the album.
    The other one
    I used this photo because I liked it and because I couldn't find a proper hq version of the blue jeans outtake they photoshopped, so if you have it send it to me or post it here and I will happily make one with that, or don't. I don't care.
  9. Hellion liked a post in a topic by Guy in The Pretty Reckless   
  10. Guy liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana today   
    those photos are from yesterday and this thread is strange
  11. Mileena liked a post in a topic by Guy in Daria   
  12. Guy liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    i personally think she did meth for a couple of months. have you seen how fucked up people look after a year?
  13. Guy liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    Unless David Lee Roth has fallen on significantly harder times these days, I think DD must be a nickname
  14. Guy liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey startet drinking at the age of 7 ?   
    lol do u know where u r? ur in the the jungle baby ur gonna diiie
  15. Guy liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana Del Rey startet drinking at the age of 7 ?   
    crazy ass since I was 3
  16. Guy liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Daddy Issues   
    This one I did a few months back Just now posted! Its for an album filled with unreleased songs
  17. Guy liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    Holds me over in between leaks
    Now Lana wrote a song about her fans, this is some little monster with a minimal grasp of English.
  18. iamdynamite liked a post in a topic by Guy in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    making up lyrics to songs that don't exist must be so fun
  19. Guy liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
  20. foxgrl liked a post in a topic by Guy in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    social justice
  21. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Guy in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    social justice
  22. Guy liked a post in a topic by foxgrl in My Lana online sketch   
    http://sketchtoy.com/10326578 :vexed:
    andi was wondering that too at the top hit vibration and click 0
  23. Mileena liked a post in a topic by Guy in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
  24. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Guy in Lyrical Talk   
    woooooaaaahhhhhhhh oooooooooooooooooooooooh
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