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  1. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by GodBlessMe in FAKE & FUNKY TRACK LISTS FOR UPCOMING HONEYMOON ALBUM   
    1: Music To Watch Boys To
    2: Fine China
    3: Honeymoon
    4: Yes To Heaven
    5: Mermaid Motel
    6: Violet Princess
    7: Bentley
    8: Living Legend
    9: Trans Am
    10: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
  2. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by Limelight in FAKE & FUNKY TRACK LISTS FOR UPCOMING HONEYMOON ALBUM   
    Don't people have anything else to do?
    I can't at all those youtube videos of unreleased songs saying it's for Honeymoon just to get views ( BETTY BOOP BOOP HONEYMOON 2015)
  3. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by guardian in Filming my first LGBT-themed film this April.   
    i'll be perchedT, make sure you keep us updated from BTS! 
  4. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by Bekim in Filming my first LGBT-themed film this April.   
    Yes! Looking forward 
  5. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana Touring This Summer   
    "Let the lights shine iiiiiin it's a cruel cruel wooooorld" *enters stage while the Cola string intro is playing* "Money is the anthem of success, so before we go out, what's your address?" *descends into the crowd while the National Anthem instrumental plays*
  6. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Touring This Summer   
    I'm sure she won't. Remember how we had such low hopes for the last tour and then she surprised everyone with UATW and Serial Killer, not even mentioning Do Right? I'm sure there will be at least 4-5 delightful new additions and 1 new song.
    To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up singing Swan Song or Salvatore a couple of times.
  7. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Lana Touring This Summer   
    New IG post https://www.instagram.com/p/BDTnWteFnka/?taken-by=lanadelrey

    ladies and gentlemen, I'm coming to some of the most beautiful places in the world this summer for festivals. Absolutely can't wait to see everyone on our way through Switzerland, Greece, Ireland and many more stops until we eventually play back home in August in California. I'll be keeping you updated and posting the festival fliers as they come out. 
    All my love, 
    Lana Del Rey" 
    YASSSSS GIRL come thru
  8. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana Touring This Summer   
    This looks like a festival tour to me.I don't think there will be a proper tour.
    And the reason she started recording is probably because she will finish the album after the Ireland date and release the record in early 2017
  9. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Lana Touring This Summer   
    US fans had a tour and don't really need one this summer
    European fans are getting a tour this summer... kind of.
    But what about Australia? South America? Is she ever going to do another world tour?
  10. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    Don't forget that after she collaborated with Womack,  he died too! 
  11. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by LoreleiLee in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    PS: Not to be misunderstood, I don't hate Adele, I think her voice is powerful and could move mountains, i just have a tendency to use a hyperbole as a figure of speech to underline an opinion and I feel Lana as much closer to me. I hope I didn't offend her fans.
  12. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by LoreleiLee in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    I agree. Not only she predicted his death, or was spiritual catalyst of transmitting his tortured body and soul to a blissful place, her Swan Song predicted his whole album which is literally a swan song of his life and career. The Blackest Day, all-consuming, pervading and penetrating magmatic oil of blackness crystallized in his star-shaped symbol of deteriorating physical body and fixating chameleonic diversity of his stages and personas into one magnum opus charged with occult meaning and Crowleyan references (her feminine spiritual fluids into his masculine, geometric solidity, and maybe vice versa). And on this final breathtaking testament of his there is a song „Girl Loves Me“, like his act of gratitude and acknowledgement of her tribute „Terrence Loves you“. It is as they had a telepathic connection, which emerged after she called him like mermaid from deepest ocean empires or farthest galaxies, „all night long“ – his illness was his night, his extinguishing. And in Burnt Norton „into the rose garden“ might be the portal to heaven which awaitens him. At least I like to imagine it that way.
    Considering Adele, she is populistic artist, and as such, digestible for everyone and appealing to the taste of larger masses, because she only sings out her lowest emotional levels, delivering common places of everybody's experience, without a trace of personal strugglings, drama and prodigal illuminations. She hasn't developped those deeper, spiritual and metaphysic parts of self, they are still a fetus, so she can't channel them, howling straightforwardly with her werewolf, lumberjack voice from the lizard brain , without Lana's filigree sophistication, iridescent sensibility and nuanced complexity.  Lana stands towards her as an aristocrat on an astral plane, and as such, she would be a threat to the mass and other entertainers on the tribute concert. People annihilate her because everything that stands out is disturbing, and because even in the herd there is a hierarchy, where every individual is reduced to an impersonal symbol and basic, elementary function, and she is so shape-shifting and so progressed in her individualisation that she is out of the orbit, like a fiery comet whose avantgarde speed is missed and overlooked by an ordinary eye and sense. Also, she is a master of  attributing religious connotations even to the most vulgar allusions, which is a gift and virtuosity noone of today simpleton, greedy, bare-assed harlots can acchieve. Her performing would steal the show and she would swallow them all, because her radiance is infrared and ultraviolet, something that could be compared only with alienesque Bowie's aura. Those who still see her as a pretentious weirdo are of the same kind of the ignorants that claimed ascending Velvet Underground to be annoying cacophony of schreeching noise, for example. If Velvets brought obscurity, fetishes, sadomasochism and protopunk experimentation into the idyllic and idealistic flower hippy circles, foreseeing disillusionment and cocaine decadence of the seventies, Lana claimed back the braveness of the solitary soul exploration into capitalist machinery of spitting out generic plastic dolls. And all of that as a woman in still dominantly patriarchal world, setting her own rules and subverting all those female music clans, saccharine cheerleaders hiding under the false flag of feminism.
    That is just my two cents.
  13. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by AngelHeadedHipster in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    I really wish Lana could have performed at David Bowie's tribute concert but we all know that won't happen cause the music industry loves to ignore Lana and pretends that she doesn't exist cause she doesn't play by the "cookie cutter" rules of the damn industry and will never become their mindless puppet and let herself be used by the industry to promote their agendas. Just imagine if instead of Lana, Adele had sung "Terrence Loves You " how hyped up that song would have gotten and how the whole world would be singing her praises just cause the industry/media would have gone out of their way and promoted that song aggressively. I love Adele with all my heart and soul but I'm just sayin how Lana is continously getting ignored whereas when Adele does the similar thing she gets excessive support. It's just really unfair in my opinion.
  14. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by futuretro in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    HOW can we get Lana to sing at his Memorial Concert?
  15. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    I was also thinking about this. She also mentioned Bowie in one of her interviews which was released about a month ago. Very strange indeed. If another artist that Lana talks about next year dies months after, I'm going to confirm that Lana is either a psychic or an angel from heaven disguised as a earthly mortal. Probably the latter.
  16. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by AngelHeadedHipster in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    In 2014 Lana sang about Lou Reed in "Brooklyn Baby" and later Lou Reed died when he was coming to meet Lana to collab on that track.
    In 2015 Lana sang Terrence Loves You which is supposedly about David Bowie's relationship with his brother. Today David passed away.
    So I was wondering how come when Lana pays tribute to the Legends, they die?! Does this mean Lana is the Angel of Death? Or is she highly psychic? Or is she an actual Angel who through her songs heals that person's soul who is about to die soon? Anyhow I'm going to pay extra attention the next time she sings about any of the Legends.
  17. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    please feel free to eloborate more DeadAgainst. i am very interested in your thoughts here.
    pm me even if you would rather not write on the forum.. very interesting deep thoughts. holy F****. i think i'm having
    a existential crisis..
  18. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    Amazing post and writings from you DeadAgainst.. F****** amazing..plse you too, write books for me to read..
    . ok now you have me seriously thinking about everything.. like seriously.
  19. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    i am constantly amazed by how incredible and awesome your writings and posts are.
    Hands down the best writer i have personally read possibly anywhere.. f**** amazing.
    Please write books for me to buy..   or articles, or blogs, anything, i love your writing mind..
  20. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    She says what the song's about in the song itself: I'M THE QUEEN OF ALCHEMY. Mystical, not literal death; read Jung and so on. The Jesus Mysteries.
  21. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by AngelHeadedHipster in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    Well you can say that she is a modern day prophet and besties with Jesus in heaven Jesus is my bestest friend
    OMG I just realized one more thing, In BODY ELECTRIC she sings :
    Heaven is my baby,
    suicide’s her father,
    Opulence is the end.
    Her place in heaven is guaranteed, which she found out during her suicide attempt.
  22. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    the conclusion im drawing from all this is that lana is jesus christ 
    and i like it
  23. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by AngelHeadedHipster in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    So I was watching the BEL AIR music video a few days back and I suddenly had an epiphany that the BEL AIR song might be about a Near Death Experience that Lana had...She probably overdosed on drugs in a suicide attempt.
    [Verse 1]
    Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate.
    Trying to tell me to wait,
    But I can’t wait to see you.
    // Lana is in a limbo during her NDE and she is saying that she can't wait to meet God but the Angels are pushing her away telling her it's not her time yet. That her purpose/mission on Earth hasn't been fulfilled yet.
    So I run like I'm mad to heaven's door.
    I don't wanna be bad,
    I won't cheat you no more.
    //I think when people suicide, their soul remains sort of trapped in a limbo, unable to crossover into the light/heaven. Lana then says that she doesn't wanna be bad anymore and that she won't cheat God/ the Game of Life anymore by suiciding. Because suiciding is like pressing Game Over on the the Video Game ie. Life when you do not have the authority of ending your life that has been given to you by God and only God can decide the date of your death. Our souls belong to God and by suiciding you are sort of challenging God's authority which God doesn't appreciate. But having said that God is ever forgiving and merciful and sees the intention behind the person's suicide and then gives them another chance at redemption.
    Roses, Bel Air, take me there,
    I've been waiting to meet you.
    Palm trees in the light,
    I can see late at night
    Darling, I'm waiting to greet you,
    Come to me, baby.
    // During her NDE Lana is having beautiful visions of heaven and shes describing them in Earthly terms.She is conveying the closest comparison she can make to heaven that she is witnessing at the moment which is of the luxurious Bel Air surrounded by fields of roses. In the next few lines she's conveying her anticipation of finally meeting God.
    In her song "JUMP" she sings :
    Palm trees in black and white
    Last thing I saw before I died
    // This song is also similarly themed and could be about her NDE.
    [Verse 2]
    Spotlight, Bad Baby, You’ve got a flair
    For the violentest kind of love anywhere out there
    Mon amour, sweet child of mine, you’re divine
    Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s okay to shine?
    // This verse is about God telling Lana that she tends to get drawn to violent lovers and ends up getting hurt everytime and isn't really seeing herself in the divine light she was created and how she ought to believe in herself more and not be afraid of letting herself shine through her God given talent
    //This bridge is a conversation between God and Lana.
    Don’t be afraid of me, don’t be ashamed
    Walking away from my soft resurrection
    // In these lines she's asking God to not be ashamed of her for she tried to cheat the Game of Life by suiciding. God has forgiven her by giving her another shot at life by resurrecting her.
    Idol of roses, iconic soul
    I know your name
    //God is calling Lana as an Idol of roses, iconic soul- a positive force in a world where negativity thrives and is telling her to heal/comfort the world with her music. He's telling her to not forget her purpose this time and to carry on even when things get difficult.
    Lead me to war with your brilliant direction
    // Lana is asking God to now lead her to war against the evil forces in the world. She has agreed to fulfill her purpose in the world and shes fighting the good fight on behalf of the Lord.
  24. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    This is the key point. "Lana Del Rey" is not strictly a person, she is an archetype manifested by Lizzy Grant — an archetype derived from where? From the Still Point between Time Past and Time Future, and the Goddess of that space (see Tropico). Beauty is archetypal precisely because it recalls the pre-existent Form of the beautiful. Star Wars is a Monomyth (see Joseph Campbell), and somehow, so is she — her career follows the arc of a crucifixion on the world-stage. Therefore the question becomes not if "life imitates Lana," but if Lizzy imitates a pre-existent Lana, or vice versa—all depending on whether you view time forwards or backwards.
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