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About foxgrl

  • Rank
    Trailer Park Queen
  • Birthday July 16

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Smalltown, USA

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  1. foxgrl

    Cruel World

    the first bourbon i hear urban and then suburban like she belongs in the city but she gets trapped in this suburban life and goes crazy and when i heard it i nodded so fucking hard
  2. can someone send me this too where are you finding these? i need to get on here more im missing SO MUCH
  3. looks like spring breakers with lana del rey
  4. Love Me If You Dare Closer Hick Kill Bill Sucker Punch . so many.... this was hard bye..
  5. not really i think, skin is just skin its given to us and most of us deal with it, i think its kinda artistic to mess around with it. tattoos to the extreme. dont throw pity around she probably feels great nd doesnt want it
  6. i think that she should do whatever she wants to feel beautiful
  7. foxgrl


    i saw this it was wonderful wonderful wonderful
  8. why is blurred lines piece of shit on this shit list i am so pissed off why is a song saying women are ok to be treated as animals and that the lines of consent are blurred even getting recognition ............ i am so upse.t.......
  9. Lizzy Grant of course blows kiss an winks
  10. Love tattoos an I love to see people expressing themselves via art, I don't mind what it is. Their body their choice. Lots look silly IMO but it is only my opinion and "live wild, have fun" right yolo
  11. Weird they both said one month for me. Thank u angel
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