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Ivory Cricket

Have we seen Lana’s fan gift collection?

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We have seen in a few clips that Lana mentions that when she receive gifts from fans as she does when she goes into the audience during her concerts or when she sees fans on the street, she always saves them, especially any letters or scrapbook stuff. I would assume over the years this has built up into a big collection. Where the heck does she keep it all? Does she have a room dedicated to it at one of her homes? Do we have any photos of her horde?

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It’s so sweet that she receives flowers for every show but you know those don’t make it past her dressing room after the show ahaha. I hope some venue employee at least takes them home or someone enjoys them.

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It’s so sweet that she receives flowers for every show but you know those don’t make it past her dressing room after the show ahaha. I hope some venue employee at least takes them home or someone enjoys them.


Troye Sivan is the one who takes them

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She probably stores them all somewhere, she did say in an interview she keeps everything, so presuming it’s not a perishable item like flowers or something she can use like cigarettes or something she probably has a place for them.


In HBTB her house doesn’t look huge but maybe she has a spare room, closet or keeps things in her attic (or the dumpy corridor under her house she runs through in the music video :toofunny:)


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She probably stores them all somewhere, she did say in an interview she keeps everything, so presuming it’s not a perishable item like flowers or something she can use like cigarettes or something she probably has a place for them.


In HBTB her house doesn’t look huge but maybe she has a spare room, closet or keeps things in her attic (or the dumpy corridor under her house she runs through in the music video :toofunny:)


This bitch owns like 4 differents houses. She probably has one entire house only to keep flower crowns and heart-shapped glasses

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She probably stores them all somewhere, she did say in an interview she keeps everything, so presuming it’s not a perishable item like flowers or something she can use like cigarettes or something she probably has a place for them.


In HBTB her house doesn’t look huge but maybe she has a spare room, closet or keeps things in her attic (or the dumpy corridor under her house she runs through in the music video :toofunny:)

Are you talking about the Malibu house? I don’t think anyone has ever lived there tbh. I think she just bought it cause it was good real estate and to shoot the video lmao. She has 2 houses in the hills right next to each other. One is a pretty average house, still big but not like a mansion. And the other one is a bonafide mansion with amazing views and lots of space.

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In HBTB her house doesn’t look huge but maybe she has a spare room, closet or keeps things in her attic (or the dumpy corridor under her house she runs through in the music video :toofunny:)

Doesn't she have like 2 more houses lol

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Doesn't she have like 2 more houses lol

I’m presuming her houses aren’t just houses were she dumps shit though, who would do that? She probably has one main house and some side houses for when she wants to stay elsewhere. I doubt she uses the houses to dump collections of things.


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Ask the fans that broke in

LOL. I sure hope she keeps em. Knowing her, she probly does except for gross stuff

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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