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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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This era hasn’t been as messy as y’all make it out to be. The reason why it’s “messy” is because there’s this constant ongoing thing where people get mad at Lana for not doing things that haven’t been confirmed at all/getting mad about stuff y’all just randomly made up like her not dropping a single she announced even tho she literally did drop the single. She also hasn’t said anything about premiering anything on BBC Radio. She dropped 3 singles so far with no promo because they aren’t actually single singles. They’re just singles for the fans she wanted to put out before dropping the actual lead single. The “music videos” were just some visuals to go with the songs. The only messy thing was her not clarifying if MAC was the lead single or not.


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It's always been called a promo single but whatever. These songs were just the Coachella of LFL or the Honeymoon of HM. Anyway, I don't even understand why are y'all so surprised she hasn't said a single thing about the song? Neither did she when Coachella was released. I remember she didn't even post LFL (album) was out July 21st... It's no surprise at this point that Lana doesn't give a fuck and will do literally 0 promo


This, Hope Is A Dangerous Thing... is just a promo single, Honeymoon and Coachella were also just dropped on to streaming - she did a Radio 1 or Beats 1 special for Terrence Loves You and Summer Bummer / Groupie Love. But all other promotional singles have just been released and that's it.

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officially kind of irritated. her attitude is going a bit off the fucking charts. like lana isn’t caring at all and maybe she feels a bit vengeful for the past over some things like leaks and stuff? but she cancelled dates, not promoting anything, not posting, not talking. my best guess is that she’s rebelling against something or someone. and now she decides to post something about it


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i really like hope, but this era is such a mess (if you can even call it an era idk whats going on anymore).


like some people said there is a difference between being minimalistic and then just lazy. it comes across as so lazy and honestly i hate it so much. its just like a big fuck you to fans but then again it's her album so she can screw up if she wants i guess.



resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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The new song is truly weak.


Mariners Apartment Complex is the strongest song we've heard thus far in my opinion.


Venice Bitch is second but the production really carries it and makes it what it is.


How To Disappear (live) is probably third - but who knows how the studio production will sound.


Hope Is A Dangerous Thing... is my least favourite of them all but it's still stronger than a lot of the songs on Lust For Life.

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LOL how did I take 10 months off of LB, I missed the fuck out of you guys


I actually kind of like her minimalist approach to promo compared to other artists. It's refreshing in an age of sensory overload. But then again I've always loved that I found her mysterious and intriguing. I like a little mystery and not knowing everything that's going on. It keeps me coming back and I'm never bored.


But I also understand why people may be upset because we all been parched, and we're so excite

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Lana: drops 3 singles with no promo for the fans before dropping the official lead single

y’all: this is so fucking lazy, this is a fuck you to the fans, this is a slap to the face, a hate crime, it’s like she just spat in our faces and laughed about it. you see that HIADTFAWLMTH-BIHI cover? that’s her face after she spat in our faces. she hates us. her lazyness is taking over, this era is such a fucking mess. i hate her.


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Mess. Pure and fucking simple  :smokes3:

She should check her attitude tbh At the end of the day its a job and if I were as lazy as she's become I would've gotten fired. I get that this era is supposed to be minimalistic but put some effort in.


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