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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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She talked about wanting to put out her poetry book before she drops the album back in september, and releasing a book takes a long time, and that's probs why it took her so long. She probs realized that if she's gonna wait for the book to be released first the album won't be out any time soon, so she's dropping it this month. She said she didn't have a set release schedual for this album and that she just wanted to put it out with minimal promo, so there was no reason for her to drop it during march/april. Billie was dropping her debut March 29th so her label would probs not want that, and Marina was having her moment in April so she would probs not want to drop her album then. Maybe it was around that time that she thought about dropping it during the summer, which resulted in the August 30th date since you can't just drop an album like that without planning it a few months in advance so the physical copies and all that are ready. That's just my theory.

I kinda think it's about the fact that the movies she contributed to are all popping up around now. She doesn't want to do promo, so anything she already has planned will get weaponized. Also she stopped talking about the poetry book.


If it leaks early enough, do you think her team will just add it to streaming platforms like what happened with bon iver?

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A lot of people here have been saying that for awhile. I think it’s a new stripped-back approach (and also ‘good taste’) in response to the messy, overcrowded, generally terrible production on LFL as a whole.


Jack probably said to LDR, “We can do so much better than that.”


but lfl aside, jack's production isn't reaching ultra/honeymoon levels of buildup and delivery imo

Side note - is it an unpopular opinion that I think Lust for Life is Lana's best produced (best sounding) album?  It's not her best songwriting by a long shot (other than Heroin and In My Feelings) but to my ears everything sounds pretty dang flawless.  I always love the hip hop element with Lana's music, and (other than Doin' Time) it really seems to be missing in this era.


i love love love the production on groupie love, love, heroin, and coachella (maybe not the entire song but the last minute and a half or so is gorgeous)

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the NFR songs have a diffrent feel to it then those big productions ala Honeymoon.

and that is a nice change for now!.

all the songs seem much more raw. and not in a cinamatic superficial kind of way. it's still a movie but more a country movie from the 70s rather than a classic beauty from the 50 or 60s like honeymoon . and i love that.

(honeymoon is my fave so far)

The summers hot and i've been cold without you... watch me: https://www.youtube.com/thisisruskoatqq1.jpg

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but lfl aside, jack's production isn't reaching ultra/honeymoon levels of buildup and delivery imo



i love love love the production on groupie love, love, heroin, and coachella (maybe not the entire song but the last minute and a half or so is gorgeous)

There is a fair amount of good production on LFL but also a fair amount of bad, too much. Especially on GBA and WTWWAWWJKD. It’s mostly the over-complication of the background sounds as well as the sound quality itself.


I also don’t like smaller points, like in BPBP where she and SN are supposed to be harmonizing and yet SN holds the note longer, and no retake was done, so it sounds amateurish. On ‘Change,’ how LDR pronounces ‘beings’ as ‘be-ins’ jumps out at me, and Rick didn’t apparently point that out to her. And on ‘Coachella,’ why the awkward stress in the word ‘parents’?

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the vocal processing on lust for life was atrocious - she sounded like she was singing through a sponge most of the time  :toofunny:

Someone should've taken the fucking paper away from her it literally ruined the album



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i don't know where you're from but it's 10000% about "safety reasons". America has had deadly mass shootings at movie theaters and at other recreational venues like festivals and clubs. She would go out and listen to the blues which is a fun, recreational activity for her. Scared she'll get shot up.


Poland - women don't even get catcalled on the streets and it's generally very safe out. Of course there are some drunk guys in sweatpants here and gays have it tough around here sometimes but generally it's a safe place. Didn't think about safety reasons at first. I'm facepalming really hard right now but the fact that I didn't think about it just shows how priviledged I am. Thanks!


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Someone should've taken the fucking paper away from her it literally ruined the album

I know she used the paper on BPBP, because we’ve seen video footage of it, but do we know how many other LFL tracks she used it on?

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...Of course there are some drunk guys in sweatpants here and gays have it tough around here sometimes but generally it's a safe place. Didn't think about safety reasons at first. .......

really...?  a safe place? dont be funny

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I know she used the paper on BPBP, because we’ve seen video footage of it, but do we know how many other LFL tracks she used it on?

Def on Change and I'd guess Heroin, IMF, Cherry, and WTWDJSGKHKJ as well

Poland - women don't even get catcalled on the streets and it's generally very safe out. Of course there are some drunk guys in sweatpants here and gays have it tough around here sometimes but generally it's a safe place. Didn't think about safety reasons at first. I'm facepalming really hard right now but the fact that I didn't think about it just shows how priviledged I am. Thanks!

aint poland like. fascist at this point



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Def on Change and I'd guess Heroin, IMF, Cherry, and WTWDJSGKHKJ.


Then whether Jack actually mentioned it or not in so many words, I think his approach to NFR was anti-LFL, to clean up the the vocal and recording sound and not complicate the backgrounds—as we see on MAC and VB. In Rick’s hands, the VB instrumental could have become a mountain of sludge.

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aint poland like. fascist at this point


Its literally infected with toxic catholiticism and fake patriotism that discrimitates lgbt people


there are more people who gather around the gay parades to harm queer people than the actual parade attendees, there are anti-gay stickers that u can get from the newspapers, there are fake scandals that churches create to make the lgbt people the bad guys, there are influencers and medias that literally say that gays want to adopt children to rape them


i haven't touched a guy's hand in public not once in my entire life but yeah, generally it's a safe place :flutter:


edit: and yeah @@annedauphine The Witcher is the only polish thing that im actually proud of

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I didn't realize people thought the production on honeymoon was intense. I remember feeling kinda let down by it and thinking it was too simple (salvatore and MTWBT excluded). I feel like after VB im really excited for the production on NFR

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Honestly I think a song would be better than a manifesto from Lana - but if it rings as vapid as her lyricism or poetry, i don't think the world needs it fr. Like Lana's profiting off of people's misplaced emotions around society crumbling and it all just seems so shallow


"We used to only worry about the children at night " -- who's kids? Just the rich white debutantes in pink dresses? Not homeless gay kids on the street, not immigrant children ripped from parents and kept in state custody under armed guard (oh my, guns!), not child laborers abroad sewing shitty merch!

Does Lana "believe in the country America used to be" as in like MAGA or before white Invaders committed genocide against the indigenous people there? (With guns!!)

If only we could all jus sit straight christian white rich and pretty in our Norman fucking Rockwell painting lives and fly the American flag at the 4th of July barbeque and watch fireworks and ignore the bloodshed (from guns!) that vacated the land so the concrete patio could get poured.

Lana can playfully run from cops in Venice Bitch video with no worry, it's just fun with the neighborhood kids! Just be privileged enough and you don't have to worry ab the cops shooting you (with guns!)

Let's just fly the flag and shoot fireworks and ignore all this, and ignore anything that might actually help America confront its culture of violence. It's just a dream I had in mind!


If Lana wants to make a statement so blatantly vapid and ignorant, honestly she should keep it to herself. She's not helping anyone do anything but center her own first world issues and ignore reality.


I completely agree with you but this is definitely way too nuanced for Lana. Sis just starting to wake up. We've discussed this before, she's not a quick learner. Despite her sheltered upbringing as a child, she went on to live the kind of life that should have taught her so much about the world, about society, about people who aren't privileged like she is. If even half of what she says she's experienced is true, then the only logical conclusion is that she just doesn't take that shit in. She might romanticize it, but she won't analyze it. I don't think she ever understood. And she's not alone in this; she's one of millions of people who think America was in fact great once -because they were too young (or unborn) to realize it wasn't. And because it's easier to focus on the pretty dresses, and the picnics, and the stupid fucking milkshakes, and the diners, and lament that you were born at the wrong era because you're such a vintage oLd sOuL.


It's disappointing that she is the way she is, but honestly? Only mildly. After seeing people I considered brilliant, people I deeply admired (such as one of my college professors), side with Trump when he was running for president... I just don't have the same standards I used to. If it takes her 10 years, then it takes her 10 years. I just hope she gets there, eventually. Unfortunately, her current "crowd" seems to be really big on wilful ignorance, so it's probably no use hoping either. It is what it is. Until she falls in love with a man who cares about these things of course. Then you best believe she'll be running to educate and "awaken" herself.

I think she was being genuine when she wrote the song and probably did it as an immediate reaction to the news, rather than a cynical attempt at woke points. But, as has been pointed out, she seems to have a very shallow understanding of sociopolitical issues, including within the context of mass shootings. So while I appreciate it as a beautiful and heartfelt expression of grief and reflection, I have a hard time taking it seriously as any kind of political statement.


I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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We all have the 2 new songs now how great is this day


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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