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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Careful, hun. She posted that second snippet of it around December on her insta. She looks as if she is wondering what to do with it. In an interview (can't remember which), she did say that she had a writer's block at that same period. Its her meeting with Jack that changed that and began the NFR process. I really don't think RBFY was intended to be included on NFR when the concept took shape. 

No, I love both also. I think it's a good closer to the album. And Doin Time is just a very good bop. I'm not 100% sure it will transition well into Love Song, but it's one of her best covers. It's a bit light in tone in comparison to the rest of the album though. 

she wrote bartender, hope and happiness is a butterfly before she started working with jack and she told him she already had a few songs she had ready to start off a new record. also bar was intended for lust for life too so.. i'm sure at some point she contemplated putting rbfy on nfr but the album was already getting so long she most likely replaced it 

i love you, but you don't understand me.

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she wrote bartender, hope and happiness is a butterfly before she started working with jack and she told him she already had a few songs she had ready to start off a new record. also bar was intended for lust for life too so.. i'm sure at some point she contemplated putting rbfy on nfr but the album was already getting so long she most likely replaced it 



I don't need to be careful inferring my own conclusion, hun.

Bartender and Hope are from around the same time lol, it's very probable to assume it probably was meant to be on NFR at some point.


You might be both right, actually, To me, in tone, RBFY doesn't belong to NFR because it's not «sad» enough... but it does have a piano-driven melody. Anyways, I thought for sure Yosemite had a better chance than BAR of ending up on NFR and well, I was wrong on that one. So you could be right. 

I just hope er get to hear it in full some day. 

What was the site who “leaked” the release dates of the greatest and fuck it i love you? Maybe we can find out when they’re actually releasing them...

Lol it says «Released four days ago»  :lmao:  :lmao: 


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You might be both right, actually, To me, in tone, RBFY doesn't belong to NFR because it's not «sad» enough... but it does have a piano-driven melody. Anyways, I thought for sure Yosemite had a better chance than BAR of ending up on NFR and well, I was wrong on that one. So you could be right. 

I just hope er get to hear it in full some day. 

Lol it says «Released four days ago»  :lmao:  :lmao: 


doin time also doesn't fit on nfr but she's there   :toofunny:

i love you, but you don't understand me.

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Does anyone else *absolutely breakdown* when lana songs, “I shouldn't have done it but I read it in your letter.

You said to a friend that you wish you were doing better”

Last week I accidentally texted my boyfriend a long ass text about my depression that was meant for my THERAPIST. This is not a coincidence.

Thats rough buddy. Gl gl


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This is a minute thing to bring up, but I wonder why she made an interlude track once and never since.  I adore Burnt Norton... such a nice track to calm down with.


Imo honeymoon is the most personal an album can get. She's spilled her guts more on NFR in terms of lyrics closer to details but honeymoon seems to be everything she wanted to make at the time to get stuff off her chest in an artistic way, which is why there aren't really any gutsy guitar solos. Poetry interludes aren't really commercial or anything, and might not mean much to the average listener, so unless we get another honeymoon-esque album, aka another vanity album done for her and her alone, we might not get another unfortunately (unless she starts including violet bent backwards interludes on the next ones)

locals only

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Does anyone else *absolutely breakdown* when lana songs, “I shouldn't have done it but I read it in your letter.

You said to a friend that you wish you were doing better”


Last week I accidentally texted my boyfriend a long ass text about my depression that was meant for my THERAPIST. This is not a coincidence.


That lyrics hitting a little too close to me too rn.   :toofunny:

locals only

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Sry to bother you guys, but where can I order the blue vinyl the cheapest in Europe (Austria)? I am broke bc I bought the pink and the green vinyl - hope to order the blue one by the end of the month  :defeated:


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Sry to bother you guys, but where can I order the blue vinyl the cheapest in Europe (Austria)? I am broke bc I bought the pink and the green vinyl - hope to order the blue one by the end of the month :defeated:

Not really sure but Amazon sells an “Amazon exclusive vinyl” for NFR and i think it’s the blue one


The legacy

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doin time also doesn't fit on nfr but she's there   :toofunny:


Doin Time is California beach fun, it could be stretched into the record. It's the transition with Love Song that will be interesting to hear. But you're right that its not a perfect fit for NFR. 

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August 30th Is A Dangerously Long Time To Wait, But I'll Wait For It


I've been lurking around in my fucking nightgown

24/7 Lanaboards App

Waiting for HQ patiently like a fool

'Cause the LQ just aren't all that -> fact

Don't ask if I'm happy, you know that I'm not

But at best, I can say I'm not sad

'Cause 10 days to go seems like an eternity, too slow... Feeling like I can't hold on no more

But I'll wait for it, Yeah I'll wait




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August 30th Is A Dangerously Long Time To Wait, But I'll Wait For It


I've been lurking around in my fucking nightgown

24/7 Lanaboards App

Waiting for HQ patiently like a fool

'Cause the LQ just aren't all that -> fact

Don't ask if I'm happy, you know that I'm not

But at best, I can say I'm not sad

'Cause 10 days to go seems like an eternity, too slow... Feeling like I can't hold on no more

But I'll wait for it, Yeah I'll wait





you didn't have to come for jack antonoff like that 

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