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Trip Hop? Don't even dare to belitter that genre by claiming Abel does it. He has sone rap and rnb influences but most of what he does is boring mainstream-pop. Not being mainstream-famous does not make his generic music any less generic.

His voice is fuckin annoying and he is over-singing all the time to prove how "talented" he is. Let's not even speak about all of the over-production. All he can bring is another terrible track like LfL which is the worst offender on its respective album.


You’re unknowledged about his music. You’re allowed to have an opinion, good or bad, but don’t discredit him just because you’re a pop stan and don’t like his pop tracks or his trip hop influenced or rnb tracks. Nobody asked you to and quite frankly, the negativity resonating from you seems like you’re either bitter about him for some reason or salty. Maybe you’re a Selena fan? Idk. But saying The Weeknd has never used trip hop... how many artists do you know who stick to one genre or sound? Idk how you’re in a Lana community yet you’re not used to an artist changing their direction/genre every album. Yet, Lana is sometimes called a “pop artist” and you probably go along with it as if she has ONLY made pop, right? Yeah as if I’m stating he ONLY makes trip hop and has never done anything else.


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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You’re unknowledged about his music. You’re allowed to have an opinion, good or bad, but don’t discredit him just because you’re a pop stan and don’t like his pop tracks or his trip hop influenced or rnb tracks. Nobody asked you to and quite frankly, the negativity resonating from you seems like you’re either bitter about him for some reason or salty. Maybe you’re a Selena fan? Idk. But saying The Weeknd has never used trip hop... how many artists do you know who stick to one genre or sound? Idk how you’re in a Lana community yet you’re not used to an artist changing their direction/genre every album. Yet, Lana is sometimes called a “pop artist” and you probably go along with it as if she has ONLY made pop, right? Yeah as if I’m stating he ONLY makes trip hop and has never done anything else.

Get of your high horse, you have no fucking idea what music I'm listening to LOL.

I'm not a "pop-stan". If you actually think Abel is the epitome of musical talent or anything less than generic, you are the unknowledged person here. Go listen to some trip hop before you bring it into this discussion. And I'm not "salty" about Abel, I think his music is shit and nothing that needs to ruin more than one Lana album.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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Get of your high horse, you have no fucking idea what music I'm listening to LOL.

I'm not a "pop-stan". If you actually think Abel is the epitome of musical talent or anything less than generic, you are the unknowledged person here. Go listen to some trip hop before you bring it into this discussion. And I'm not "salty" about Abel, I think his music is shit and nothing that needs to ruin more than one Lana album.

Like I said you’re allowed to an opinion but don’t discredit him just because you don’t like him. YOU DONT HAVE TO LIKE HIM. Trilogy speaks for itself. Lol “get off your high horse” hahaha

I’ve heard plenty of Portishead, I know plenty enough about trip hop. Like I’ve said he’s used it before. I DID NOT, and I repeat, DID NOT SAY HE ONLY DOES TRIP HOP AND IS THE KING OF TRIP HOP. Chill the fuck out

For some unknown reason youre in your feelings about it. I really don’t know or care why. That’s your own problem.


I’m glad you have an opinion. But that’s enough. We get it you hate Abel enough that you have to announce it to the world and say he’s shit and he trashed LFL and that’s cool if you think that. For some of us, Stargirl would be really cool to hear extended into its own track.

Your opinion is NEVER thought about when she makes her records, it’s mostly for herself. And if that means she makes a track with him that’s dark and mysterious and cool, the fans who like that will be happy. You can delete the track if you can’t fathom him working with Lana. Simple fix


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Like I said you’re allowed to an opinion but don’t discredit him just because you don’t like him. YOU DONT HAVE TO LIKE HIM. Trilogy speaks for itself. Lol “get off your high horse” hahaha

I’ve heard plenty of Portishead, I know plenty enough about trip hop. Like I’ve said he’s used it before. I DID NOT, and I repeat, DID NOT SAY HE ONLY DOES TRIP HOP AND IS THE KING OF TRIP HOP. Chill the fuck out




Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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Watch her getting bored and scrapping all the songs she’s teased to put 300 collabs on NFR instead :defeated: :trisha:

They'll just add a rapp verse in songs she has already finished like Cinnamon. Who doesn't want that? :hooker:

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I really wanna believe these collabs are not for NFR but I don't think MGK and Jesse would have the idea of inviting Lana for their projects on the same day at the same time. Or maybe The NBHD is working on another hip-hop/rap inspired project and they invited MGK and Lana? The possibilities are endless. Also... Jack is not in LA at the moment so I don't think she'd work on songs for the album without him.  :eartha2:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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I really wanna believe these collabs are not for NFR but I don't think MGK and Jesse would have the idea of inviting Lana for their projects on the same day at the same time. Or maybe The NBHD is working on another hip-hop/rap inspired project and they invited MGK and Lana? The possibilities are endless. Also... Jack is not in LA at the moment so I don't think she'd work on songs for the album without him.  :eartha2:



ʚ𖦹ɞ * 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶, 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷 * ʚ𖦹ɞ

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I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if a few songs weren’t produced by Jack. I mean look at UV! Even though it was mostly Dan, Greg also was on there as was Blake! So I wouldn’t be surprised to see an MGK produced NBHD collab. Or a collab with both without Jack present.


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Okay I hope I don't jinx it but I don't think this collab is for NFR. I think it is probably a collab between Jesse, MGK, and Lana for either one of their projects. I don't follow either of them so idk if they are currently working on anything, but I would have thought this would be more likely. As @@Cacciatore said, Jack doesn't appear to be there so it would seem very odd to continue working on NFR without him considering he has produced the entire album (I am assuming?). It would be very odd to go off in a completely different direction (based on what we have heard of NFR so far), when she said NFR is pretty much done.


In conclusion girlies, I think whatever they are working on together will be an extra little treat for us and separate to NFR :)  

EDIT: okay @ has a point... BUT even UV was still extremely cohesive (as I would argue all of her other albums have been), so I don't think we are in any danger of that!

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me watching your meltdowns because I actually liked LFL and wouldn’t mind more collabs


@@californianfreak that would mean though that Jack did put in hip hop beats or that we can expect them. It’d be so weird to have pure folk acoustic type tracks & then one hip hop song. Either this album is a mix of both or it’s for one of them


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me watching your meltdowns because I actually liked LFL and wouldn’t mind more collabs


I also loved LFL and all the collabs in it but NFR is a whole different project and I don't know the hip-hop/rap/trap/whataver songs would mix with the sound we've already heard from the released songs and snippets.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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In the interview for Beats 1 (I think?) Lana said she would only work on the album for like 10 days a month because thats when Jack could go to LA to meet with her, and if I remember correctly she also said the two of them would produce the whole thing. Now, I'm not saying that Miss Lana Del Rey is now known for changing her mind and switching mid things but I'm hopeful  :flutter:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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It's not letting me reply directly to you @ but this is my reply! :)


Yeah... idk I still think whatever happens, it will work. Like if we heard two different snippets of Venice Bitch e.g. the beginning more folky part and the middle with the electric guitar, we may have worried that the album would not be cohesive. But the different sounds (imo) work very well together. 


It's like with Honeymoon - I think of it as a mix of jazz and trap beats. If I were to be told that without having heard the album, I would think it would be a mess. Even if you only heard HBTB and Swan Song and no other HM tracks, it would be easy to think that HM would be very incoherent. But when you listen to HM as a whole, it works very well! And I think it is safe to say HM is thought to be her most cohesive album of all? What I am trying to say is that, even if there are folky and hip hop tracks on NFR, it very likely will still be very cohesive and work well together! 

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I'm down for both collabs but as long as they're for their projects and not for NFR.

I would like another bad bitch rap Lana song with MGK, 'cause why not, you know, she always sounds hella sexy on rap songs. And I'm also looking forward for the Jesse collab, I can't wait, I'm sure they're gonna make greatness together. But I just don't want them to be on NFR, I don't know, I just think it'll ruin the overall vibe and cohesiveness of the album.

Cinnamon alone is quite different from the rest of the songs we know and also, different from the overall sound of NFR, described by Lana herself: with RHCP influences, surfy elements, Laurel Canyon etc.; but I guess it's not THAT different though, so that's ok

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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