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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I don’t think any of us genuinely hate her/ wish bad upon her. Yes, some of us are irritated and bitter a little bit and making lewd jokes to deal w the situation, but that doesnt mean we don’t all obviously stan Lana, love her work, and eagerly anticipate NFR


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I don’t think any of us genuinely hate her/ wish bad upon her. Yes, some of us are irritated and bitter a little bit and making lewd jokes to deal w the situation, but that doesnt mean we don’t all obviously stan Lana, love her work, and eagerly anticipate NFR


I agree. I feel like some people here are hypersensitive. Most of what is said here is said in jest.


Personally, I make fun of her all the time but that's exactly what I'm doing - making fun of her. Would I be here if I hated her, or even, disliked her? No.




We don't even know if she reads here, and if she does, she doesn't have to. I'd die laughing if people wrote all this shit about me, though, so I'd like to think she would, too.


It's just not that serious. Crack another beer. :smokes4:

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Girl, she hasn't given us news since April about an album that's been done a year ago


The lead single hasn't even got released.


She just keeps teasing snippets via Instagram.


We don't even know the tracklist, cover art, etc.


She acts like she doesn't care.


She deserves all the hate we're giving to her. This is a forum and we're free to share our opinions, if you don't like them, just don't check this thread

And she doesn’t owe us anything. Lots of artist take way longer. Even Kate Bush who released very frequently early on like Lana started taking much longer a lot sooner, so we’re actually lucky. Plus look at all the unreleased stuff we have. Even Stevie Nicks (known for lots of unreleased stuff) doesn’t have that much. I can’t believe how lucky we are yet somehow we’re still complaining. She deserves a little time for herself and she doesn’t owe any of us an explanation. We’re not her friends. We’re strangers.


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Gemini season starts soon and Lana will be at her full power. Maybe we'll get some news then?  :flutter:


Well, sis' first summer festival appearance is the day after her birthday in Ireland, I think? I'm excited because it'll be nice to see the bitch doing something music-related.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Well, sis' first summer festival appearance is the day after her birthday in Ireland, I think? I'm excited because it'll be nice to see the bitch doing something music-related.

Her birthday and a show? It makes COMPLETE sense for her to release something at this time........






Which of course means she wont



OT but I sincerely doubt Lana has read a single post here. Sis has bigger fish to fry


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And she doesn’t owe us anything. Lots of artist take way longer. Even Kate Bush who released very frequently early on like Lana started taking much longer a lot sooner, so we’re actually lucky. Plus look at all the unreleased stuff we have. Even Stevie Nicks (known for lots of unreleased stuff) doesn’t have that much. I can’t believe how lucky we are yet somehow we’re still complaining. She deserves a little time for herself and she doesn’t owe any of us an explanation. We’re not her friends. We’re strangers.


I don't feel "owed" anything, but I also think what she's doing is unprofessional af. That's her prerogative, but fans of her music are, understandably, going to get annoyed.


She said the album would be out "top of the year", it's the end of May, and there is still no news. Throw in the false Google release date, and it's not surprising that people are impatient and confused. Many months have passed without a single comment about it from her, her managers, or her label. Meanwhile, she's posting about everything else, including other people's albums. Given that, a lot of people are going, "why can't she say something? Anything?"


It has nothing to do with being a friend or a stranger. WTF? I don't understand what that has to do with anything.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I don't feel "owed" anything, but I also think what she's doing is unprofessional af. That's her prerogative, but fans of her music are, understandably, going to get annoyed.


She said the album would be out "top of the year", it's the end of May, and there is still no news. Throw in the false Google release date, and it's not surprising that people are impatient and confused. Many months have passed without a single comment about it from her, her managers, or her label. Meanwhile, she's posting about everything else, including other people's albums. Given that, a lot of people are going, "why can't she say something? Anything?"


It has nothing to do with being a friend or a stranger. WTF? I don't understand what that has to do with anything.

Okay you think she’s unprofessional and don’t like the way she’s handled it? Well you’re not her boss, so luckily it doesn’t have to bother you. Her album will come out when it comes out and she’ll release news when she chooses to. As much as it sucks for us, we truly aren’t entitled to anything. Either wait or don’t. She doesn’t care.


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Okay you think she’s unprofessional and don’t like the way she’s handled it? Well you’re not her boss, so luckily it doesn’t have to bother you. Her album will come out when it comes out and she’ll release news when she chooses to. As much as it sucks for us, we truly aren’t entitled to anything. Either wait or don’t. She doesn’t care.


Once again - I don't feel entitled to anything. She can do what she wants. 


As a fan of her music, the silence is annoying. I don't have to be her boss, or her friend, or her goldfish to feel that way. I can feel whatever the fuck way I want, and so can everyone else. Like who are you, the feelings police?




If you don't find it annoying, good for you, sis. But stop telling everyone else how they should feel and think. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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this just in: having an opinion on a public forum is punishable by death so don't fucking have one u dub fucking sack of penniless shitfaced and regretful COWARDS

and if ur a COWARD then get rhe fuck OFF!!! my live chat!! thi s if ro the yosemite stans and bad bitchs ONLY and if ur an opinionated and emotional person YOU ANDN'T a BAD BITCHhhh

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this just in: having an opinion on a public forum is punishable by death so don't fucking have one u dub fucking sack of penniless shitfaced and regretful COWARDS

and if ur a COWARD then get rhe fuck OFF!!! my live chat!! thi s if ro the yosemite stans and bad bitchs ONLY and if ur an opinionated and emotional person YOU ANDN'T a BAD BITCHhhh


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im sorry was that a fucking z5ce37fc1c1807.gif

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and if ur a COWARD then get rhe fuck OFF!!! my live chat!! thi s if ro the yosemite stans and bad bitchs ONLY and if ur an opinionated and emotional person YOU ANDN'T a BAD BITCHhhh


I would buy this t-shirt. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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if i truly didn't like/care about lana and her music i wouldn't put half the time i do into bitching and moaning about her on this site

it's just the way i feel

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I can't believe we're discussing her authenticity and use of her own, self-created character and universe :lmao:



You mean talking about things that are actually interesting as opposed to the repeated topics such as song rankings, possible track lists, complaints about her friends, what she looks like and her cha cha matcha and hillsong trips?


Yeah, I couldn't believe it either, but I guess the newbies brought in some new perspectives which I find very refreshing! tyvm!

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*Doorbell operator* 


Ur at a fucking crossroad. This could very well go either/ both whichever way u choose. 

Granted the dancers put a lot of effort into this, *cue applause*, their body control's really great, and the flow of movement and of moves. Pretty greaa t- what if she hired a choreographer to have a kind of dance group part of the video. 

or should we discuss about how there were these strip pole videos w Lana's music? Pole dancing to Video Games?? nd how strangely iconic they are. Yes they exist:

No disrespect, but the first vid kinda makes me wanna move around to Hope like this, instead of just wagging my fingers, twirling and moonwalking, but failing miserably 

Aren't we all just, really them, trying to express ourselves for the need of the record? U THOUGHT FKA DID IT FIRST :oprah:


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Lol um there comes a point where Lana does owe us an explanation AT LEAST for this long wait, especially since she's completed ghosted the entire existence of NFR and left her fans hanging.

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Lol um there's comes a point where Lana does owe us an explanation AT LEAST for this long wait, especially since she's completed ghosted the entire existence of NFR and left her fand hanging.


She hasn't even confirmed which festival dates she's cancelling, if any. I feel that she should at least do that ... that affects the festivals organisers (ticket sales) and the fans. There are people who are hesitant to buy tickets because she said she was cancelling dates and has not said anything since.


All that's required is a "hey guys - not cancelling any dates anymore" or "hey guys - I'm cancelling [date]" (which, at this late stage, would be a shitty thing to do, but nevertheless).


So the apologists can say she doesn't owe us anything, and she doesn't have to do anything, and leave her alone to live her life, and blah blah blah, but really, it's pretty shitty, as an artist, to say you're cancelling shows and then not say anything else for 5 months. Here we are, a month away from the first show, and people still don't know whether she's going to turn up or not.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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