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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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The cover is hot but the fact that this is about her poetry book and not NFR..... again.....literally has me on suicide watch

I don’t know how much more of this bullshit I can take


You know, sometimes I think God's playin' a little game with me.

Looking down from heaven, laughing, tryin' to see how much I can take, because the way things go, it's like a joke.

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She’s not your mum, she doesn’t have to give you shit. She’s a completely separate human being who has no idea who you are and owes you nothing. She creates so much for us, she’s allowed to have a life. You’re acting like it’s a 9-5 job and she’s not delivering. This comment was a bit ugly

doesnt this mean we also owe her nothing? lol. she lives a life of luxury without having to have a 9 to 5 bc she makes beautiful music. whatever people say on the internet will not reach or affect her.  meanwhile i am actually very into this shoot. soooo different from what we expect of LDR and not even lazy!!  like a futuristic caricature of old time glamour mass produced in a factory. but  Where Is NFR

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I'm getting very sick of the tackiness, it seems a bit overdone at this point, but like whatever at least her [CONTENT WARNING] face looks good.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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doesnt this mean we also owe her nothing? lol. she lives a life of luxury without having to have a 9 to 5 bc she makes beautiful music. whatever people say on the internet will not reach or affect her.  meanwhile i am actually very into this shoot. soooo different from what we expect of LDR and not even lazy!!  like a futuristic caricature of old time glamour mass produced in a factory. but  Where Is NFR

Of course we don’t owe her anything? We pick and chose where we put our money, this is what we’ve done. Celebrities don’t sign away their lives to us.


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yesss this is what I was talking about not those lions tits 

Dying by the hand of a foreign man, Happily
Calling out my name in the summer rain, Ciao amore

13.04.2018 | 04.06.2024


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ah, yes! the famous "she doesn't owe you shit". i was totally waiting for it. maybe if she didn't wanted that kind of reactions she should've been more honest about her album, and respect us as fans. i rlly don't see how much time consuming it is to make a statement about an album you basically said would be released at the top of the year (a.k.a January-April), when you teased idk how many songs. it's June, and nothing was said. no one is being accountable for their actions, and Lana doesn't make any statement about what the fuck is going on (not for her album, and neither for that whole Hillsong situation, which is gross). so yeah, sorry i'm disappointed lol, but quite frankly, i couldn't give less of a fuck about what you think about my comment. i'm disappointed an i have the right to be. i don't even really care about that album, i just wish Lana would express herself about that whole situation. smooch





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