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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Hate to drag it on but -

Yea I have those screenshots from the discord as well. You’re a liar, have openly showed yourself to be when it comes to No surprises. I have nothing to hide and nothing to defend myself for. Keep gaslighting

I literally never said i even had that. Because i didn't and I don't. Whether it's real or not i have no idea.


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@@MoreCruelThanYou Please, I know we go off topic all the time but is it really necessary to bring this up at every chance? We get the point and where you’re standing, but this hasn’t gone anywhere and probably won’t either. If you want to continue arguing, why don’t you send the people involved a DM?

I don’t mean to go against you in any way, but... like, it always end the same. :/

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I can't believe the members we have lost but are stuck with a perverted obsessed creep like @morecruelforyou. 

I rather take back the Mariah stan who didn't know how to type in paragraphs in exchange for members like this.

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But I’m old :(

somewhere graham is yelling at his computer screen



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Anyways!! What is the flower of this era...




somewhere graham is yelling at his computer screen

Omg where is heeee :(((



I’m 29 so younger than Lana at least but p sure older than most on this god forsaken website


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i really miss peroxide.. she is the mother i never had.. she is the sister everybody would want.. she is the friend everybody deserves.. i dont know a better person


i DON'T know a better person



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@@cherriesinthespring Those are BEAUTIFUL, what are they called?? :hdu: They can’t possibly be poppies or anemones, can they?

Wait, scratch that, the leaves look completely different from those mentioned above.

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i'm trying to prove a point to someone and they asked me why we hate w*n ed*ards and i literally forgot whats the tea on him again ?

I think it’s just jealousy of his money and ability to have unlimited time to wait in line to be center barricade at every Lana show. Don’t think he’s ever been accused of actually being an asshole or anything


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