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The way everyone is so hostile about their favorite leak tracks is sooo funny to meeee.


I like Tommy but I'm just like neutral to it being on the deluxe. I'm more excited about the possibility of Make Up I know its not like some high-art song or anything its basic but its fun leave me alone. Rest in peace My Replacement and Heartbeat Away.


James Dean being on it and never leaked before and it sounding so incredible its like Self Destruct's cunty sister in the best way I just love it and cant wait to hear it live in just a few days.

I want the next album to be very James Dean, Machine, Electrona vibes.

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On 10/31/2023 at 4:59 PM, sweetener said:

being sold by cathy's delivery

You know it's serious when we start busting out the government name. 

On 10/31/2023 at 11:01 PM, slayyyngel said:

The way everyone is so hostile .... is sooo funny to meeee.

In my head I've just shortened your post to this because yes.

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8 hours ago, slayyyngel said:

I get to see her tonight omg.

Jelly. I was going to totally rearrange my trip in Denver to see her and Kim Petras like back to back, but decided against it, and now my whole trip is cancelled/postponed, so :deadbanana:

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James Dean sound like a mix between Machine and Psycho Lover and I fucking love that! 

I hope Heartbeat Away, Happy Forever or Make Up make it to the deluxe (I know Make Up might be out as a stand alone single but if not) :defeated:


If she puts brand new songs I won’t be mad either. She has posted a couple stories in the studio since the album came out and it was finished a while ago so… her working in new tracks (specially after all the leak fiasco) makes sense to me 

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I saw her and got the meet and greet and also met Bayli at her merch booth after the show. It was so much more elevated than her Troubled Paradise tour. The set, outfits, everything. She had some really great vocal runs in a lotttt of songs! My friend who doesn’t listen to her as much, after the show was like “I was not expecting all of that at all!” 

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Tear Me Open was the perfect track for Halloween love the brooding spooky nature of it :bop: also goes perfectly with Tear Your Apart by She Wants Revenge they're like sister tracks :true:

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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57 minutes ago, godsmonster said:

She confirmed in an interview with Maddy Morphosis that Heartbreak in Stereo is never coming out due to the sample clearing being $15K


where is the gofundme 

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1 hour ago, godsmonster said:

She confirmed in an interview with Maddy Morphosis that Heartbreak in Stereo is never coming out due to the sample clearing being $15K

By the way for those of you who haven't seen it, this interview was so good and def worth watching!


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During the Q&A session with the VIPs at the show I went to, someone asked her about Ayesha again. Last year she was notably uncomfortable by the question about Ayesha (honestly I think this was the same person asking both years!)

But this time she had a completely different reaction, she was very happy to talk about Ayesha being back and she said she would be open to doing music with her again.


She even said: "Now I don't have to dodge questions about her when she gets brought up" or something along those lines.


Someone also asked her about All I want for XXXmas. She said she has no idea why it was taken down or how to get it put back up. She also mentioned she wants to at some point release a Christmas EP but that it definitely wouldn't be this year and hasn't been started at all.


Also she ate here:




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She really served cunt and vocals in those live sessions 


OMG the improvement :true:


pd: Why is everybody so obsessed with Heartbreak on Stereo? Is not even that good and doesn’t fit the album sonically 


I better keep the same energy for Happy Forever, Heartbeat Away and Psycho Lover 

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The mastered instrumental is so atmospheric??

On headphones one of the drums sounds *behind you* its crazy!


Lolo's part is... cute. But cute next to gorgeous, gorgeous is going to devour cute.

I think her vocals sound really good in support / backup like in the end of the track, it sounds really good.


And the fucking outro is CRAZY!!!

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