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14 hours ago, slayyyngel said:

I'm so glad she replied to somebody on tiktok about the sample cost with "I can afford to pay it I just don't want to" lmao!!


Like its just very obvious that the sample songs trend is becoming tired and its consuming any song release that has a sample now and it just needs to be laid to rest. Her original songs without a sample are leagues better than that song to even begin with. I definitely dont understand the hype around that song. Like to me its just... a good catchy pop track its not something extraordinary that we need to pay a huge sample fee and it become some type of fandom meme like Charli's Taxi or something...


If she can afford THAT can she refund me for my vinyl I'm never gonna get?

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6 hours ago, jumpropesparklequeen said:

I said that Slayyyter gets all her inspiration from Charli on Twitter the other day and she unfollowed me oops… I didn’t think she would ever see it hahaha


okay now explain that...

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Starfucker truly is one of the Best pop albums released in recent years. Just classic after classic not a single miss. It’s such a shame they don’t give her the budget to do proper music videos. She’s still eating these DIY vids up though (the teaser she posted for the new song looked cutee), but that album deserved So much more.


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