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Lana spotted at Hillsong again - January 30, 2019

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I hope this doesn't become a constant thing for her. it would be a shame if she became one of those born-again Christians.



I hate playing devil's advocate, but based on the subtexts and symbolism of her work almost her entire career, it shouldn't really be much of a surprise if she does.  :brows3:

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wasn't Lana part of a cult in New York ran by a guy who surrounded himself with pretty girls and believed in breaking them down in order to build them back up? I really do remember reading that, it was part of an interview or something, and that the song butterflies was written about him:


[Verse 1]

You're hot for God, but we all got a hunch that

Maybe you've gone astray

Control yourself, but it's so hard
When you can look so good on Sunday
I know he knows that I knew what he's thinking
I know he knows
I know he knows that what he's doing is wrong
But I just tell him "Go on, sing a sad song."

My baby has an eye for pretty things, pretty things
He thinks that little girls are butterflies and clips their wings

Sicko, psycho, sicko, but he's my beau

Puts them on a roller coaster, lures them in with Coca-Cola!

Boy, you've been catching butterflies
All the girls believe your lies, don't they?

Boy, you can pin me up if you like

A pin-up in a lonely sky, baby

You give me butterflies

You're catchin' butterflies

You give me butterflies, I'm fluttering, fluttering high



Happiness is a butterfly

Try to catch it like lighting, I


If he's as bad as they say

Then I guess I'm cursed

Looking into his eyes

I think he's already hurt


And now she joins a cult like Church with pretty girls while making an album about butterflies

Am I fucking reaching or did I solve something? :oprah:


There are so many things, really. I guess one of them is a personal experience I had with a person who believed in breaking you down to build you back up again. And although that mindset didn't really agree with me, there was something freeing in letting go, for me, [with] this particular sort of guru-esque character. It's a little bit about being in love with the act of surrendering, about being confused whether that's a good idea.




Lana also sings in Hope:


I had fifteen-year dances
Church basement romances, yeah, I've cried
Spilling my guts with the Bowery bums
Is the only love I've ever known


Bowery is a section of New York semi close to Hillsong NYC at the Hammerstein Ballroom, about a 12 minute drive, 20 minute bus ride

If she's talking to Bowery bums, on her way from a church basement, I - :oprah2:

In typical Lana Del Rey fashion, the singer told Grazia that the song had its foundations in truth. "I used to be a member of an underground sect which was reigned by a guru," she said. "He surrounded himself with young girls and he had this insane charisma I couldn't resist as well. So I was in this, I'll call it sect, because I was longing for love and security." 


Continuing, she added: "But then I found out that this guru wasn't a good but a bad person. He thought that he had to break people first before he could build them up again. At the end I left the sect."



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There are so many things, really. I guess one of them is a personal experience I had with a person who believed in breaking you down to build you back up again. And although that mindset didn't really agree with me, there was something freeing in letting go, for me, [with] this particular sort of guru-esque character. It's a little bit about being in love with the act of surrendering, about being confused whether that's a good idea.




I'm adding this to my main post


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I mean wasn't Lana part of some alcoholics anonymous cult in New York? I remember there being a lot of info on that somewhere on LB, it was part of the "life guru who believed in tearing girls down to rebuild them". They don't say history repeats itself for nothing. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything, and it seems Lana is VERY unsure of herself lately.

Oh yeah she was! And people thought that maybe it did or didn’t happen, but she’s the perfect type to be recruited to a group like that. Like you said, she’s unsure of herself and I think she’s been that way for a long time. Maybe more so than most of us and that makes her vulnerable to people like this. Then again, she does have a lot of will and her biggest mistake is forcing herself to believe she’s moved past her old habits. Just because you recognize your problems, doesn’t mean they get better overnight. She probably was really trying during LFL, but maybe the going from the Yosemite mindset to the frustrated Cherry mindset during the making of LFL kind of threw her off- like she was disappointed in herself. That also probably contributed to her indecisiveness during that era. Then she regained confidence working with Jack and made these great songs- but now that it’s done and in the promotional stage, she’s lost direction and puts in less effort, less care in her actions, and following her crowd of friends thinking her job of self progression is done. I hope she’ll rethink her actions but who knows really...

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 there was something freeing in letting go, for me, [with] this particular sort of guru-esque character. It's a little bit about being in love with the act of surrendering, about being confused whether that's a good idea.



"I feel free when I see no one, and nobody knows my name... God knows I tried..."

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I had fifteen-year dances
Church basement romances, yeah, I've cried
Spilling my guts with the Bowery bums
Is the only love I've ever known


Bowery, NYC isn't too far from the Hammerstein ballroom which is where hillsong new york is held I- :oprah2:

I swear I'm breaking a code sisters


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I had fifteen-year dances

Church basement romances, yeah, I've cried

Spilling my guts with the Bowery bums

Is the only love I've ever known


The bowery ballroom isn't too far from the Hammerstein ballroom which is where hillsong new york is held I- :oprah2:

I swear I'm breaking a code sisters

i'm uncomfortable



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I had fifteen-year dances

Church basement romances, yeah, I've cried

Spilling my guts with the Bowery bums

Is the only love I've ever known


The bowery ballroom isn't too far from the Hammerstein ballroom which is where hillsong new york is held I- :oprah2:

I swear I'm breaking a code sisters




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Oop why did my google say it was closer

Still girl idk I'm probably reaching 

I'm just trying to make sense of all this 



No, no. It's still crazy that they're relatively close in some fashion. I wouldn't have ever pieced together that Hillsong could be attached to that lyric, but now my brain's in overdrive, too. 

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She's frequently used Christian-based symbols even before what might be her becoming indoctrinated to that awful place, so I'm not sure if she's entirely referring to the church itself, although it's also hard telling. 


I've stood by all the way back to "Born to Die" that this girl has always had some serious religious-based personal conflict. I mean, she took a philosophy major. The majority of the people I know who go that route are usually - eventually - out of their Narnia closet as C.S. Lewis stans. 


From a Vogue article:




She majored in metaphysics.While attending Fordham University in New York, Del Rey graduated with a degree in metaphysics and philosophy. She revealed she was interested in that field of study because she was “interested in God and how technology brings us closer to finding out where we came from and why.”

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edit: I just checked the section of new york called Bowery, not the ballroom itself, and Bowery, NYC is a 12 minute drive and 20 minute bus ride. It's a reach but still spooky  :toofunny:


The hillsong attending seems to be LA thing thanks to her new rich white lifeguru friends. This city will truly corrupt your mind with its everywhere vanity

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