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NFR Metacritic/Review Thread

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  On 9/4/2019 at 7:19 PM, ilovetati said:

I'm so happy with the 88, but the publications left are some of the toughest ones towards her. The 405, Exclaim, Tiny Mix Tapes, Spin, Q Magazine, Under the Radar, Quietus, Record Collector, Uncut, Chicago Tribune (if he reviews, score will be low for sure), etc.


I'm afraid they will drop the score to 83 or sum  :defeated:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Actually, a few haven't reviewed her in a while


The 405 - UV (30), Honeymoon (N/A), LFL (N/A)

Exclaim - UV (70), HM (80), LFL (N/A)

TMT - UV (N/A), HM (70), LFL (70)

Spin - UV (80), HM (70), LFL (80)

Q Magazine - UV (80), HM (60), LFL (N/A)

Under the Radar- UV (50), HM (60), LFL (70)

Chicago Tribune - UV (50), HM (N/A), LFL (N/A)

Quietus - UV (N/A), HM (50), LFL (N/A)

Uncut - UV (N/A), HM (80), LFL (N/A)

Record Collector UV (N/A), HM (N/A), LFL (N/A)

American Songwriter UV (N/A), HM (70), LFL (60)

MusicOMH UV (70), HM (70), LFL (70)

No Ripcord UV (70), HM (N/A), LFL (60)


So, looks like we can expect MusicOMH, No Ripcord, Tiny Mix Tapes, American Songwriter, and Under the Radar to drag down the score unless the album has won them over


Don't think NYT is reviewing because they did a feature instead (did the same with UV), but they gave HM and LFL 80s

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  On 9/4/2019 at 7:55 PM, Unknown said:

what happens to reviews that dont actually give a score? are they just not included on metacritic



If the publication is counted by Metacritic from their list for music (found here), Metacritic staff assign a score to each review (typically in increments of 10) unless the writer notifies them of their intended numerical score.


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  On 9/4/2019 at 6:34 PM, ilovetati said:


They raved the album and called it "dazzling," "stirring," "emotionally-risky," "gorgeous melodies that have never been more vidid (for the artist)," etc. There are zero critiques of the album.

It reads as a very clear rave, so it does not feel reflective of the review's spirit for the score to be as low as an 80 rather than a 100 (or 90, even).
Someone else should email them. I already tried.




You're fab with these things so have probably already done it :D but I think the only option is contacting the writer Mikael Wood. Metacritic implies that they won't change their scoring decisions unless the writer contacts them.


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  On 9/5/2019 at 2:13 AM, Coney Island King said:

Sorry, I’ll make sure my opinion falls in line with yours next time I post.

I didn’t take issue with your post because of your opinion.


I took issue because you seem to only contribute to this thread for the sole purpose of trying to shut down discussion or demean other users for having different interests than you.


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  On 9/5/2019 at 5:16 AM, ilovetati said:

Pitchfork gave Tool a 5.4 lmao


It’s what she deserves.

lmaoooo I’ve never seen a fanbase so pretentious for a group I had never heard of ;;; the salt on twitter and reddit is delicious


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  On 9/5/2019 at 2:16 PM, CatchTheBreeze said:

The User Score has climbed back to 9.2 now – if I'm not mistaken at least 100 negative ratings have been deleted?


Around 120-140ish.


So proud of our Queen. Now waiting for 90 critic score

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  On 9/5/2019 at 4:46 PM, ilovetati said:

Reviews have really slowed. I wonder how many more we'll get.

I'm thinking 5 more reviews max. LFL only had 26 so I think this could be the maximum amount for NFR too. Could be lower but I don't think it's gonna be higher than like 26-27

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