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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,057 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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Only on LB and a very unnoticeable minority on reddit seem to complain about 'LACKLUSTER' production. . .


Meanwhile the record has aged like wine. I just want to go to a beach and listen to it and cry to Love Song.

TBF there are people on Twitter calling it "Boring" though.

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- and out of the blue say Lana paved the way for so many artists of the decade...

ok but lana did pave the way for artists this decade but is only now getting recognized for it. is that because of jack's presence? debatable, but it shouldn't be discredited even if present-day lana is a disaster



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also, NFR did NOT age like wine :creep: :creep: :creep: ever since it came out i must've listened to the whole thing like 3 times within the past 4 month when i usually play her whole discography 6 to 7 times a DAY, and i'm certainly not the only one in this situation, TRUST ME.

Idk how long everyone else’s days are, but I definitely can’t listen to her entire discography 6 or 7 times a day. The whole discography all the way through (not including unreleased), once or twice. Maybe three times, but that’s still cutting it close. Gotta find out how to double the length of my days... imagine all the Lana music I’d get to listen to.


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Well.. I just listened all AOTY  nominees and its not because im a lana stan but none of then come even close to NFR :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:


No tea but I tried listening to thank u next like 5 times and still can't name one song other than the three singles. They all sound so alike it's insane. And Vampire Weekend's album is really boring, I didn't like it at all. Lizzo has some cute songs though, but Billie and Lana remain the superior ones. If Lana loses I'd rather see her losing to Billie or Bon Iver (haven't listened to his album yet but everything he puts out is gold so I'm assuming this one is great too).

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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all i wanna say is that Jack ruined NFR for me. I HATE THIS GUY.

i tried to listen to the whole thing, like 3 or 4 times, and it's always the same things that bother me, things that actually could've been removed in a blink of an eye, which is even more annoying. i get that this is Lana's vision but dude you're a producer.... you're supposed to like, you know.. produce..? if you see any minor issue, like white noise or literally awful digital instruments, aren't you supposed to... speak up?


also, believe it or not...... the fact that Jack produced her album.... is what made NFR look so good to Grammies, Pitchfork, & Co..!! :smile: these mfs payed her dust and TRASHED her throughout her WHOLE career, and suddenly.. cuz :


- they rate NFR 9.0 (which clearly do NOT deserve such a high rate considering how awful the production is and how the work is half assed done),

- they call NFR album of the year

- and out of the blue say Lana paved the way for so many artists of the decade...


y'all care? y'all keep Jared-ing us with those "no!! 1! NFR is her best album cuz critics said so!!¡1".. it's not cool..


don't be that delusional......we all know that if Jack didn't produce NFR, sure, she maybe would've gotten nominated..

but she would've gotten SNUBBED! like every year!! LMAO, and NFR's rate wouldn't be better than 7, or 7.5 at last! (+ the album would've been 100% better if Beef Stroganoff didn't ruin it which just shows how stupid and full of SHIT critics are :hooker:)


please be better than this. i don't think it's fair to suddenly suck their ding dongs when they've been so cruel to Lana for such a long time... :creep:



I was also saying on PARADIXOs blog post that NFR might have needed LFL to be this successful. 

LFL made it into the mainstream because of her collabs (particularly Lust for Life and Summer Bummer) and because Love was so tamed down and safe

If people hadn't been like "oh this is a pleasent change from the dark controversial Del Rey we knew" "oh I actually like this, surprisingly" then I don't know if NFR would have left the indie/alternative community... 

The last 3 years of her music has seemed super awkward to us, but that's not how the majority take it. They need something easy.  

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No tea but I tried listening to thank u next like 5 times and still can't name one song other than the three singles. They all sound so alike it's insane. And Vampire Weekend's album is really boring, I didn't like it at all. Lizzo has some cute songs though, but Billie and Lana remain the superior ones. If Lana loses I'd rather see her losing to Billie or Bon Iver (haven't listened to his album yet but everything he puts out is gold so I'm assuming this one is great too).

i think billie is her closest competitor :hooker:

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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i think billie is her closest competitor :hooker:


I know a lot of people don't like Billie but if she wins I'll be very happy. Her album is amazing and she's a great artist, and I really like her personality. I haven't been this interested in a new artist since idk when, she's awesome.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Vampire Weekend's album is really boring, I didn't like it at all.

thank god i haven’t submitted my lipster noms yet cuz this looks like a campaign for worst taste

it's just the way i feel

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thank god i haven’t submitted my lipster noms yet cuz this looks like a campaign for worst taste


Compare Father of the Bride to Modern Vampires and tell me it is a good album, I dare you. Ya Hey alone is better than that whole thing  :creep:

submit me for shitposter too please

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Compare Father of the Bride to Modern Vampires and tell me it is a good album, I dare you. Ya Hey alone is better than that whole thing  :creep:

submit me for shitposter too please

yes mvotc is god, but fotb is still damn good, sir

it's just the way i feel

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To win top Grammy awards, you have to:


A) indulge in bribery

B) have strong industry connections 

C) sell your soul


Which means Billie Eilish and Vampire Weekend are the top favorites. Lana's chances are almost nonexistent.








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