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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,057 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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Yes, Carlifornia is actually a very political song. It literally talks about climate change and war in the same song. It idolizes Cali as a safe state compared to rest of America. 


Some of the ignorant girlies here tried to come for me. Please.


Yeah, IDK why people don't think it's political! 

"You don't ever have to act cooler than you think you should

You're brighter than the brightest stars
You're scared to win, scared to lose

I've heard the war was over if you really choose

The one in and around you

You hate the heat, you got the blues

Changing like the weather, oh, that's so like you"

Is CLEARLY about the weather being hotter due to climate change and how that impacts the earth. I saw someone try to say that the reference to the 'war in and around you' is about Barrie's depression and how Lana has learned to let go of the complicated relationship you get with your mental illness (the so-called 'war in my mind') when it's how everyone else defines you, and how she wishes Barrie could learn to do the same and start to heal- how delulu do you have to be? The war is obviously referring to Afghanistan! 

this is how delulu you sound i promise

locals only

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Electronic album with space sound like the end of west coast and screechy nosies in Venice Bitch please. That would be unexpected and an evolution.


I was listening to VB yesterday, for some reason my mind wandered off. I kept seeing flashes of the bartender video. I stopped for a minute, and I had an epiphany because of the random explosion and space craft flying in the video. :defeated:  the flavor.


Venice Bitch went from having a surf vibe to a space vibe LOL for me.  :toofunny:  or a mixture??? :hooker:  The latter half of the song now sounds like this




My mind is so powerful omg. Someone edit VB over Bartender video and see it it fits luvs.


This is kind of like an Alienish Venice Bitch but with no singing...


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This is kind of like an Alienish Venice Bitch but with no singing...


It's almost exactly the same length too omg. Also thanks so much for posting this!! 

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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It's almost exactly the same length too omg. Also thanks so much for posting this!! 


I found that song from Venice Bitch as well as I had never heard Crimson and Clover mentioned in Venice Bitch which they sing



And then because I liked that I decided to go through all their songs on spotify lol incase there was other good songs from them and found that "Cellophane Symphony".

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A lot of people consume bad/unhealthy products. That doesn't mean its creators should be rewarded and showered with awards. If only the Grammys were a more serious show like the Oscars, we wouldn't have to watch talentless hacks like Billie Eilish sweep all the grand prizes.



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Here are some songs that reflect the sound I would love to see for LDR7



Pawn Shop Blues

Fine China 

Cherry Blossom

Yes To Heaven

Wild On You


I'm sure she's going to continue the stripped down acoustic sound, and this is what I see her going for, if she does it well. I would be happy if she finds some new people to work with. Something about Jacks production seems very surface level, it's very safe sounding. The songs I listed above do a really good job at evoking emotion and artistical depth, at least, better than NFR did. These songs are simple, straight to the point, but I wouldn't describe them as tame. Even in their simplicity they are still ambitious and beautiful. 

This would be amazing, but she will never be able to deliver a song as beautiful as fine china or wild on you ever again. The UV era was a once in a lifetime career moment and it had a spark that i dont think she'll ever get back. She's bordering on local now, and a song like Fine China will never be seen again. Have a good day <3

Yes, Carlifornia is actually a very political song. It literally talks about climate change and war in the same song. It idolizes Cali as a safe state compared to rest of America. 


Some of the ignorant girlies here tried to come for me. Please.

Pretty sure she's talking about the war in her lovers mind, not a literal war. But knowing Lana she probably meant it in both ways. Also again, a lot of the climate change parts in the song where shes singing about the weather, she meant it as a mood



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A lot of people consume bad/unhealthy products. That doesn't mean its creators should be rewarded and showered with awards. If only the Grammys were a more serious show like the Oscars, we wouldn't have to watch talentless hacks like Billie Eilish sweep all the grand prizes.




Embarrassing you feel the need to berate a child while at the same time you acknowledge that Lana was unfairly treated when she was starting out, too

locals only

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Embarrassing you feel the need to berate a child while at the same time you acknowledge that Lana was unfairly treated when she was starting out, too

Exactly! I've been reading here for a while now, and somebody always has something bad to say about Billie. It really is strange, when they're the first ones to call out the critics for how they treated Lana at the beginning of her career

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18 yo is not a child and she's not being treated unfairly. On the contrary, she's being massively overhyped/overpraised and shoved down everyone's throats even though she's a talentless industry plant whose only job is to whisper shit her brother writes for her.



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18 yo is not a child and she's not being treated unfairly. On the contrary, she's being massively overhyped/overpraised and shoved down everyone's throats even though she's a talentless industry plant whose only job is to whisper shit her brother writes for her.



I do agree that she's somewhat overrated, yes. But that's the type of music that teen girls (the majority) are listening to. I see your point, but nobody can convince me that's she 'talentless'

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Locals like billie eilish because she makes them feel like they're interesting and unique people for enjoying something other than rap



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Au grand dam de certains utilisateurs de LanaBoards, je vais continuer d'écrire mes commentaires et donner mon opinion sur l'album que ça vous plaise ou non. J'aime à penser que j'apporte une certaine diversité d'opinion sur le forum, je comprends que mes commentaires puissent avoir été perçus comme étant négatifs et/ou répétitifs. Mais à ce que je sache LanaBoards n'est pas un état totalitaire, et je pense qu'on se doit de promouvoir une certaine diversité d'opinion. Comparer mes opinions à de la litière à chat... wow. Ça ne s'invente pas! C'est pas parce qu'on n'est pas d'accord avec l'opinion des autres qu'on doit automatiquement donner dans l'insulte et la bassesse. Comme on dit: quand on a pas de culture, on bascule rapidement dans la vulgarité.


Dans la vie j'ai l'intime conviction qu'on doit apprendre que ce la diversité d'opinion ça existe et que l'on aura pas toujours le dernier mot dans un débat et/ou une discussion. Dans un sens je comprends que mes commentaires sonnent probablement très négatifs pour certaines personnes ici, voir même beaucoup. Mais je me considère encore comment étant un grand fan de Lana. Je pense aussi avoir droit d'exprimer une certaine pensée critique envers celle-ci, elle n'est pas aussi parfaite que certaine personne le laisse entendre ici. Je pense aussi que mes commentaires ont autant leur place sur le forum, ou cette discussion en particulier, que les commentaires de d'autres utilisateurs qui sont, à mon humble avis, tout aussi répétitifs que les miens.


Bref, j'aimerais conclure en disant que j'en ai franchement rien à chier que vous n'aimez pas ce que j'ai à dire ici. J'ai le droit à mon opinion et aussi le droit de la répéter autant de fois que ça va me tenter. Il n'y a personne, et je répètes bien: personne. Qui va me mettre au silence et avoir le dernier mot sur moi. Sur ce, comme je pense qu'il n'y aura pas beaucoup de personne qui vont être capable de lire mon commentaire jusqu'ici,  et aussi que la traduction risque de laisser à désirer, j'aimerais terminer en disant ceci: à toutes les personnes qui ne m'aiment pas ici, vous pouvez tous manger de la crisse de marde. Je vous emmerdes profondément, tous autant que vous êtes. Soyez en conscient. Merci.  :hooker:




un intellectuel averti. 


Comment c'est possible d'avoir un melon pareil à pondre des romans pour défendre ton droit de donner ton avis qui, tu l'admets toi-même, n'intéressent personne ? Alors que tout ce qu'on te dit c'est qu'au final c'est lourdingue de lire la même chose chaque page, que ça n'apporte plus rien et que t'as eu le temps de te mordre la queue au moins une trentaine de fois. Sinon, personne ne t'a jamais demandé de te taire.

Le pire c'est que y a eu juste deux ou trois personnes (grand max) qui ont osé te dire que c'est quand même un poil chiant alors que la plupart des membres ici approuvent tes posts. Et t'en fais une affaire d'état comme si on voulait te mettre au silence car on déteste la diversité d'opinions. Mais quelle blague putain.


Grandis un peu. Ton attitude n'a rien de celle d'un intellectuel averti, tu ne fais que de chouiner. 

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Comment c'est possible d'avoir un melon pareil à pondre des romans pour défendre ton droit de donner ton avis qui, tu l'admets toi-même, n'intéressent personne ? Alors que tout ce qu'on te dit c'est qu'au final c'est lourdingue de lire la même chose chaque page, que ça n'apporte plus rien et que t'as eu le temps de te mordre la queue au moins une trentaine de fois. Sinon, personne ne t'a jamais demandé de te taire.

Le pire c'est que y a eu juste deux ou trois personnes (grand max) qui ont osé te dire que c'est quand même un poil chiant alors que la plupart des membres ici approuvent tes posts. Et t'en fais une affaire d'état comme si on voulait te mettre au silence car on déteste la diversité d'opinions. Mais quelle blague putain.


Grandis un peu. Ton attitude n'a rien de celle d'un intellectuel averti, tu ne fais que de chouiner.

Merci de l'avoir dit, j'ai hésité à le faire mais c'est tellement fatiguant de parler à un mur... J'espère au moins que tu n'auras pas dépensé ton énergie pour rien !


In the meantime, let's stream NFR

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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18 yo is not a child and she's not being treated unfairly.



saying this is the midst of her being hypersexualized by a large part of the internet because she had just turned 18 and is therefore a legal adult is a little troublesome but i reckon you don't think before speaking most of the time




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Locals like billie eilish because she makes them feel like they're interesting and unique people for enjoying something other than rap

Exactly this. The basic and boring white girls in sororities at my university make it known they listen to Billie to claim that they’re actually “unique” and “have a different music taste” than most girls. Lana’s fan base to me always seems so strong. Most times when i meet a lana fan it’s because lana has been an influence in their life somehow. Lana has been in this game for a minute and has created a whole culture of indie teens that feel misunderstood. But the difference is that even now there’s a clear distinction between “fans” of hers and people who just know about her.

Lizzo will win AOTY


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Here are some songs that reflect the sound I would love to see for LDR7



Pawn Shop Blues

Fine China 

Cherry Blossom

Yes To Heaven

Wild On You


Taste taste taste taste taste and taste

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Exactly this. The basic and boring white girls in sororities at my university make it known they listen to Billie to claim that they’re actually “unique” and “have a different music taste” than most girls.


You literally just described all the girls who would listen to Lana during the BTD era. Hell, not only girls but gays too! The point is: why should we shame women based on how they want to feel or be perceived by others? Especially young girls since that's the majority of Billie's audience. Trashing girls and women because they want to feel a certain way is so... misogynistic? Why are y'all so bothered by this? Don't you realize that by saying this you're just being even more boring acting like what you listen is "real" music and you are, in fact, the unique one? It's the same behavior those dudes who listen to rock bands exhale when they see a girl wearing a t-shirt of some 80's band. Literally who cares? Why invest so much time and energy on why some people listen to a certain artist? Don't you guys get tired?

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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You literally just described all the girls who would listen to Lana during the BTD era. Hell, not only girls but gays too! The point is: why should we shame women based on how they want to feel or be perceived by others? Especially young girls since that's the majority of Billie's audience. Trashing girls and women because they want to feel a certain way is so... misogynistic? Why are y'all so bothered by this? Don't you realize that by saying this you're just being even more boring acting like what you listen is "real" music and you are, in fact, the unique one? It's the same behavior those dudes who listen to rock bands exhale when they see a girl wearing a t-shirt of some 80's band. Literally who cares? Why invest so much time and energy on why some people listen to a certain artist? Don't you guys get tired?

100% Agree

Yes, Carlifornia is actually a very political song. It literally talks about climate change and war in the same song. It idolizes Cali as a safe state compared to rest of America.


Some of the ignorant girlies here tried to come for me. Please.

lol,could be partially some of the lyrics if you right but didn't she say the guy the songs about is currently in London? so I believe it's about a ex boyfriend

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Comment c'est possible d'avoir un melon pareil à pondre des romans pour défendre ton droit de donner ton avis qui, tu l'admets toi-même, n'intéressent personne ? Alors que tout ce qu'on te dit c'est qu'au final c'est lourdingue de lire la même chose chaque page, que ça n'apporte plus rien et que t'as eu le temps de te mordre la queue au moins une trentaine de fois. Sinon, personne ne t'a jamais demandé de te taire.

Le pire c'est que y a eu juste deux ou trois personnes (grand max) qui ont osé te dire que c'est quand même un poil chiant alors que la plupart des membres ici approuvent tes posts. Et t'en fais une affaire d'état comme si on voulait te mettre au silence car on déteste la diversité d'opinions. Mais quelle blague putain.


Grandis un peu. Ton attitude n'a rien de celle d'un intellectuel averti, tu ne fais que de chouiner.

Ah c'était pour rire le roman. Pas obligé de te sentir aussi vexé par ce que je dis, j'en fait pas une affaire d'état. Je trouve juste ça vraiment con de se sentir aussi attaqué par mes commentaires sur l'album.


J'en ai franchement rien à chier que t'aime pas ce que j'écris sur LanaBoards. Je suis pas là pour me faire des amis, juste là pour exprimer mon opinion, peut importe si les gens me trouvent répétitif ou non. Autrement dit, je m'en calice. :hooker:

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