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Independent: NFR #22 & BTD #3 on Decade End List

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this can be moved to the news section but no one has time for this to end up in the approval queue 8f70c6ea.gif 


22. Lana Del Rey – Norman F***ing Rockwell! (2019)

It is striking that Lana Del Rey – the greatest artist of her generation – creates art full of meaningful observations about men and women that are deeply unfashionable outside of an Esther Perel podcast. Del Rey desires to be desired; she likes it when her man makes her feel like a child; she “wants to die”. The longing for unconsciousness is still present in NFR (“I’m the void,” she sings on “Mariners Apartment Complex”) but her most playful record to date is as close to a celebration of her world-conquering status as you are ever likely to hear. (PS)


3. Lana Del Rey – Born to Die (2012)

It’s easy to forget that before Lana Del Rey came along – back when Billie Eilish was barely in double figures – lo-tempo sad-pop was not the chart-hogging phenomenon it is today. Born to Die, a minimalist masterpiece, languid and lachrymose, changed that. The month of its release, a shaky performance on SNL prompted naysayers to write the singer off as a flash-in-the-pan, but the album – full of beauty, gloom and strange subservience – had staying power. As did Del Rey. (AP) 

the entire list can be found here 


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Those reviews are terribly and so wrongly written :rip: Born to Die, a minimalist masterpiece? :rip: Out of all lines on Norman (her wordiest record), they had to choose "I'm the void" just to fulfill their suicidal perspective on her? :rip:

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Those reviews are terribly and so wrongly written :rip: Born to Die, a minimalist masterpiece? :rip: Out of all lines on Norman (her wordiest record), they had to choose "I'm the void" just to fulfill their suicidal perspective on her? :rip:

the reviews are irrelevant and i agree, the bare mention of billie eilish in a 3 sentence review of an album from 2019 is ridiculous. they made some points though by putting these records on the list which is much more important overall


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Those reviews are terribly and so wrongly written :rip: Born to Die, a minimalist masterpiece? :rip:

Born To Die "minimalist" OIJSJFSDFJSOEA

2. If BTD is minimalist what is NFR?

I would like a word.

A bad sample, repeated often with unwarranted glee.

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The descriptions are so dumb lmao. However, NFR and BTD are 100% deserving to be featured on such a list, fucking proud of her

Also, shoulda put Adele's 21 on the 21st spot just for my ocd's sake lol

Fucking YES, at Rihanna's Anti.

Solange with fucking 2 albums on the list?...hmm

Also, Mathangi deserved a spot on the list what the hell

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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It always seems to me like she says "I'm the bolt", as in: Bolt of lightning. But even the CD booklet says "I'm the board". This doesn't make much sense to me though. Perhaps L.D.R. means board as in: surfboard?...

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It always seems to me like she says "I'm the bolt", as in: Bolt of lightning. But even the CD booklet says "I'm the board". This doesn't make much sense to me though. Perhaps L.D.R. means board as in: surfboard?...

LanaBoards! :hooker: :hooker: :hooker:

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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It always seems to me like she says "I'm the bolt", as in: Bolt of lightning. But even the CD booklet says "I'm the board". This doesn't make much sense to me though. Perhaps L.D.R. means board as in: surfboard?...


the board of a boat sis...

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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