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You should call it Violet Bent Forewards Over the Grass


I think this sounds like an amazing Idea and would definitely love to print it or help in any way I can <3



if we can call dibs, Honeymoon title track

giphy.gif  Me going to pick up my wish package

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i think this is a really sweet idea, here's just my suggestion of how you could organize the book, of course you can do it however you'd like


you could list off all of her main albums/projects, and then her unreleased, which would also be chronological by the year they were recorded

1. young like me / from the end (2005)

2. sirens (2006)

3. lana del ray aka lizzy grant (2008)

4. born to die (2012)

5. paradise (2012)

6. ultraviolence (2014)

7. honeymoon (2015)

8. lust for life (2017)

9. norman fucking rockwell (2019)

10. unreleased (2005-2015)


i'm not sure if you are planning on doing every single song of hers, which would obviously be a task, maybe do some fan favorites and popular songs, with some underrated gems mixed in. i'd love to contribute honestly, this could be a really cool project for our community to have little "pages" of her songs, almost like posters.


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This thread title whew the war flashbacks lol


It's a cute idea, hope it works out for you guys x



Legitimate war flashback, I’m dying :lel:

tumblr_mmkkluK6l81sp6362o1_500.png" />

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it's an amazing idea, wish I could contribute but I have no idea on how to use photoshop. I'm actually making a lyric book too, based on that one from paradise tour

"summertime, and the livin's easy"  :smokes3:

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I'm here!!! I'm here!!



Errrr.... that Title has been taken  :teehee:   Nah... just a simple title , to the point -  "Lana Del Rey - Song Lyrics "  





Yeah  :)  That is a great idea.

I wil post a page (day by day) and you guys say if you like it, or what changes it needs. I like to hear your opinions too.


Then I can make those changes - Or YOU guys can make the page in your Photoshop and post it.


By the end of the year, we will have a MASTERPIECE of a beautiful book for ALL.  (this will take some time to make)

Maybe by October we finish it  (?) maybe earlier.  Let´s see, what happens.



Now for the cover I am thinking something simple.

Perhaps have her face full view but slightly worked in Photoshop ?



Will we be able to print what you did here? Like after the lyrics book is done are you going to save it somewhere so people can save it as a book? 

it's an amazing idea, wish I could contribute but I have no idea on how to use photoshop. I'm actually making a lyric book too, based on that one from paradise tour


I have no idea how to use photoshop either. I know how to use picarts and make collages. That's how I did my profile picture. 

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That sounds great and your ideas look really good so far!!! 

But yeah I actually wish I could contribute something but I'm not good at editing and don't know how to use photoshop as well...


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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