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Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

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Why are lanas producers so secretive of the demo of off the to races with shawn Lee when theyve told me they have it but ignore me when I ask for it?

Producers are not gonna give you something they spent money and time on its creation that easily. Especially when they know the only reason you're contacting them is Lana Del Rey and not the production itself.

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It's a 6 year old demo I'm not asking for new songs what could they possibly do with it

I understand your point but you still don't get mine.


If it was that easy we'd already have it. Also, I remember @evilentity contacted Shawn Lee several years ago and he hold him Lana's label gave him orders not to post it / share it.

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I understand the point idk it's not that he won't give it to me it's that he didn't say no it's a bit rude not to reply after you've already replyed and idk maybe Tim will I doubt it though

Keep in mind you're not the first one nor the last one to ask him for it. I'm sure he's tired.

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what year(s) did Lana spend in the UK recording AKA?

I don't believe she did any recording for AKA in the UK. She did spend a lot of time recording in the UK between AKA and BTD beginning in May 2010 if not earlier.


Why are lanas producers so secretive of the demo of off the to races with shawn Lee when theyve told me they have it but ignore me when I ask for it?

If it was that easy we'd already have it. Also, I remember @evilentity contacted Shawn Lee several years ago and he hold him Lana's label gave him orders not to post it / share it.

Yup. Receipts here.


I understand the point idk it's not that he won't give it to me it's that he didn't say no it's a bit rude not to reply after you've already replyed and idk maybe Tim will I doubt it though

Keep in mind you're not the first one nor the last one to ask him for it. I'm sure he's tired.

Dude, you're the one being rude with the entitled attitude. And as noted in my post linked above, yes, someone already tried asking Tim Larcombe about it.


Fair enough but I doubt he's asked the question a lot

It's not like he couldn't of ignored the question altogether

I don't think I could even count on one hand the number of times I've seen people on the forum say they tried to contact him. (See one particularly egregious example here.) That's just people on the forum. And just the people that posted about trying. Think how many people in the entire fanbase have probably pestered him about this. :facepalm:


Things new sleuths say/think that are amusing/annoying to old hands like me:

  • Assuming you might be the first person (or even one of just a few people) to contact anyone even semi-obvious in 2016. (And for fuck's sake, if you somehow still manage to be the first, be polite so that you don't burn bridges for people after you who might have important questions you didn't know enough to ask in your quick and dirty smash and grab operation.)
  • Thinking a couple days of dedicated searching is hardcore and enough to expect to find something. This wasn't necessarily true even in the golden age of sleuthing when there was a lot left to find, let alone now in 2016.
  • Presuming a producer will just give you tracks if you ask. I have to tell you, in all my years of sleuthing this has never happened, and I've contacted quite a few. Ironically, Shawn Lee was the closest I came. He was the most willing and one of the nicest. So leave him alone.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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@evilentity I'm not entitled in the industry it doesn't matter who you are you have to have a good attitude part of this requires answering questions no matter how annoying I didn't know that other people had asked him and he never told me this just that he had the song. I never said he had to give the song to me and I never trolled him for the song(I left him alone once he didn't answer my second question he could of easily said no why would you reply and then not reply to the second question?) and btw you said a similar thing to me before I understand the importance of being polite I'm not burning bridges thank you if you really want proof that I wasn't rude I can post pics here.

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