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Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

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Ok I'm so glad the site is back because I classed and checked with Spek like 273 songs and I'm almost masterpost ready but I first have a shitton of questions.


• What is the official year of 1949 v2, and if there is not one, what would be the best assumption? For now I classed it in 2009 as I don't think she had access to a studio before.

• What is the official year of Roses?

• What is the official year of Caught You Boy, and if there is not one, what would be the best assumption?

• Which Driving In Cars With Boys is the demo?

• Is there an official Yayo instrumental?

• Is there an official Queen Of The Gas Station instrumental?

• Is there a U Make Me Wanna in 320, otherwise what's the best quality we have?

• Is the version of Elvis that leaked days ago 320, if yes please can I have a link, otherwise if it's just better quality can I still please have a link?

• What is the highest quality of Art Deco instrumental we have?


This looks like a super hard Lana quiz :toofunny: Thank you so much in advance!!!


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Ok I'm so glad the site is back because I classed and checked with Spek like 273 songs and I'm almost masterpost ready but I first have a shitton of questions.


• What is the official year of 1949 v2, and if there is not one, what would be the best assumption? For now I classed it in 2009 as I don't think she had access to a studio before.

• What is the official year of Roses?

• What is the official year of Caught You Boy, and if there is not one, what would be the best assumption?

• Which Driving In Cars With Boys is the demo?

• Is there an official Yayo instrumental?

• Is there an official Queen Of The Gas Station instrumental?

• Is there a U Make Me Wanna in 320, otherwise what's the best quality we have?

• Is the version of Elvis that leaked days ago 320, if yes please can I have a link, otherwise if it's just better quality can I still please have a link?

• What is the highest quality of Art Deco instrumental we have?


This looks like a super hard Lana quiz :toofunny: Thank you so much in advance!!!


  • Roses is 2011.
  • Caught You Boy is 2010.
  • The demo of Driving In Cars is the high-pitched one (4:16). I have the exact dates for them, the demo is from 2010 and the final version (4:00) is 2011.
  • Most of the instrumentals we have are rips, qualities varying between 128-160kbps. I don't think it's possible for us to get higher quality rips, so it doesn't really matter.

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  • Roses is 2011.
  • Caught You Boy is 2010.
  • The demo of Driving In Cars is the high-pitched one (4:16). I have the exact dates for them, the demo is from 2010 and the final version (4:00) is 2011.
  • Most of the instrumentals we have are rips, qualities varying between 128-160kbps. I don't think it's possible for us to get higher quality rips, so it doesn't really matter.


Thank you SO much!! :kiss: I didn't knew there was different dates for the demos, classing songs by years is a nightmare but so rewarding! I was asking about Art Deco because I have an mp3 and a m4a file that Spek doesn't read so I was afraid I was missing out! Also I got Elvis, thanks to @ :) If anyone knows about the other stuff I would be so grateful!


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Had Lana's hard drive or whatever never been hacked, which unreleased songs would we still have? I know some tracks came from her Myspace, some from producers' websites, etc.

I would try to compile a list but so many songs come from unknown sources :rip: we would most likely only have about 10-20 unreleased collection.

This is very, very hard to know, but I think 10-20 is way underestimating how much we would still have:

So she's definitely been hacked, and undoubtedly a lot of stuff that has leaked probably came from hacking, but I personally suspect this fanbase has tended to assume more came from hacking than probably has. As @ rightly points out, a lot of tracks have come from sloppy publishing sites or producers inadvertently making them effectively public, or from producers intentionally posting them publicly. There's a number of songs that we know leaked this way, and probably some that we don't know. There are also a number of early songs that Lana herself made public that people probably just saved.

Others may have posted more information, but here are links to some posts of mine discussing what's known about her being hacked and where some songs came from:






The Man I Love is completely made from the Trash Magic Demo, so that means TMIL is fake while TM (Demo) is real.


OMG I had forgotten about that  :flutter:

If I remember correctly the Trash Magic demo is real and The Man I Love is fan made.

Yes, it's fanmade, but I would consider it a special case. The original demo it comes from is clearly a mashup of two separate recordings, one of which we had in the form of the studio version of "Trash Magic". The fanmade edit of "The Man I Love" was simply an attempt to recreate this other recording in a listenable form to the best extent possible.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Oops I forgot another question I'm sorry, I'm having sweaty nightmares with Lolita demos, I basically have 5 and I have no idea which ones are legit, I have:


• Lolita (Demo 1), 3:49, waves on Spek go sliiiightly higher than 128

• Lolita (Demo 1), 3:51, same beat but lower pitch, highest quality on Spek of the 3 demo 1, true 320

• Lolita (Demo 1 Grech), 4:00, longer length so suspect, 128 on Spek, I suspect it's a YouTube rip

• Lolita (Demo 2), 3:50, different beat

• Lolita (Demo 3), 3:37, different beat again, not sure legit


I don't know which demo is 1, 2 or 3 either I'm hyperventilating


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Oops I forgot another question I'm sorry, I'm having sweaty nightmares with Lolita demos, I basically have 5 and I have no idea which ones are legit, I have:


• Lolita (Demo 1), 3:49, waves on Spek go sliiiightly higher than 128

• Lolita (Demo 1), 3:51, same beat but lower pitch, highest quality on Spek of the 3 demo 1, true 320

• Lolita (Demo 1 Grech), 4:00, longer length so suspect, 128 on Spek, I suspect it's a YouTube rip

• Lolita (Demo 2), 3:50, different beat

• Lolita (Demo 3), 3:37, different beat again, not sure legit


I don't know which demo is 1, 2 or 3 either I'm hyperventilating

Don't know about quality but I have them classed as:


- Lolita (Demo 1). The one she used for its video. Mine is 3:51 though, and I got it from a .zip back in lanadelrey.fm. Don't know if it came from the admins.

- Lolita (Demo 2). 3:50, the slow, jazzy one.

- Lolita (Demo 3). 3:36, kinda has a trap-ish beat. I also think I got it from the .zip, I'd have to check on my old computer.

- Lolita (Demo 4). 4:00, Dan Grech Mix. Came from Ben Mawson's SoundCloud. It's still up along with TIWMUG2 and BTD2.


I have them sorted based on Leak Date. 3:49 is probably the video audio rip.

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Is "Head Rush" an official alternate title for "True Love on the Side", or is it fanmade/speculated?


It's a trader title (so fan made) that was most likely used so it could be Scrobbled on Last.fm without giving away which song it was, like how people used Another Lonely Day for Playground or Playboy for C U L8R Alligator. It's just a fake titled pulled from the lyrics.

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It's a trader title (so fan made) that was most likely used so it could be Scrobbled on Last.fm without giving away which song it was, like how people used Another Lonely Day for Playground or Playboy for C U L8R Alligator. It's just a fake titled pulled from the lyrics.


Oh shit Playboy needs to be the next album title  :defeated:

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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Don't know about quality but I have them classed as:


- Lolita (Demo 1). The one she used for its video. Mine is 3:51 though, and I got it from a .zip back in lanadelrey.fm. Don't know if it came from the admins.

- Lolita (Demo 2). 3:50, the slow, jazzy one.

- Lolita (Demo 3). 3:36, kinda has a trap-ish beat. I also think I got it from the .zip, I'd have to check on my old computer.

- Lolita (Demo 4). 4:00, Dan Grech Mix. Came from Ben Mawson's SoundCloud. It's still up along with TIWMUG2 and BTD2.


I have them sorted based on Leak Date. 3:49 is probably the video audio rip.


Sorry I'm late, thank you so much, oh my GOD I'm so confused. So there's really 4? I thought there was 3! 


So from what I understood:

• Demo 4 4:00 is real and Dan Grech mix. To keep.

• ???


Here are spek caps of my songs to compare, I'm going crazy lol




3:36 one, trappish, slow, vocals clear



3:50 one, starts with a guitar dling, slow



3:49, starts with guitar only, fast



3:51, I think there's some silence at the beginning so it's longer but same song than 3:49, just lower



4:00 Grech Demo





My concern is about the 3:49 and 3:51 ones, I don't know which one is sped up or slowed down, because the 3:51 one lower is true 320 but it has silence at the beginning so idk if it's legit. I also don't know if I have the best quality of the others. Sorry I don't know anything about sound :cryney:


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Can someone help me figure out the years for these demos please, or direct me to a thread for it? I've tried using the Lana wiki for it, but it's hard to find years there for demos. Thanks!  :kiss:


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Two questions about 'Methamphetamines': 


-I've heard that the video for 'Methamphetamines' was originally posted under a different title. Is that true, and if so, what was it? 

-I've also read that the video was posted in 2008. If that's true, why do I often see 'Methamphetamines' listed as being from 2006?


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Question about audio...


This is my flac rip from my CD



This is the spek of my purchased 24 bit audio




Is there a reason there is all that extra stuff at the top of my CD version? Is it lower quality?

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Anyone? :creep:

When you get to higher resolution/sample rates beyond what a CD contains, there's a lot of controversy as to whether there is any difference in perceived quality. The best information I've come across is that there might be a tiny difference, but you need an extremely expensive and customised audio set up (along with excellent ears) to be able to pick up on it. Here's a post from somebody who seems to know what they're talking about, but again, it's controversial, and possibly always going to be argued over: http://www.head-fi.org/t/415361/24bit-vs-16bit-the-myth-exploded


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