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Sky Ferreira

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Some of y’all are so weird like if she infuriates you that badly just don’t click on the thread lmao


I agree with everyone voicing their frustruations but some of you are so over the top. Like jesus christ

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15 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

Exactly-you hear how it evolved from the title track.


Dont forget just sounds like NTMT hopping on the more commercial 80s sound.


Yeah, it's almost as if DL was the mature continuation of the NTMT title track. 


12 minutes ago, Masquerade said:

agreed - Downhill had me so hyped for the album as I thought it was setting the stage for sounds to come. the idea of a darker, grungier, more gothic album from her set my expectations sky-high (no pun intended). perhaps the Downhill sound was heavily influenced by her boyfriend at the time, Elias Ronnenfelt from Iceage, and it was set to be an anomaly track à la the NTMT title track


Now that's the Masochism I would have loved and that would have all the critics crazy for her. 


So far what we have heard of Masochism has been either plain good or ok-ish.


I don't blame her for taking this long to release her album. Critics will laugh at her if after 10 years she releases something mid. 


She must accept that she is not fucking Fiona Apple or a musician mastermind, she is just a pop singer whose craft will get better album after album. 


NTMT really made her feel like a genius even though it's flawed af. Sure it has a nice sound but the mixing is awful and it sounds cheap af even though there are amazing gems like YNTO and NTMT. 

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19 minutes ago, lilac heaven said:

rotf at sky ferreira’s sister having a hit tiktok for being sky ferreira’s sister https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRgAquXx/

Athena is so pretty 

Janelle Monáe • Sky Ferreira • Grace Jones • Spellling • FKA twigs • Kate Bush • Kylie Minogue • Charli XCX • Carly Rae Jepsen • LOOΠ∆ • Red Velvet • Janet Jackson 

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2 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

Maybe if we’re lucky sky Ferreira’s sister no one knew existed will hit her with a conservatorship and take sky’s place as pop’s punk princess. A real Jamie Lynn serve please god! :true:

Wasn't she just in an article where she was crying she had nothing on her own and was permanently in Britney's shadow despite any and all attempt to be her own person?


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14 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

Maybe if we’re lucky sky Ferreira’s sister no one knew existed will hit her with a conservatorship and take sky’s place as pop’s punk princess. A real Jamie Lynn serve please god! :true:

Okay, this is kinda gross- like you’re taking the piss out of a situation involving  abuse for 13 years.

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19 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

Maybe if we’re lucky sky Ferreira’s sister no one knew existed will hit her with a conservatorship and take sky’s place as pop’s punk princess. A real Jamie Lynn serve please god! :true:


I love you and I think that Sky needs a wake up call because clearly she still have issues with drugs and mental health but this is a BIG NO. 


I know you're joking but oh man, I wouldn't wish what Britney went through to anyone.

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Guess who is performing Coachella 2023... Not Sky. 


But hey! Bjork is back after headlining in 2007. Dying to see the livestream because I'm too poor to attend (just like Sky ♥). 

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Some of you are seriously stuck in your tumblr 2015 phase and it shows. Like Wendy Williams said, DENIAL IS A RIVER IN EGYPT. 


If this was 2015, us comparing Halsey and Sky would be completely valid, but it's 2023 ffs. Halsey had a shitty sellout era but she was in her early 20s. Now she's in her late 20s and her last album was phenomenal. Halsey has grown more as an artist, is a better performer than Sky and more famous. I wish that Sky's career was more successful so we could compare them but they're incomparable at this point. What was Sky doing while Halsey was being a sellout and earning millions? Idk, teasing Masochism. What she's doing now? Teasing Masochism. Be fucking for real. A couple of songs from NTMT are really good, the rest are forgettable tumblr indie pop, Badlands at least makes me nostalgic and gives me an urge to put on a plaid skirt, over knee socks, a choker, a halter top and take pics on that Instax mini polaroid. 

I'm fucking crazy, but I'm free 


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Athena feat. Halsey :flutter:

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Let me come out as the delulu who actually likes ALL THREE Downhill Lullaby, Don't Forget and Descending. Are these her best three songs ever? No. Are they groundbreaking material? No. Do any of these scream lead single material? No. Do I like listening to them? Yes.

Am I tired of waiting for Masochism? Yeah, that too. Can't wait for Masochism_files.zip (121 MB) to suddenly appear one of these good days, and finally rush away from here :hide: 

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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