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oh so diana vickers was gonna take this song?? U guys r crafty idk how U know this

Skot & Ahmed. In addition, I have seen some reliable scrobbles for Diana's version on Last.fm--I firmly believe it has already been recorded. Whether or not it gets released has yet to be determined.

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If an artist 'gives' a song to another artist, it's only right that the artist who it was given to gets their version released first, as in most cases to the artist who wrote it it's just another song in a long list of demos. I hope Diana wasn't intending to release it~ if she was I'd feel bad for her.

one time, lana del rey told me that I made her day~ it was awesome

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kidding, I hope she does, I mean Ghetto Baby was out there and Cheryl release it anyway

"Out there?" It didn't leak until several months after the release of A Million Lights. Yes, a few people might have had it (emphasis on few), but it had not been made widely available online for everyone to hear.

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"Out there?" It didn't leak until several months after the release of A Million Lights. Yes, a few people might have had it (emphasis on few), but it had not been made widely available online for everyone to hear.


With out there I mean that the song was in possesion of people that has nothing to do with Cheryl Cole, again I hope Diana release it with the album


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I see we already subtly dragged people trying to be all impressive and talking about having this song in advance, I'll just move along.


That bridge :legend: I really want Lana to sell more of her demos. Like Ghetto Baby, I think this song is easily adaptable to a given artist's aesthetic/sound. But now it's out there, cool! I love people! :D



hew is diana whatevers tho


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That bridge :legend: I really want Lana to sell more of her demos. Like Ghetto Baby, I think this song is easily adaptable to a given artist's aesthetic/sound. But now it's out there, cool! I love people! :biggrin:

I think that many, many, many songs, leaked and unleaked, would be perfect for artists beside herself.

I wonder if leaking really affects whether a song gets used by someone else, though...Neon's "Sex Tape" leaked years ago, and Lolene and Kerli have both recorded it. :toofloppy:


Anyone remember that obnoxious PHF blog? They leaked a Natalia Kills song that was already intended for someone else...I'm not a part of either fanbase, but I am interested to see how that one plays out.


hew is diana whatevers tho

Some British chick, who is either a flop or a genius. Skot is obsessed with her.

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I'm thinking of all Lana's past songs and how they'll never be radio played sigh. We should start sending all of her past demos to HEIDI MONTAG™ so we can boost her red hot career even more. Like Heidi's version of "go go dancer" complete with a homemade video? yes pls..

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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New lyrics on Diana's version


"I'm not gonna let you declare surrender,
I'm not gonna let you pick up the gun,
I'll give you a goodbye that you'll remember,
Won't make it easy for you to run."


thanks to MissDaytona for them


and now that Vickers' version is out, it's clear that the word it's MURDER :D


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and now that Vickers' version is out, it's clear that the word it's MURDER :D


I still very clearly hear "martyr". Which...makes more sense.


Please make a cover for Diana's version, though.

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I still very clearly hear "martyr". Which...makes more sense.


Please make a cover for Diana's version, though.


Murder makes sense too, if you see the next line is "Not gonna let you pick up the gun"


I'll be doing it, once I finish with the BB cover that Bill requested


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