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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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Apparently David Kosten posted this pic in a tweet and then immediately deleted it. Then he made his Twitter account private.





Edit: He changed his profile pic to two guys with dunce caps, so maybe he feels like a dunce for accidentally revealing a new set list??

it's not a set list, it's the tracklisting for an early version of FROOT. he tagged the tweet as something like 'found this old bit of Frootrabilia in my drawer


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I'm so ready for "I have When You Take Away Control it's an EDM ballad produced by Zedd" and "I've heard a 0.4 second snippet of Saviour on Skype my friend's grandma has it they are friends with Marina's mom but my friend can't leak it until his grandma dies" It's gonna be so much fun.  :party:

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I'm so ready for "I have When You Take Away Control it's an EDM ballad produced by Zedd" and "I've heard a 0.4 second snippet of Saviour on Skype my friend's grandma has it they are friends with Marina's mom but my friend can't leak it until his grandma dies" It's gonna be so much fun.  :party:



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