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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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She reactivated her instagram

I wouldn't mind if she deactivated it during her breaks but had it up during the era. It's a great way to connect with us on some level.


God bless America—and all the beautiful people in it 

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I love froot but it was so polished! very band like and simple instruments, lyrically amazing ofc but It would be interesting seeing marina go down a Kate Bush a la The Dreaming, experimenting with more sounds


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Lonely Hearts Club is objectively the best song on Electra Heart dont @ me


Same with Shampain on TFJ and I'm A Ruin on FROOT




Ugh can she release something  :crossed:




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I think we're waaaay overthinking the Kanye IG thing. He reactivated shortly after she did, so since she was already following him, it probably automatically showed he was the only one she was "following." Didn't she unfollow him shortly after that? If it meant something, you think she'd still be following him. Just my thought process.



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Snippets of Superstar, Handmade Heaven, Someone Else’s Baby and some others where played on the Charli Discord last night.

I need them. Please tell me they were recorded.


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