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Money Hunny by Monicker

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As promised, here is a download link of my cover of Money Hunny.


320kbps AAC (.m4a), mixed in mono (that’s right, bitches)


Thanks to evil for playing it on his spectacular show today (which, if you missed, you need to go listen right now) and for hosting the file on his soundcloud page. And, yes, whoever was asking before, that is me singing. A cappella mix is available over my dead body.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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You have a very classic sounding voice- there is a simplistic quality to the way you sing that is so lacking in modern voices. It relies completely on your tone and ear for melody. I really, really like it. Quite a lot.


I'm not surprised from the influences I've seen you bring up in conversations here and on ldrfm.


I really like this- the production, the vocal and everything.

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Seeing no download button...


Guess I'll just rip it into lower quality and play it on my laptop speakers :creep2:






Yass this was great, I really like your choice of instruments too. Like I said yesterday, we need more.

To be away from all, to be one of everything

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Thanks, you guys.


Jerome, i do wear glasses.


Hunter, i appreciate your comment because it’s very difficult to evaluate what one does objectively, you know? I would’ve never thought of my voice as classic sounding, so that is interesting (and bizarre) but very welcomed! Glad you liked the recording and didn’t think the arrangement was pretentious ;)

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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Thanks, you guys.


Jerome, i do wear glasses.


Hunter, i appreciate your comment because it’s very difficult to evaluate what one does objectively, you know? I would’ve never thought of my voice as classic sounding, so that is interesting (and bizarre) but very welcomed! Glad you liked the recording and didn’t think the arrangement was pretentious ;)


BAHAHAHAHA. I definitely did NOT think the arrangement was pretentious. Shadey bitch hahahaha. No, I actually loved it. It honestly reminded me so much of something the Beatles would do. Your voice has a very Lennon quality to it- I think anyway. When I say classic- I guess thats what I mean. Classic, as in classic American rock singers. From an age many don't take vocal inspiration from anymore. Dylan and Lennon come to mind immediately. But you have a nicer tone than Dylan, I think. Anyone wanna back me up on this? Anyone see these similarities.




I'd DEFINITELY love to hear more from you. And the xylophone is fucking genius... Whatever, I said it.

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monicker, this is amazing, i love it!! it's a bizarre carnival twilight zone version of the song and i like it better than the original! (FYI i'm dowloading it right now)

it could've been recorded here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW92t264eBM&feature=share

;) (hooray for the return of portlandia, btw)

seriously, the beach boys would be proud, M! muy bueno ♥

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I got that high quality download and listened in my Apple headphones.


I really love it, I think the style you went for was a great decision in complementing the song. I want a full album of Lana covers from you, get on that forum collaboration immediately :creep:


But UH-OH, Beatles comparison. Do not predict a happy outcome.


It's all about Moni, honey.

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BAHAHAHAHA. I definitely did NOT think the arrangement was pretentious.


Ha, i guess you don’t remember the reference. Back on ye ole .fm i wrote a post (admittedly, one of my manic, ranting ones) where i listed the instrumentation i dreamed of hearing on the Body Electric studio version and you said it was “pretentious instrumentation.” :P


It honestly reminded me so much of something the Beatles would do. Your voice has a very Lennon quality to it- I think anyway. When I say classic- I guess thats what I mean. Classic, as in classic American rock singers. From an age many don't take vocal inspiration from anymore. Dylan and Lennon come to mind immediately. But you have a nicer tone than Dylan, I think. Anyone wanna back me up on this? Anyone see these similarities.


It’s funny because The Beatles and Bob Dylan are two of those “essential” stock classic artists that i never connected with. That's uh, putting it mildly.


Sitar knows it:


But UH-OH, Beatles comparison. Do not predict a happy outcome.




But i'll take the compliment anyway!




No harmonies there (or anywhere else in the song)! Just a single line quadruple tracked :ohmy:

As a side note, with the exception of the xylophone outlining the chords (and creating a little countermelody) i added absolutely nothing new to the song harmonically and melodically--everything different about it comes from the color and texture of the arrangement and the way the arrangement alters the rhythmic feel of the song. Also, i was going for a total blend in the backing track so that nothing was really distinguishable, hence mixing it in mono.


And the xylophone is fucking genius... Whatever, I said it.


You like the xylophone! :)


monicker, this is amazing, i love it!! it's a bizarre carnival twilight zone version of the song and i like it better than the original! (FYI i'm dowloading it right now)

it could've been recorded here:



Better than the original! Oh, ednafrau. Haaa, i’ve never really seen Portlandia, but i laughed so hard at this. “These are the original keys used on Pet Sounds.” OMG. Who is the audience for this?? "That's a Neumann."


seriously, the beach boys would be proud

Yeah, I thought of Brian Wilson immediately!


Oh my god, you guys, WHAT?! You’re killing me here in the best way possible. You have to know that is the highest compliment in my book. My heart flutters. Really, that means a lot to me.


(Incidentally, it sounds great immediately preceding Lana's acoustic demo of Yayo in my iTunes.)


Am i officially in PrettyBaby's itunes?!


I think the style you went for was a great decision in complementing the song.


Glad you think so, i was going for a more sinister/foreboding feel than Lana’s somber tone. I wanted it to have more of an air of caution rather than sounding like a lament, like the original.



So guys, how can i get my recording to Lizzy? I want her to hear it. :oprah:

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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Better than the original! Oh, ednafrau. Haaa, i’ve never really seen Portlandia, but i laughed so hard at this. “These are the original keys used on Pet Sounds.” OMG. Who is the audience for this?? "That's a Neumann."


So guys, how can i get my recording to Lizzy? I want her to hear it. :oprah:



you have to watch portlandia, monicker, you're gonna love it! the audience for it is anyone who enjoys possibly delirious, very zeitgeisty humor :) it helps if the viewer is immersed in pop culture and aware of current stereotypes, i think. and if they're music lovers, better yet. fred armisen and carrie brownstein (stars of the show and main writers) are musicians first, and it shows. anyway, it is just an awesome show :D the scene i posted was from last friday's winter episode, but season 3 offically starts on january 2, so if you like it, you've got over a dozen episodes to watch :P


i think the way to get lizzy to hear your recording would be to send her the soundcloud link via her twitter or FB, but i think she has to follow you or friend you :defeated: i'm sure someone here from lanaboards has direct contact, or an email...maybe they can help?

lizzy is gonna dig your version, i know it! :brows:

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I usually ignore covers, but this is really good!! A lot more than I expected, and I agree with PrettyBaby & ednafrau in that this totally reminds me of The Beach Boys! I love what you've done with the backing track. The xylophone is amazing. But Mon, come on, I'm gonna need a stereo mix. :P


Anyway, I actually really like this and I'd like to thank you for doing it. Thank you! Maybe you'll do more in the future?? :)


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Thanks again all of you for the kind words.


i think the way to get lizzy to hear your recording would be to send her the soundcloud link via her twitter or FB, but i think she has to follow you or friend you :defeated: i'm sure someone here from lanaboards has direct contact, or an email...maybe they can help?

lizzy is gonna dig your version, i know it! :brows:


I don’t have a twitter. What do you think about a private message through youtube? Oh god, but then what if she lurks through my favorites? :judgingu: :creep:


It seems whatever the avenue, she probably gets bombarded with so much shit that it'll get lost in the shuffle. Ay dios.


I usually ignore covers


Me too!


But Mon, come on, I'm gonna need a stereo mix. :P


Ha! I swear to you that i KNEW you were going to ask me for a stereo mix. Maybe for you, Bill, maybe. I honestly haven’t even played around with the song even for a few seconds to get an idea of what it would sound like in stereo. The pan knobs haven’t once moved away from Center because the decision was made from the very beginning that it would be mono. And i’m really very pleased with the mix, i really like the blend, i think it’s the best mix i’ve done.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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I don’t have a twitter. What do you think about a private message through youtube? Oh god, but then what if she lurks through my favorites? :judgingu: :creep:


It seems whatever the avenue, she probably gets bombarded with so much shit that it'll get lost in the shuffle. Ay dios.



first of all, monicker, make your youtube account private! lord knows i did as soon as that possibility was available :creep: keep in mind that you have to "privatize", category by category, your viewing history, your favorites, your likes and your vlog. paranoid, moi? :mmm:

why not give it a try? youtube is something she actively still uses, so it might be the best option!

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