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Random Lana Discussion Thread

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This is a reach, but anyone else know antphrodite on Youtube? He does psychic readings on people and celebrities and uploads some of them. Anyway, I was going through a few videos today as background noise (I'm loving his readings) and this one on Lady Gaga came up. I wondered if maybe one of his viewers could possibly ask him to do a reading on Lana and what's her reasoning in holding up NFR, but then again I doubt there's many Lana fans in his audience. Lana's also not as mainstream as the other artists he does readings on, but I'm a bit curious about what he'd come up with.  :illumilana2:



def post this on the nfr thread

But what if he says something we don't wanna hear like she's ending her career very soon :defeated:



Jk I wanna know that shit NOW

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I want ben mawson to shove garlic bread up my ass, like garlic bread straight outta the oven so it’s really hot and crispy. not just one slice of garlic bread, maybe like 10 pounds worth of garlic bread, sometimes 20 pounds. I just want his hands to be covered in garlic and I want him to shove so much garlic bread up my ass that I start to fart garlic powder




Reference so everyone doesn’t think I’m psycho




If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I want ben mawson to shove garlic bread up my ass, like garlic bread straight outta the oven so it’s really hot and crispy. not just one slice of garlic bread, maybe like 10 pounds worth of garlic bread, sometimes 20 pounds. I just want his hands to be covered in garlic and I want him to shove so much garlic bread up my ass that I start to fart garlic powder




Reference so everyone doesn’t think I’m psycho




On second thought, maybe Lana should mind living on bread and oranges, noooooo NOOOOOOOOO!

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fake @@Ben Mawson, on the off chance that you're actually Ben, for the love of god pay some attention to the crazy creeps who think she's their soulmate and plan on flying to meet her. This South African dude seems fucking dangerous.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Okay so can we talk about the possibility about Lana being a pathalogical liar? I'm not trying to pick at her, but it's something I find very interesting.


So we know she's said in the past that she grew up in Alabama (which isn't true at all), and of course a bunch of other things. I think it's important to not blur the lines with her art too much. I think people often make excuses for her by saying "she's an artist, they all make stuff up", which is true, but usually it's on pen to paper, not when you're talking to someone face to face.


What are your thoughts on this possibility?

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Okay so can we talk about the possibility about Lana being a pathalogical liar? I'm not trying to pick at her, but it's something I find very interesting.


So we know she's said in the past that she grew up in Alabama (which isn't true at all), and of course a bunch of other things. I think it's important to not blur the lines with her art too much. I think people often make excuses for her by saying "she's an artist, they all make stuff up", which is true, but usually it's on pen to paper, not when you're talking to someone face to face.


What are your thoughts on this possibility?


My personal take is that lies come easily to her. We know she had a pretty lonely childhood, and that leaves lasting effects. The whole 'chameleon soul' aspect of her is probably where a lot of it comes from. I feel like she thought about what life could be like if she grew up poor with her grandmother in Alabama, or had a 'las vegas past' and tries to incorporate a lot of that stuff into her personality. It's like when you see someone from your childhood who grew up going to church every weekend and getting good grades has suddenly become a goth since going to university, if that makes sense. A lot of people do it, especially artists, but idk. Take a writer like Donna Tartt- she forged a kind of mysterious personality in college that she's kept since then. How she presents herself to the public won't be how she is in real life, but there's a line. She doesn't flat-out lie about her past. That's where my issue lies with her. Lying about your past to make it sound like you've had it harder than you really did is pretty gross considering she's lying about growing up poor, or being poor at some point, because at the end of the day she's profiting off that costume, and she can take that costume off when she has no need for it. It's one thing to make something like Tropico or Ride, which are pieces of art with a story that I doubt anyone takes as fact. It's another to outright lie to people though.


Idk. My thoughts are kind of all over the place. Maybe that's why she gets on so well with Leto. Both take method acting too far.

locals only

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My personal take is that lies come easily to her. We know she had a pretty lonely childhood, and that leaves lasting effects. The whole 'chameleon soul' aspect of her is probably where a lot of it comes from. I feel like she thought about what life could be like if she grew up poor with her grandmother in Alabama, or had a 'las vegas past' and tries to incorporate a lot of that stuff into her personality. It's like when you see someone from your childhood who grew up going to church every weekend and getting good grades has suddenly become a goth since going to university, if that makes sense. A lot of people do it, especially artists, but idk. Take a writer like Donna Tartt- she forged a kind of mysterious personality in college that she's kept since then. How she presents herself to the public won't be how she is in real life, but there's a line. She doesn't flat-out lie about her past. That's where my issue lies with her. Lying about your past to make it sound like you've had it harder than you really did is pretty gross considering she's lying about growing up poor, or being poor at some point, because at the end of the day she's profiting off that costume, and she can take that costume off when she has no need for it. It's one thing to make something like Tropico or Ride, which are pieces of art with a story that I doubt anyone takes as fact. It's another to outright lie to people though.


Idk. My thoughts are kind of all over the place. Maybe that's why she gets on so well with Leto. Both take method acting too far.


This is a really good interpretation, I definitely agree 100%.

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really? so was the comment from jimmy gnecco total bs or was it photoshopped?

We know from people close to him that this was bullshit bc he wasn't exactly "proud" of their relationship and how he treated her (he wasn't abusive just really dismissive of her).

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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If i could have one superpower it would be to see into people's minds and see their whole story and shit.. would certainly be interesting to do that with Ms. Elizabeth... Someone needs to write like a whole expose-thread or smth. debunking lies. 

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I've seen some people say recently that they want the Tomorrow Never Came demo but is it already out? I have a song titled Tomorrow Never Came demo in my music library that I downloaded several months ago,,,, is it just some fake recording or is there more than 1 demo? It is 5:07 minutes long and some slight change in lyrics. thxx


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I've seen some people say recently that they want the Tomorrow Never Came demo but is it already out? I have a song titled Tomorrow Never Came demo in my music library that I downloaded several months ago,,,, is it just some fake recording or is there more than 1 demo? It is 5:07 minutes long and some slight change in lyrics. thxx


I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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