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thought I saw you on hollywood n vine 
he had your build n your eyes 
staring right back into mine 
something great like a father's love for his woman 
like a home video replayin in my mind 

your lips, caressing my skin 
something that i've cherished n miss 

the smirk on your brows
and the glutton of your wantin'

waves over me (ur) my west sunset champion 

la la la, la, la la la 

hmmmmmm hmmmmm 


fuck see this is how i break my own heart 


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1. blue banisters

2. black banisters

3. grey banisters

3. red banisters

4. yellow banisters

5. green banisters

6. violet banisters

7. aqua banisters

8. maroon banisters

9. pink banisters

10. purple banisters

11. dealer



resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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3 minutes ago, archiemm said:
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1. blue banisters

2. black banisters

3. grey banisters

3. red banisters

4. yellow banisters

5. green banisters

6. violet banisters

7. aqua banisters

8. maroon banisters

9. pink banisters

10. purple banisters

11. dealer





12. Boom Like That


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50 minutes ago, YourGirl666 said:


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12. Boom Like That



13. Boom My Banisters Like That (ft. Nikki Lane)


My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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random thing i think today

i was watching NFR videos, i heard on Venice Bitch "touch me with your fingertips"

and immediately remember "that you trace with your fingertips like a toyota"

it also camed to my mind a comment i saw here saying sean drives a toyota lol. so maybe dumb, but i'm thinking this two songs are about him. i know it supposed they met after nfr release, and venice's it's actually from 2018 but idk, she literally has never used that exact phrase. what do u think?


i'm gonna put this on lanalysis later

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17 minutes ago, Honeyyoung said:

girl that's from the 90's

no wonder why she said "not sure about those second to last chords" lol

lol no i know but if I put pictures of like women from the 1950s w their pointed bras over their reg clothes my posts might just get moved again 
her bra was the most similarly shaped haaaaaaaaaa ha :typewriter:


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